
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

why is it that cough mixture is the last to be given to the patient?whats the rationale?

not sure what you mean? you would want to take it after any other medications taken with a drink, or after eating or drinking, so it coats your throat,,,, if you mean resisting giving something to help a cough, it could be because in many illnesses, where you are coughing, it is clearing your lungs, and its best to cough,, if you dont cough, you lungs can fill up with mucus. though you dont want to cough so much that a sore throat sets you up for throat infections
not sure if i have experienced what you have... if its a cough mixture based on the cough suppresant dextromethorphan, then it should be given first.. but since this chemical can simply be bought over the counter (everywhere i have heard of).. they might assume you have already tried it.. if you hadnt i would say your over using healthcare and are contributing to its high cost... there are many companies that make prescription cough supressants that have this over the counter chemical in them at regular over the counter doses in a simple attempt to get alot of your money for something you think is "special"... so that is the initial rational... the rest is that it happens that any non over the counter effective cough supressant is a very pleasurable drug, usually addictive.. namely opiates or their derivitives. given the information i have been given that is the best look into the minds of the people who u are dealing with... my spelling may suck but the information is correct. lol
Most coughs are viral in origin and will resolve without treatment. Cough mixtures only provide sympyomatic relief. It is therefore important to ensure that the cause of a cough is not something serious like TB or emphysema. Giving cough mixture early in the course of an illlness can mask symptoms and give a false sense of well being while the disease progresses.
Cough is caused by infection/inflammation of throat,trachea,bronchi,tumors of respiratory tract and diseases of pleura. The cause must be treated first. Cough mixtures treat only cough and not the cause.So they are given last.
Bronchitis has been shown to respond to bronchodilators, and those who smoke often need antibiotics. To my knowledge no outcome study has compelling evidence to support cough medicines have any capacity to get you better more quickly.
It coats the throat. If we swallow water behind it to take other pilss or meds we wash out the coatinf from the throat and this defeats the purpose of the cough meds.

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