
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is it that people with high IQ's are funny looking and no social skills and?

certainly not people with PR Skills?Is it a form of??
Having worked with and for people whose IQ's ranged into the upper 160's, I can honestly say that they all looked normal when they were in a group. Some could not exist outside of the research invironment and some appeared so normal that you wondered what the fuss was all about when others discussed their abilities. Some could not walk down a hall without running into things and others could explain quantum mechanics to Assiciate Degree technicians. In short, some of them have social skills and others don't, Unless they are women. most do not care about their physical appearance, and sometime even personal hygene will fall by the wayside.
I'm not funny looking and am fairly personable.
Though, my PR skills could be better. :)
Obviously you are:1) Hot.
2) Have a very low IQ, as your question made no sense whatsoever.Cheers!
I've got an IQ of 133. Took the Mensa pre-test. I am actually quite cute and can be very social and charming at times. I used to work part-time as a bartender. What you have said is a gross generalization.Sometimes talking to certain people just makes me sick because they can be quite self absorbed, oblivious to more important matters and they don't realize how they are portraying themselves. So I become intoverted around these types, as I don't have much to relate to.
I honestly believe that is an opinion, not fact. There are tons of highly intelligent people out there who happen to be quite good looking. Same goes for social skills. I think that this myth arises from the probability that those people with high IQs that really get into using their mind, perhaps don't take as much time to really work on their image. Of course, this is not the rule, but merely what has been seen and used by less intelligent people to make themselves feel better. Granted, that's just my take. :)
That's a generalization.
You'll find out, when you go to MIT, that there are plenty of students there who are personable and not funny looking. (I went to Caltech. LOL.)
The actress Gina Davis is a member of Mensa and has a very high IQ. I defenitly would not call her funny looking or lacking in social skills.
Where did you get your information from? I've never heard that before.
I have often wondered that. Surely if your intellect is sufficintly high you could estimate the effect that your actions or manner of speaking would have on other people and therefore modify them to be more accepted socially. But I think that is just it, the general population are accepted (ie deemed to have an acceptable level of social skills) just as they are, where as the super intelligent have to constantly moitor their thoughts and actions and modify their behaviours just to fit in. I imagine it is very draining. Normal people on the other hand, I don't think understand what it is like to have to pretend to be something you are not just to fit in. You can seldom very successfully pretend to be more than you are.I think the super intelligent get very lonely and just give up trying to fit in.
There are quite a few people with high i.q.'s that are far from "funny looking", etc. Like that porn star who's a member of mensa... what's her name? Is it Asia Carrerre? Conversly, there are many people with unfortunate features who also have very low i.q's. There's no correlation between appearance and intelligence. However, statistically, attractive people are often assumed to be more intelligent. Go figure.
I believe you have a very poor misconception of people with high IQs, many famous actors, actresses, models (Tara Moss for one), business men/.women etc all have very high IQs some even belonging to Mensa. As for me I have an IQ 154 and I do modelling on the side of studying to be a surgeon so I can't look overly funny plus I have to have good PR skills as a surgeon. Maybe you should start looking outside of the misconception and at the very normal people who have brilliant success mentally whilst maintaining good looks
look in a mirror, stupid. if u consider urself smart, think again because this is the most retarded question EVER.
Oh, is this gross generalization hour?So can we also ask why all blondes are idiots? And why all skinny girls have eating disorders? And why all athletes have the maturity of a 3 year old?Is it a form of?? And by the way, wtf does that mean?
So then all good looking people are stupid? And have great social skills? Wrong.
A few but not all highly intelligent people are so totally engrossed in deep thinking that they ignore the fundamentals of dress sense,good looks and hair style.So some may look odd. But all those who look odd are not highly intelligent. PR skilled people work for good PR.
Sounds like a stereo-type. Do you recognize people with high IQ by the way they look? Its more likely that you don't pay attention to the "normal" looking smart people.Also, its human nature to want to fit in with your peers. With that in mind, people tend to hide their intelligence by speaking the same improper English and following the same tendencies that society embraces. The ones you notice are the ones that don't care.

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