
Saturday, November 7, 2009

why would a doctor say..?

i broke my wrist and had surgery on it friday. i am going for a cast on tuesday but the doc told me after my surgery that i cant use my arm for 6 weeks. so i understand that i cant use it now, because i am in a sling and splint, but why after i get the cast wont i be able to write? or drive? shouldnt the cast hold it in place enough that i can semi use it?
Although the cast will hold it in place, I think it might be a good idea to try to keep it as stabilized as possible, to help the healing process.Or it might be that he said it because it is pretty difficult to try to have full function of your arm with the cast on. It's a hard plaster covering-- your range of motion is pretty limited. I'm not sure if driving is a good idea, because you won't have very good control of your car. I'm not a doctor, so ask him if you're not sure!
Because with surgery you have other issues beside the break now. How much tissue and muscle did he have to cut into, Were the tendons effected. There could be many reasons you can use your wrist cast and all after surgery.. Good luck to you and hope you heal quickly with the least amount of pain.
well the doctors looking out for you he probably thinks that your wrist can move enough in the cast that it can break again!!you probably shouldnt even be wrighting!!
The cast is put to keep your arm in toyal rest position so that bone can heal in its orignal position.Without cast you will start using it and bone will not come to its orignal postion.
The reason they don't want you to use it...even a little.., is because the muscles are actually attached TO the bone. And if you use those muscles you will be subtly pulling on that bone in ways that you aren't even aware of. And in pulling on the bone it will not mesh properly and will prevent it from healing as fast as it could. Sorry but if you want to heal the right way then just DON'T use that arm or hand at all. At least not until he tells you. It's just for a few weeks. You can deal.
Pain would be a good reason to avoid those things. The bones will be held in place, but all the soft tissue will be traumatized after the surgery.
The reason that you are waiting to get a cast is so the swelling can go down and the cast will fit. You shouldn't put any excess weight on that arm until after your cast. Some people heal quicker then others but you don't want to jeopardize a second surgery by doing too much.

Why would a doctor not want to take medicare patients?

Doctors recieve signifigantly less reimbursement for medicare and medicade patients. It takes longer to get paid.
Medicare also periodically changes what they will pay for and requires much more paperwork.
THey also will choose not to pay for some claims if the I's are not dotted and the T's are not crossed jus the way that they like.
Too much paperwork involved in processing claims with the govt.Govt is slow about re-imbursing the Dr. for his efforts.Govt doesn't always fully reimburse the Dr for the work he has done.
Depending on what type of doctor. A family practice doctor doesn't except all types of insurances. Doctors in hospitals don't want to take the patients because of the way they act. It is very common that doctors in a hospital pass around the patients. Surgeons don't like to take patients because of their age, condition. Surgeons like to have high stats, every time a patient dies in the OR their stats go down so they don't want there stats to go down so they just don't except the patients.

Why won't people use stem cell research?

Stem cell research only would use fetuses from abortions, which are legal, and would otherwise go to waste. Why do people have such a problem with it? It CAN cure Cancer, Aids, and heal the body (parapalegic people could walk again!)
The latest trends is to obtain the stem cells from the amniotic fluid of the Foetusses and not the aborted foetusses itself.Scientists seem to believe that by amniocenthesis (a small puncture of the amniotic sac) they can get enough fluid containing the Stem cell.Isn't that a breakthrough the controversial issue you brought up.?
I dont want to kill a baby to get over my own illness
So is it ok that Hitler's SS generals were making lampshades out of the skin of murdered humans? Hey, they were already dead anyway. Right?? So what's the problem?Now that I shot the first part of your question out of the sky, there is no proof that stem cell research will cure any human disease or condition. So when you say "It CAN cure Cancer, Aids", etc., you are absolutely wrong.
No one knows if it can cure cancer or aids, that is speculation and we still have a long way to go before accomplishing that. Stem cell research's primary resistance comes from christians, who beleive that humans should not "tinker" on that level. I beleive they should allow stem cell research, but a lot of people think it is unethical.
Its the same as donating your body to science except that it isn't your body. A dead fetus has no legal rights so it should be down to the parents. However stem cells I believe come from growing embryos which might have become a person in 8 months. This is why the church doesn't like it.
I understand what you mean, but a lot of people would be against it because they feel like it's not right or something. I'm all for researching it. I just don't think it should come to a point where someone gets an abortion just for the stem cell research.

Why Winter is a pain in the butt.?

slippery ICE
not here in san diego california
My bones ace and ice
Dark, drab, cloudy, sunless days! one of the few reasons why I plan on moving to Arizona in the near future.
no sun ,all colors grey, we feel cold and sleepy.
Actualy... I love winter.

Why wings of Propeller or turboprop aircraft are located on the upper side of the fuselage?

It's not true that all the propeller driven aircrafts are high wing (i. e. with wings above the fuselage). There are well known examples of propeller aircrafts which were low wing (i.e. with wings below the fuselage), like DC-3 Dakota, Super Constellation, etc.
not necessarily, their are "low wing" and "High Wing" aircraft, if you mean "Why is it forward toward the nose of the aircraft", it is because, the smaller wing in the rear balances the science of "Flight".
One reason for this very simple - it prevents the propellors hitting the ground in a hard landing. It may also assist in take-off - reducing turbulence under the aircraft.
One reason, is so that the pilot is able to see more of what is under the craft than if the wing were attached to the underside of the fuselage, as is the case with most WWII combat fighters. Another is that with the fuselage hanging from the wings instead of pushing down upon the wings, even if the craft is improperly balanced from nose to tail, the craft can still maintain an upright flying position when the controls are completely released, whereas WWII fighter pilots almost ALWAYS had to keep a hand on their controls to keep from pitching into a dive or to keep from pitching up, losing airspeed, and stalling, into a dive.So, I guess both of my reasons could be summed up as being for safety.

why when you make a circle over your head with a cup of wather, it doesn't comes out of the glass??

It's the centripetal force that pushes the water towards the centre of the circle. If you go fast enough the cetripetal force will be greater than gravity and your water won't spill.F(c) = m V^2/r and F(g) = mgTo stop the water falling out of the cup V^2/R %26gt;G
(Where G =9.81m/s).P.S. This would have been better in the Physics section.
I think it is called centrifical force. There is enough force pushing up on the water to overcome gravity and keep the water in the glass.

Why when andrenergic blockers decrease the sympathetic nervous system do they cause tachycardia?

they don't- adrenergic blockers (commonly called beta blockers) would all cause bradycardia. stimulation of the beta-1 receptor would cause an increase in heart rate. blocking that receptor, which is what you would do with a beta blocker, would therefore cause a decrease in heart rate.
Alpha adrenergic blockers cause a reflex tachycardia. I answered your question when you asked it again.

why we use alcohol 70% has decontaminator in biology lab?

Disinfecting power peaks at around 70% ethanol (ethyl alcohol); stronger and weaker concentrations have less ability to disinfect. Ethyl alcohol kills organisms by denaturing proteins and dissolving lipids, and so works on most bacteria and fungi, and many viruses.
coz alcohol dissolves the lipids in the bacterial cell wall and thus kills it!
We use alcohol because it have many praporty like priservation it is a good vicheal and its help in many reaction and also kill bactaria l
70% alcohol can cause maximum ionization of bacteria.this property is restricted to 70% %26 even alcohol having strength above 70% has less ionizing power.

why we said doctors work, practise ?

Practice, in the older English language, did not mean only learning exercises. It meant getting experience. The term practice is used for the practical (and not so practical) application of many skills. We practice engineering, monogamy, magic, the dark arts, Catholocism, accounting, etc. So the use of the word "practice" for the working application is not restricted to medicine.
Technology and new information constantly change what scientists know and what they can do as far as medicine is concerned. For this reason, it is called "practice."
Practice is derived from "praxis", Latin and Greek for the process of putting theoretical knowledge into application, as in applying the knowledge of medicine into healing patients.

why we said doctors work, practise ?

Doctors, Lawyers, and other free lance professionals practise and they do not do work, as work men do. It is a learned profession, where they need to learn through out their career. As they practise, they equip themselves more competently.
'coz they never get a desire results.and they keep on practising on us
probably because practice makes perfect.
I'm curious too.
Although it is based on several exact sciences, Medicine itself, is not an exact science and so today's "Gold Standard" is tomorrow's joke. So doctors must always be studying and practicing new techniques and treatments.
Practice is derived from "praxis", Latin and Greek for the process of putting theoretical knowledge into application, as in applying the knowledge of medicine into healing patients.
every time doctors encounter a new patient with ailments of unknown parameters ,there in no definite and authentic mode of treatment.
therefore it called a practice and it is not a work or routine nature.
doctors deal with lives of people and needs extra care to deal with the situation.
Wherever there is a continuation of , that may be called Practise ,I think.Normally for Doctors ,lawyers,and to Chatered Accountants we use this .
Medicine is a science and also an art.The physician can lattempt to seek perfection but being an imperfect science it is very difficult, impossible, to do so.Hence the term Practice of medicine.
coz medical field is mysterious, they keep practicing to discover new preventions from diseases, discover new diseases, bacterias to save human beings %26 animals.
Even after 33 years in the profession as a Doctor I realize that for every new patient the treatment ,
I offer is an experiment, which is most likely to succeed but at the same time I cannot be 100 % sure.

Why we only can use our brain not even reach 5%?

The idea that we use only 5-10% of our brains is misleading. When healthy, we use all areas of our cortex for different functions. The parts we don't use for thinking are connective tissue (structural components), blood vessels, etc., which make up a lot of the mass of the brain. This may be the meaning behind the statement that we use only a portion of our brain.
We use all of our brain, that is areas in the brain, yet we do not use it to full capacity, there is a difference. So in that sense it is not misleading at all that we only use a certain percentage of our brain. That area has not evolved to full capacity yet, given time it will at some point.
We do use our whole brain, just not all at the same time. Do you use every program on your computer at once? That would be silly.When the whole brain fires at once, we call that a seizure.The proof that we use our whole brain - when little bits die (that's a stroke), we notice.

Why we have two eyes, what is the difference by looking with one eye and by looking with the two?

What role plays our second eye in our vision?
The slightly different angle of view from the two eyes makes it possible for the brain to see three dimensionally.
One eye sees only two dimensions: length and width. The third dimension that is added by having two eyes is depth (or distance).
Depth and perception I think.
It makes it a lot easier to judge distances. this should help
Having two eyes means we can perceive distance and depth. Close one eye and get someone to hold out a pencil at a fair distance and try to grab it, then you'll see why we need two eyes!
have you seen a cyclops? we would look stupid with only one eye %26 what if we damged our only eye? at least with 2 we have a back up
depth perception. If you see with one eye, you can't tell distance. 2 eyes give you 3d effect.
By using two eyes we gain stereophonic vision. The distance from an object to your eye is the same if it is directly in front of you, but is different if it is off to one side. The brain is able to interpret these distances and determine where objects lie in 3d space. With only one eye, it is unable to do this (although it can compensate to an amazing degree)
you have a bigger peripheral vision by using both eyes
vision spread (also we would all look like cyclops)
To admire the body twice.Common knowledge.
Stereoscopic vision is great for working out how far food is away from us, and for tool making, and for social contacts. Since we are (aparently) smart, and have a great rotating neck, we don't need to have eyes on each side of our heads to look out for trouble.Having two eyes also increases the amount of the world we can seeat any one time, but only slightly. Another bonus is that if one eye is damaged we have a backup.
The difference and the role is depth perception.
Because we are descendants from "Primates", if you're going to swing through trees, you'd better have good dimensional depth perception. Stereoscopic vision (2 eyes) provides this ability, otherwise we would not be around today, due to the fact that our skulls would have been crushed, from slamming into tree trunks !
Monocular vision doesn't give depth perseption, where binocular vision does. Plus, predatory animals have forward facing eyes while prey animals eyes look to the side. Therefore, preditory animals have depth of field vision to judge the distance to their prey. Prey animals lack depth of field, because they only need to know that a preditor is there, not how close, and to run.
With two eyes you get a three dimensional view of the world, that's why all animals have two eyes. the positioning of your eyes are what are really important.
As you may know sharks have eyes on the sides of their heads, giving them a blind spot straight in front of them.
you would also only be able to see in one direction at one given time, with only one eye.
however i suggest you research the human eye if your really interested.
It is called depth perception.
Both your eyes control your perception of depth and distance. Cover one eye and walk outside and you'll notice that you either can determine depth or dimension. Then switch and cover the other eye and you'll notice the other option.
with two eyes you have a lot more side vision also two eyes together judge distances better and relays that to the brain
Well both together give you a three dimensional perspective.
It gives you a sense of depth or thickness. Again its the two eyes that help you gauge distances, try kicking at a point on the wall with one eye closed.
Two eyes gives us distance,you can tell how near or far an object is away from us
the two eyes together give you almost 180o vision it also give you the ability to assess distance and it also gives you over all clarity, and as some folk have said here, should you lose sight of one eye the other one is always there to come to your aid but that is typical of the human body in general most vital parts are duplicated but perhaps none as important than eyesight and we take it for granted
Depth perception is absent with one eye
periphereal vision.
o, ya, and GOD MADE IT SO!
we get to see a larger area at a time

why we have blood?

why our blood is color red unlike the green blood? why we will die if no more blood?what is the meaning of blood?
Blood is but one of the liquids circulating our body. Blood is important because it is the main way of carrying nutrients from the producing cells to the consiuming cells, carrying oxygen from the lung to every cell of the body. the reason we have blood is because we are cellular based organism. we are defined by our cells. our cells are mainly made of liquid, so anything that would carry nutrients to those cells would have to be far we know not of any living organisms that do not have a type of liquid that acts like blood.cells have celluar liquid
plants have seva
insects have a type of blood
animals have blood
humans have blood
so vampires will have something to eat?
why will we die if we have no blood? well...for the same reason we would die if we had no head...or no brain...or no heart. i'm afraid that's a stupid question, coz we wouldn't just die if we had no blood, we'd die if we were missing any other vital organs. we have blood because...we just do.
ok. this is how it works. red blood cells (why blood is red) have one duty. to carry oxygen to all the different parts of your body. red blood cells contain hemoglobin which is the "binder" that grabs oxygen as the blood passes through your lungs. the oxygenated blood then goes throughout your entire body (because all individual cells heart, brain, liver, ect. require oxygen in order to stay alive). when you don't have enough blood it just means that your body is no longer getting the oxgen it needs, irregardless of whether or not you have lung problems.
i hope this answers your question.
the color of blood is due to HEMOGLOBIN.or it will b white in color like some insects.
we ll die cos our bdy cells will not get any nutrition n hence they ll die n hence we naturally.
meaning for blood...i ll tell u if u tell me the meaning for body???
blood is red because of the erythrocytes, erythro is latin for red, cyte for cell. erythrocytes are red clood cell and the yare red due to the oxygen the ycarry. Blood without owygen is blue, but you never see it because it's in your weins. The purpose of blood is to carry oxygen to all the organs of the body, because that is what keeps them going. Also blood carry leukocytes and phagoctes, which fight off disease,

why we feel cold in fever?

Cold is something you feel through your skin.When you have fever, there will be a lot of heat generated in your body. If your inner body is hotter than that outside, then the outer boundary which is your outer body that is separating them will feel colder, hence you feel cold.By using comforters, blankets, you are ensuring that your outerbody also experience the same temperature as in side your body.
When your body reaches high temperatures, heat receptors send messages to your brain to cool down your body. From the brain, messages are sent to your epidermis to dilate the blood vessels so that heat will be lost. In the process, the surface epithelium is cooled down as sweat is evaporating from your body. This is called a negative feedback mechanism. It is done to maintain homeostasis of body temperature.
Your body feels cold when the outside temperature is lower than your body temperature. When you have fever, your body temperature is high and the outside temperature is lower than your body temperature. So you feel cold at normal room temperature.

Why wasn't proffessor Walker unable to revive the frozen viking thawed out in the US,doesn't it prove that you

can bring a Norse to Walker,but you can't make him think!!
Groan.Oh dear, oh deary me.
A pun is the lowest form of humor. Try again, please.
Ignoring the comma splice and run on sentence, the grammar of your sentence says that Walker was successful in reviving the Viking. Other than what I had to do, what does thinking have to do with the price of Drakars?
That is enough PUNishment.

Why was Quinine really taken off the market?

I have Lymes disease and associated muscle spasms of external muscles and internal organs...very painful. All that works to relieve pain is
this medication. It has been used for over two hundred years for malaria. Now, the FDA of US has decided it causes heart palpatations.
I think they Big Business have invented another drug that they want to sell at a high price and have to get this one off the market first.
I am a nurse and have never seen this drug cause problems...if heart palpatations occured...they had this condition before the drug was administered. NiElli
If it has not yet been taken off the market it should be for various reasons . Before it went off the market it was being used as an anti-arrythmic drug with its well -known side effect i.e. negative inotropic on the heart muscle thus decreasing the contractility of the myocardium.It is just deadly by its depressant action on the heart.Originally extracted by the South American Indian from the bark of a tree , it cured the malaria but left the patient in intractable heart failure, very often leading to death attributed to the Malaria.I am glad to see that its analgesics potency has been kept in many other products without the deadly side effect.
isnt it in Tonic water?
Quinine has been used for many years.. both for cramps and for maleria. I did not know it was off the market... bummer...
Quinine does have a cardio toxicity effect in which it may cause arrythmias usually tachyarrythmias meaning a fast heart rate and sometimes hypotension. Besides this effect it can also cause hypoglycemia (a fall in blood glucose levels. It has many other adverse effects apart from these but these are rare in occurence. None the less quinine is still used in many third world countries as the main stay treatment of severe malaria. here in Tanzania it is the thirdline treatment of malaria and the only treatment for severe or complicated malaria. Why would the US government decide to venture on another drug and withdraw quinine from the market? Well that to me is a political issue rather than a real medical concern. Politicians do it all the time (they go for all the goodies that will be in their best interest).
you people are STUPID...quinine isnt off the market...i filled some today!..just 1 of the strengths was taken off..150 mg or 200 mg i believe...quinine is still readily dispensed and stands as the #1 anti-malarial drug available
Please do your research before posting.Thanks
try quinine water

Why vampires never suffers an adverse agglutination reaction even he drinks different blood types?

Blood is broken down in the stomach and intestine. .Agglutinatin can not occur.
HUH? are you sure?but then, you eat the blood from all kinds of animals, with no apparent ill effects.
maybe there's a difference between blood being injected, and going into the intestinal tract.
um, probably gets destroyed by digestive enzymes. Hey, here's a question for you... Let's say there are no vampires in the USA and dracula gets on a boat and comes to New York. If he needs to feed once a month, and each guy he bites turns into a vampire who also needs to feed once a month, then how long before all the people in New York are vampires?

why thumbs bend backwords for some people, and for some they don't?

i know it's genetic, but i want an explaination about the phisical structure of whatever it is, that makes it happen (or not happen).
it's primarily due to the laxity of the ligaments supporting the joints; the more lax it is, the easier the joints move over each otherin conditions such as Marfan's syndrome, where there is an abnormality affecting the connective tissue, excessive laxity of the joints are a feature
The above answer is exactly correct - just wanted to echo that.

Why the professions of Doctors are called Practice?

Because they are like Advocates who always say positives but do negetives and are never sure what they are doing. If we go for a survey, we will find that at least 90% pathological or other tests recommended by doctors results in Okay.
Beause no doctor is u agree with me?
it is an acknowledgment that you are always practicing to be better and to learn more to do a better job with. all medical related jobs are listed as practices
A doctor applies what ever he has learnt on live human beings when he starts his work out side the college.Where as in other professions one can be taught with live examples or simulated examples.So a doctors experience with live case is called practice.More the practice the better and confidant the doctors become.
practice1. Repetition of an activity to improve skill. Can be used as noun or verb. "He will need lots of practice with those lines before he performs them."

2. The ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession, particularly in medicine or the fine arts. Can also be used as a noun or a verb. "She ran a thriving medical practice." 3. The observance of religious duties which a Church requires of its members. 4. A customary action, habit, or behavior; a manner or routine.
"It is the usual practice of employees there to wear neckties only when meeting with customers. " "It is good practice to check each door and window before leaving."

why the PH of blood must be according to conditions like acid and base?

it said that the blood Ph must vary according to condition and enviromental wheather and other factors.. why is it
actually the normal pH of human blood is between 7.35-7.45 and it is regulated by the kidneys and lungs. For immediate control, you either hyperventilate to bring down your CO2 which will increase pH (make blood more alkaline), and likewise you will hypoventilate to decrease pH. Your kidneys will also excrete or retain acid or bicarb (base) depending on your blood pH, but this takes longer to occur compared to your respiratory compensation.Your body can function outside of those normal limits, but at the extremes your enzymes and proteins stop working because the severe alteration in pH will change their molecular configurations- very commonly we'll see people with profound acidosis experience cardiovascular collapse because their catecholamines won't bind to adrenergic receptors anymore, so they get profound hypotension and their heart stops beating.
Bloods pH is very tightly controlled between 7.0 and 7.4 by the body. Hemostasis is achieved by the conversion and removal of CO2 and Carbonic Acid and Hydrogen ions. If the blood pH varies out of these ranges you develop Metabolic Acidosis or Alkalosis. I do not know where you are getting your information.
I do not know where you are reading this, nor can I really understand your statement.Blood pH is highly regulated in the body because if it varies too much from 7.4 it denatures your proteins (if it becomes too basic it dissolves the proteins; if it becomes too acidic it coaggulates the proteins). Your blood contains chemicals called buffers which help to maintain the blood pH within normal limits. The enviornment and weather have nothing to do with it. Substances entering the blood stream from absorption of nutrients and drugs are what change blood pH.ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY TEACHER
pH of the blood should always remain neutral around 7.

why the noisy rackets injected into your news and programs ?

it is not pleasant listening to the extra clatter that is being injectedbetween words and or statements. Its especially bothersome to one who wears hearing aids
Maybe you have a problem with sound on TV, cos to me nothing is different and I have sensitive hearing...So what you state is not happening in this household...or are you referring to background music in some cases?Still in News they rarely play background music anyway...鈾?br />
OK I have just thought maybe if you have digital TV then you can get channel drop out and pixilated interference which would create noise you mention...
What noisy rackets!? What channel!

why the level of cortisol rises in the morning?

Circadian clock regulates cortisol production.It is at it's highest at about 4 am and then your body uses it up during the day as necessary.
cortisol is a long-term stress hormone, and at night you r relaxed, you don't need cortisol that much, while in the morning you need attention
Any hormone for that matter is at its high levels in the morning. The time betwen 11pm to 3 am is when we are supposed to relax and our metabolic rate decreases. This is the time when our hormonal levels gradually increase reaching a peak in the early mornings. This increased level helps us to sustain the whole day again repeating the process again and again.

why the image reaches inverted to brain/eye?

Once an image passes through the lens in your eyes it is invert by that lens (all lenses have this effect) the image is projected to your retina upside down the optic nerve then relays it to your brain which processor the information and turns the image right way up.
because our eyes have the properties of mirror that's why everything the eye can see is inverted.
Because our lenses are convex lenses, thus images reach our retina inverted. Our nerves in the retina translate the images 'reinvertedly' and transmit the signals to our brain, so our brains receive the correct image.
because it acts as a camera, not easy to explain it without a drawing..-
got the point ? :p

why the image reaches inverted to brain/eye?

The reason for this is simple if one understands optics. The rays of light as they enter the eye have to pass through the lens. Each eye of ours has a convex lens. i could have drawn a simple diagram but I don't know how it can be drawn here. Anyway, the property of a convex lens is that the image gets inverted and is real for an object that sends parallel rays into the eye of the object is beyond the principal focus of the lens.
uh? i learnt somewher but i forgot now
The image is not inverted in the brain but it is inverted when the light rays passes through our lens it becomes inverted. It is because our lens is a concave lens which is a converging lens. All the light rays are converged at focal point which is in the eye, at this point the rays make an inverted image which is read by the brain and an erect image is obtained.
The crystalline convex lens of each eye projects an inverted image on the retina. Optic nerve fibers from each eye crisscross at optic chiasma the junction of two optic nerves and these fibers reach optical cortex of both sides for giving three dimensional erect and singular interpretation of images from both eyes by brain
Image gets inverted in lens of the eye itself nerve fibres in lower part of retina get upper part of image %26 vise versa. so the imgae get trnasmitted to vision part of cortex in inverted direction

Why the heck do my BP tablets come in Blister packs of 28?

Not 31 or 27, 28! But my medical will not allow me to collect a new prescription until a WHOLE (yes, 31, 30, 28 or even 29 days) month has gone by.Do you think that the medical aids and the pharmaceutical companies are saving like this?
This because medical practitioners still work to what is called a lunar month rather than a calendar month, despite the fact that the lunar month contains 29 days, not 28. There are 13 lunar months to a year, rather than 12 calendar months and 13 x 28 = 364, which is close enough and avoids the problems of the random variation of calendar months.However, if your medical centre will not allow prescription renewal except by calendar month this is a local decision having no status in reality; they are simply cutting corners on medicine costs - tackle them head on and insist on renewal when required.
It's a conspiracy. Like the hot dogs and the buns.
28 days is 4 weeks worth
28 fits nicely in the box. If they put 30 or 32 in, they would need a bigger box, and that would cost more and the drug company's would be making the billions they are at the moment.
I dont think the problem is with the 28 pack as most meds seem to be packaged that way. You must just live in the wrong place. I order mine about 10 days before I run out %26 they're waiting for me at the chemist within 4 or 5 days unless I'm due for a medication review. (I'm in UK)
I would have thought that 28 was a sensible number to have being 4 weeks worth. Having calender monthly packaging would mean that companies would have to make three different packaging (plus a fourth one every four years) which would make less sense and be more confusing.What doesn't make sense is the doctor not allowing you to renew till the full month is over even though this medication is obviously something you should take every day.

Why the GI tract is cleared before General Anesthesia?

so you don't vomit, and depending on the procedure, sometimes it's easier to work with an empty stomach.
To insure that vomiting, which can occur in anesthesia, does not regurgitate material which could get into the airway.
it is less of a chance that the person will throw up and asperate (i think thats spelled wrong) that when you throw up and the fluid goes into the lungs and can cause death etc. my grandmother in the 1970s had surgery and asperated and had a heart attack, but she had food in her system. it also depends on where the surgery is. i have had many surgerys on my abdomen and every time i have to clear everything out. good luck.
unconsious and in-voluntary controll of the tract can make things very . very messy.Anesthesia knocks ya out... you don't even dream - so since the brain does not have normal function during it - - it is just best to be sure.
yeah he got it. In the event - if - if the person vomits under
general anesthesia, without food in the GI there will be no food
to obstruct the airway.
avoiding aspiration of vomitus,and miss on operation table.

Why the blue eyes are weaker than other colored eyes?

Can somebody give me an explanation about this!
Because they look at science binders
I currently live in Scandinavia where blue eyes are the thing and I so don't see many people wearing glasses and in Denmark at any rate many people don't want to pay extra for contacts. I saw more corrective lenses on people than here in America. I no longer believe the myths about blue eyes being weak, coffee stunting your growth or short daylight hours making people sluggish.
I don't think they are. But if they were, it would be because brown irises shield the retina from glare better than blue ones do.
That is a myth!! I have color changing eyes. When I have blue eyes, my eyes are STRONGER than when I have green eyes or any other color.

why the arms and hands are used to draw blood and not the feet.?

They are convenient. Although when inserting serial IV catheters, you want to start distally (away from the body) and work your way up. This works both on the hands/arms and feet/legs. Also, you can use larger sites which can accommodate faster fluid resuscitation and have less of a tendency to collapse, i.e. femoral, subclavian, jugular. In a severely vascularly compromised patient, an intra-osseous stick may be performed which goes inside your bone. (there are vessels there, too)
The veins are closer to the surface and easier to get to. In the hospital, when the arms have been used enough, they do use the feet. Muscular use of the arms makes them easier than feet to draw blood.
The skin is thinner so it's easier to get the needle in and out.
I think it's for convenience.
My mother was once operated on and they needed to inject her with solutions, but her arteries were too thin. They tried everwhere and eventually had to inject through her big toe. It was very painful, though.
The arms and hands are more accessible.Blood can be taken from any part of the body, but for most of the body, unclothing that part would be required.
I also assume that it takes time and effort to take your shoes and socks off, and for the nurse to bend over to reach your feet. Your hands are usually exposed, and closer to the nurses' hands than your feet are; why not just use that?
Because you don't have to take your socks and shoes off!
i guess it is because the arms are closer to the heart. Because it is closer to the heart the blood pressure/flow is better, making it easier to draw blood. Also legs have stronger, bigger muscles that requiere a lot more blood, and might make it hard to draw blood from the legs.
They want you to walk out of the office. It is harder to walk out of the office with a pain in your foot.
Not to mention the bandage might slip if you are walking on it.
I once asked this exact question of a phlebotomist who was drawing my blood. Her answer was that hands and arms are more readily available (no shoes, no socks) and are generally considered to be cleaner. The veins on the tops of feet and around the ankles are sometimes used as an alternative, especially with heroin addicts who have destroyed the more commonly used veins in their arms.
There are many reasons, some of which I'm sure others will repeat.1. The arms are easily accessable.
2. Little to no clothing needs to be removed for access
3. The brachial and radial veins are larger and anatomically more accessable then the tibial or dorsal venous arch
4. The medial arm has fewer nerve endings then the foot so it is less painful
5. There is less chance of phlebitis (vein inflamation)
6. The arm is generally cleaner then the feet which harbor more bacteria and fungus then the upper extremitiesIt is possible to take blood from almost any vein or artery in the body depending on how invasive you wish to be. For standard, everyday blood tests, the arm is just the most convieniant.
paul t is right on on his reasons, mainly pain and more likely to be problematic (hematomas, and irrittaion with walking)another note- you can draw from the feet as long as the doctor has written it on the chart, in such patients that warrant it - it usually doesn't come to this though.
there have been a couple times i've heard of a jugular draw becase that was the last available (last resort) option.

Why take inactive birth control pills?

I have been on Seasonale for a year now, and lately I've been wondering this. What is the point of taking the inactive pills? Why do you need them? Besides to tell if you're pregnant or not, I really don't see any point in taking them. I've heard of women skipping them and not having periods for years, so is there any harm in this? Another question... does Seasonale cause acne? Cause lately I've been breaking out
Answer: is the lowdown on the inactive birth control pill. Sure, they are beneficial to help keep you in the habit of taking your pills, but actually this time off from the estrogen/progestin found in the active pill is critical. The estrogen in birth control pills causes your endometrium to grow every month before a period. When you take birth control pills and do not take time off from the active hormone, then your endometrium keeps building upon itself, putting you at a much higher risk of developing endometriosis or uterian cancer. After 3 months, it is recommended that any woman with an intact uterus shed this lining by having a period, even if it is only for a few days.
Also, birth control pills can up your chance of developing blood clots and stroke, so it is also best to shed your uterine lining in case any clots could be forming.As for the acne, Seasonale contains one of the most androgenic progestins in a birth control pill out there. I believe that it contains levonorgestrol, which can cause androgenic side effects such as acne, progressive weight gain (not cyclic weight gain, which is just weight gain seen with your menstrual cycle), and hair loss. If you are experiencing any of these side effects, talk to your doctor about perhaps using a different birth control pill with a progestin that has the least amount of androgenic side effects. My suggestion would be Yaz, since it has a lower dose of both estrogen and progestin, and contains a progestin called drospirenone, which actually helps against weight gain and acne. Also, Yaz is good because the series of inactive pills is only 4 days and causes you to have shorter, lighter periods than the typical 7 days.
I thought that many birth control pills prevented acne...but I'm not sure of that one. The reason you take inactive birth control pills is so you stay in the habit of taking them. If you didn't get those and just didn't take any pills during that span, it is more likely that you'll forget.
I believe that the inactive pills in birth control are just placebo's that you take just to keep yourself in the habit of taking them.Some people have reported severe acne as a side effect
The inactive pills are placebos to keep you on a regular schedule. You don't need to take the inactive ones, but you need to still follow the daily pill order because the active pills are designed to work on specific times in the estrogen/progesterone cycle. Seasonale is a new drug that is sort of aslow release, three-month version of the Pill. Similar to the effect of using a constant-dosage formulation and skipping the placebo weeks for three months, Seasonale gives the benefit of less frequent periods, at the potential drawback of breakthrough bleeding. Seasonique is another version in which the placebo week every three months is replaced with a week of low-dose estrogen.
Most of the inactive pills are placebos. In some brands of birth control however there is iron in them.
when youre on BC you don't have a real period, its just a reaction to the hormones. the 3 weeks of the active pills have progesterone in them (and other hormones) which keep your ovaries from releasing the egg. in the week of the inactive pills, you arent getting those hormone supplements, so you have your "period." it's my understanding that the inactive pills are just there to keep you in the habit of taking your pill every should check with a doctor for this question before you make a decision about taking or not taking the inactive pills.
they're just placebos (fake pills) i never take mine, never have, never will. although some doctors really want you to take them because they normally contain iron and you can be a little low on iron when your bleeding.

Why take a pill for headaches if you already have one?

Why would you want a headache at all for that matter?
And then ''Keep away from children''? Strange isn't it. Maybe we should just keep away from children
to keep the poor pharma companies in tea and coffee breaks
Maybe the headache will take your mind of your ingrown toenail?
are you saying there is a pill to experience a headache? where? how do i find it? i want a life time supply!
So you can tell your boyfriend that you still have a headache.

Why structural moiety prevents Dopamine from crossing the blood brain barrier?

Is it only lipid or non-lipid could go thru the Blood brain barrier? and which one is the one with the charge, lipid or non-lipid??
The ability or inability of any chemical to cross the blood-brain barrier is dependent on its chemical structure. The drug levodopa is used as a prodrug to increase dopamine levels for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, since it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier whereas dopamine itself cannot.Levodopa, an amino acid that is a precursor of several neurotransmitters, enters and leaves the brain by means of the carrier for L-phenylalanine. Once in the endothelium, however, L-DOPA may be converted into dopamine and DOPAC in successive steps by the enzymes L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase and MAO. Although dopamine can leave the brain by means of its own carrier, neither dopamine nor DOPAC can cross the antiluminal membrane into the brain. Hence the enzymatic conversion can serve as a means of controlling how much L-DOPA reaches the brain. However, conversion to dopamine also occurs in the peripheral tissues, causing adverse effects and decreasing the available dopamine to the CNS, so it is standard practice to co-administer a peripheral DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor 鈥?carbidopa or benserazide 鈥?and often a catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitor.I hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist
It's a little more complicated than that. The blood brain barrier severely restricts what it allows in. It is true that hydrophobic compounds are allowed in easier than hydrophilic compounds. But also compounds over 500 daltons are restricted. While there is also active transport of other compounds such as sugar and some amino acids. Non-lipid compounds tend to be charged. And dopamine cannot cross the BBB, but L-dopa can. are detailed answers in the link above:Generally, small, nonionic, lipid-soluble molecules penetrate easily across the BBB whereas larger, water-soluble, and/or ionic molecules will less likely exhibit passive diffusional processes (Spector, 1977, 1990).

why someone can have over sleep?

my friend sometimes sleep almost 9 to 10 hours per day.what factors that contribute it to happen? and how to reduce over sleep?
The optimum amount of sleep is 7-9 hours (no matter what kind've activity you do) might need less if you're less active (sit at a desk all day). but minimum of 6 hours. Set an alarm clock..and wake up. If's better to wake up with 7 hours of sleep than 9. 8 of course is the optimum. The thing is once you past 9're body actually starts burning energy rather than building it (to keep you asleep) and then your body also goes into a hibernation stage (thinking you're gonna sleep for a long time)..and that's why when you wake feel tired, because it takes even longer for your body to kind've "kick start" for the day. Hope this helps.
Some people need to sleep this much every night to be refreshed. That is not that different from the norm. In others it is a sign of depression.
Diet can play a part i think, the wrong foods can sap your energy.
They are probably just catching up on sleep for previous nights happens to me all the time
Many things can cause excess sleep:
1) It's natural for that person
2) friend has sleep apnea, does he/she snore?
3) Certain prescription drugs
4) Heavy physical exercise
5) depression

why single erythrocite is yellow-green, but blood is red?

Erythrcytes are actually more of a pink.Ruta, these weren't fixed, just a simple blood smear. Blood plasma is kind of a yellow color, so if erythrocytes were yellow-green, our blood would be too. It is the color of the hemoglobin (red when oxygenated, dark red/maroon when deoxygenated) that confers the red color onto the whole blood.
If you are so adamant to contradict everyone, I suggest you cite your source for these yellow-green erythrocytes.
blood is red only when exposed to oxygen, because of the oxidation of iron in blood
To Troy and Megs. Could you please read the question before answering?
why single erythrocite is yellow-green, but blood is red? We know how arterial and venous blood look like and have seen it under microscope. As you know cells change while fixation of the preparation, so the fact that you see it "pink" under microscope doesn't mean it's pink naturally. I can asure that a SINGLE erythrocite is not pink or red. It is yellow-green. The question again, why a SINGLE erythrocite (not chemically affected) is yellow-green while a GROUP of erythrocites is red?
You don't need to fix a blood cell to see that it is red. A fresh sample of blood under a 40x objective will show you a single red/pink erythrocyte. They are not yellow or green. They are red/pink. That is why blood is red. They are red because hemoglobin is red, and RBCs contain 35% hemoglobin.

Why shouldn't I drink while taking an antibiotic like amoxicilin?

Did someone tell you you can't drink while taking amoxicillin. I see not problem at all. If you are sick you may not want to drink but not because of the antibiotic.
Beer does not contain any active yeast it has been PASTEURIZED and it does not inactivate antibiotics.
Metronidazole is not an antibiotic it is an antifungal and is labeled to not take with alcohol.
Yeast in beer. If you were a chick, then you would really need to avoid the suds to prevent a yeast infection.
Because alcohol intereferes with the antibiotic - making it less effective.
Alcohol dehydrates the body making it much harder to heal any wound or infection.
antibiotics are usually made from cultures - things like mold, etc.
alcohol kills the cultures, so you might as well not be taking your antibiotics.
Here is some data on amoxicillin: are no known side effects of drinking while on amoxicillin:, there can be problems with drinking and what the amox is treating- for example, if you are on amox for brochitis and are also on codeine, the drinking can interact with the narcotic. If you are taking amox for a bleeding ulcer, booze is right out. Likewise ear infections, where decreased balance+ decreased balance from booze can equal serious accidents.But here is good advice from one college med center:
"In general, it is not a good idea to combine alcohol with prescription medications, but when it comes to Amoxicillin and alcohol there is no direct contraindication. With that being said, please keep in mind that if you have been sick enough to warrant taking an antibiotic, you should probably avoid drinking alcohol as well. If you absolutely feel the need to have a drink鈥?keep it in moderation!"
you can drink, there is no problem with amoxicillin
it's not advisable to drink whilst on antibiotics. the absolute worst antibiotic to drink alcohol when on it is metronidazole as it will cause vomiting. the problems with drinking alcohol with ANY medication is that it can cause adverse effects or prevent the medication from working. that is why it says on the packets not to drink alcohol when on medicines.

why should you routinely loosen lids on tubes before exposing a sterile pipet to the laboratory air? tell fast

Typically so that you minimize the amount of time struggling to open the capped tube once you have the sterile pipette exposed to the air and you are waving it about.
it won't stay sterile for long so you try to do things as quickly as possible

why should aspirin tablets not be taken after the used by date?

Aspirin will begin to lose its effectiveness after a certain period of time. You can tell with aspirin by its smell. If it smells like vinegar throw them away!
Oh my. The expired tablet content might be harmful to the human body, I think.
My doctor told me that expired meds are fine to take. The expiration date is just a way for the drug companies to make more money. She said most meds are good for a year past there expiration date.
Chemicals cn deteriorate and degrade with time. They are capable of turning in to something else, that may not do you too much good.
Cause that would cut into drug companies profits...
As long as meds are kept cool and dry, I have taken some after 8 years and they work just fine.
Some medicines, especially creams and liquids, get kind of gross after they expire. The active ingredients can become less active, but the expiration dates don't really mean much, especially if you store the medications according to the package instructions.
When a medication expires, the Chemicals start to break down. The breakdown of these can make the medication less effective. In some medications, as the chemicals breakdown, they become toxic to the human body. You should go through your medicne cabinet regularly and dispose of the medications that have expired. Buying a new bottle of aspirin is cheaper than a hospital bill.
Expiration dates are usually pretty conservative - most OTC pills are pretty stable for a long time. If exposed to heat or light moisture air etc . . . they will break down faster, but if they're stored properly (not in the sun and not spilled all over the wet bathroom countertop), then they should be fine for awhile, especially asprin. Some pills that are extra blister-packed will break down faster, losenges and herbal pills will break down faster with moisture.

Why scientist don't find a proper medicine for cancer?

Cancer is really a harsh problem, and it kills many people every day.I'm a researcher, and I'm trying to find a remedy to cure cancer. I'm researching on some natural can help me with your oppinions or information.
well what field are you anyway. Or are you just starting. Contact me if you need help or just collaboration
do research on peach pits.. the drug companies dont want a cure for cancer. a cure would end all the funds for exploratory drugs and gene therapies in their opinion causing a decline in profits
I supply wheat grass and it cures cancer. iam in india and noone believes me. the factory is bombay.
Cancer is a general term.. Since there are many forms of cancer, each behaves and acts diferently. Thus one cancer may react to radiation in one way that is benifical but it has no effect on another. Each cancer must be fought a separate battle. there is not any single miracle cure. continue your research , If nature created it.. then nature has a cure for it.
I believe that beta carotene and ascorbic acid are like a silver bullet to many detrimental conditions...this and wheat germ oil can bring positive changes to the human condition as these are all primary antioxidants in their most powerful form...yet when alcohol is introduced into physiology there's a chemical reaction that takes place that's quite unique...this might have a direct opposite effect of the combativeness of free radicals that induce cellular addition...there are herbological treatments already known that were designed to aid in healing the sick...books on the subject include the herb book, back to Eden, and many other texts...I have studied herbs up close and find that a threefold treatment could have a positive impact...the first would be an antibiotic treatment...the second would deal w/ the nature of the tissue in question...i.e. beneficial throat herbological extracts...the third attacks the illness itself...antibiotic herbs include don quai, garlic, chaparral, and juniper berries...some of these seem to be of moderate toxicity so great caution is advised...nonetheless...other herbs are not...clover...which is a good base for an herbal remedy is quite pleasant actually...there are many herbs...sage, butchers broom, liquorice, snake root, and lobelia are among some.much more can be learned through the above mentioned literature...These types of remedies in the right concourse with good nutrition and vitamin supplements along w/ refrain could be just the thing the doctor ordered...
I am a translator.The question you asked is beyong me.anyhow,I support your heroic behavior .and I hope you can achive your goal to find a proper medicine for cancer.God bless those who help themselves!.God also help those who help others in need.Good Luck!Since science to me is what Japanese and Chinese to,the only thing I can do is to say,thank you,dedicacted Doctor,becasue of you,many life have been saved from the hands of Satan and Demons .wish you luck
Because it's hard. You should know better than anyone. But I don't get the whole natural plants thing? How can some random plant come up with the precise chemical compound to fight something in human beings? I mean, you got Asprin, and what else? Figuring out a way for the human body to constantly fight cancer would be better. With nanobots or something like that?
Your view of medicine and cancer is very general.You have to look at medicine and cancer at a much deeper perspective and understand each.Cancer is like AIDS. While AIDS is caused by HIV. Cancer on the other hand is caused by cercenogenic chemicals that enduce cancer cells to speed development.Everyday, the hundreds of cells develops into cancer cells inside our body. Although we suffer from this, we can alleviate its development by leading a healthy lifestyle.Cancer can be genetic. Some people don't have a choice because they inherited it from their parents.Some cancers are caused by the environment risks. Like working in radioactive places. People exposed to radioactive contents.Knowledge therefore is the BEST cure for preventing cancer.By teaching people how to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid risks on their home and workplace.
This is becasue there are many types of cancer and each type of cancer is different. For example a small cell lung cancer cannot be treated by the same chemotherapy as a non-small cell lung cancer. Even for breast cancer, there are different types of cancers with different treatments. Some can be treated using an oestrogen blocker such as tamoxifen. However research has advanced and has with the advent of monoclonal antibodies, these can target particular receptors that are overexpressed in cancer, or particular proteins that are overexpressed. These includes herceptin( for breast cancer), Gleevac( for chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma) and Geftinib( aEGRF) receptor.
Medicine is BIG money. If all (most) of the canser patients were to be cured by a one time medicine how much money will be lost by the big corperations ???
there is so much money in not finding a cure,The big pharmaceutical,Dr, play a big roll in this.
look at phytoeotrogens...!? good luck...! i'm a researcher too - people aren't sitting on their backsides about cancer - please read the literature... anyway good to see your heartfelt enthusiasm...good luck again!
well, what you are doing is nice, but tell us about what lines you are working on, the reason why it is difficult to cure cancer, is because first of all it's a genetic abnormality, it is not some infection that you acquire and a broad spectrum antibiotic would cure it, secondly cancer cells are very similar to the normal cells any drug that kills cancer cells would also kill normal cells, like for example take Methotrexate, it has serious side effects, that is why radiation etc are used to kill targeted cancer cells, and metastasis that is also an important complication, in come cases it is even difficult to diagnose the cancer , because of paraneoplastic syndromes, which might mimic other diseases, so tell me about what lines you re working on, we would like to hear

why RPMI is used in chromosomal analysis?

What does RPMI stand for in your question?The only "RPMI" I know of is a type of medium cells can be grown in. In this case, RPMI stands for "Roswell Park Memorial Institute", the place where the media was first developed.If this is the RPMI you mean, then it is used to grow cells in. The chromosomes would then be isolated from the cells for analysis. RPMI is a common medium, but there are literally thousands of other types of media (plural of medium) that many cells can grow in.
Like the man already said, RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI. There are about 10 or 12 versions of this medium, each modified for a particular usage. RPMI is a common medium in chromosomal studies including: routine, high resolution, hematologic malignancy, lymph node tissue and products of conception. If you really care what's in a particular medium and its uses, go to the Sigma-Aldrich site below and look around.

Why patients who had a stroke and show signs of Broca's aphasia may also show deviation of the tongue?

The area of the brain that is responsible for expressive language is called Broca's area. A stroke in that portion of the brain results in Broca's type aphasia, a non-fluent aphasia. Very often a motor speech component will accompany Broca's aphasia because Broca's area is located very close to the motor centers that control oral movement of the articulators. Therefore, many Broca's aphasia patients exhibit either apraxia, dysarthria or both. Dysarthria is most easily explained as a weakness of the musculature due to neurological damage. If a person has dysarthria, the weak side will correspond to the damaged area of the brain. In most right handed individuals, Broca's area is located on the left side of the brain and the stroke would affect the right side. This would result (usually) in right sided weakness of the tongue. When someone sticks their tongue out, the stronger side will pull more than the weaker side, and thus the tongue will deviate (pointing away from the weak side and toward the side of the brain that was damaged). I hope this explanation is sufficient. If you have further questions feel free to check out my aphasia speech site or email SPEECHCONNECT-subscribe@yahoog...
just a guess, but maybe it has to due with lesion of the hypoglossal nerve or control of the hypoglossal nerve.When the hypoglossal nerve, which deals with most of the muscles of the tongue is lesioned, the tongue deviates toward the side of the lesion.

Why our immunological responses decreases as age progress?

I estimate our immunological response increases, probably through age 40 (40--50 for advanced nations), and then declines gradually along with aging.This estimate is from much experience of medical work rather than from any definitive experimental result...As to the reason, well, all mechanisms tend to wear out eventually. In the case of the human body, it tends to get clogged by pollutants and toxins. Proper exercise, plenty of water and good foods will delay this. Bad circulation has an effect on the health of all cells and tissues.Of course, AIDS is the worst possibility in this regard.Yoga, meditation and anti-oxidant vitamins will help.Some lady recently wrote a book called "Cellular Healing" or something like that. This is in the Spirit over Mind over Matter category, one which I have found for SURE is ABSOLUTELY REAL, even an attainment ordained by God for humans.I have not yet read the book, but caught a brief excerpt of this lady on the radio, sufficient enough so that I will find and read her book, even though I am far along the route myself (in both ways, I am 63).I could get a little more technical, possibly mentioning lymphocytes, and stuff like that.But the BEST of all is the answer which I have given. Also the one helpful to most people.Make yourself a raspberry cooler and read it again. Did you eat your veggies today?Chinese also recommend color variety as well as seed, sprout, leaf and fruit, I think. Your grandmother probably has some good advice too
Our bodies immune system just wears out due to pollutions and heavy metals. Cleation therapy is the only thing that will ride your body of pollutions that I know of. Garlic and some other herbs helps also.
You may know that T-lymphocytes (T-cells) are responsible for conferring immunity on our body. Prolonged exposure to antigens reduces the life span of these cells leading to what is called immunosenescence. These antigens, toxins, pollutants, pathogens, etc wear down our immune system.
Autoimmunity is another factor that leads to ageing. There is an increased cell death, called apoptosis, of Tells in advancing years
ware and tare of cells

why not just sew the leg of a dead person onto an amputee?

Will it work, sewing another persons leg onto the place where you lost yours? It works sewing your own leg back on so why not someone elses, if your leg is unavailable?
They have done it with hands, but there are psychological factors that make it difficult for most people. Patients have a hard time accepting that they have a dead person's body parts on them. Internal organs are a little different. Looking at a different leg or hand all the time is difficult for the minds of most. Also, the timing has to be perfect. You cant just do that with someone who lost their leg 2 months ago.
In some cases this is possible. However, a leg is very complicated, so replacing one would be a difficult procedure. Also, you'd need to either find a very good genetic match or give the patient all sorts of drugs to avoid immune system rejection.
ya works 4 me...but no two left feet plz...makes bying shoes an evil task
Damn, I wonder why doctors didn't think of that!!
It would be just as dead, the nerves have been severed.
Osteo necrosis.
First of all it's dead, the veins and everything in the leg, how could it work tell me that??
Has to be the exact length. blood, type, and lots of other factors, the chances of finding one that would fit is extremely low.
What if you get the wrong size leg wouldn't the person walk in circles all the time.
Because nerves, the messengers of the brian that tell ur body what to do, die when emputated. And they never come back alive, ever.
I would suppose that it would have to be a dead person that has died with in the hour. Also, it would be too easy to do that. Also I think it would have to be the correct blood type muscle structure etc etc. However that would be sooooooo cooooool. Ooh especially to watch.
If it were that simple, all kinds of people would be walking on two legs instead of one. There are so many things that would have to match to make it work, that its nearly impossible to do. Besides, your body would reject it too. Have Fun!
For cosmetic reasons. Think of how freakish you would look is you had someone else's leg on you. Since it would not improve quality of life, doctors opt not to perform the procedure.
Tissue rejection. Plus with a multi-tissue graft like that, it would be very hard to line up all the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves.
i don't really think that would work. There are alot of factors that need to be considered and the chances of finding a limb that meets all of them is probably not very good.
You are joking right? This would be the same as an organ transplant. Hand transplants have been attempted as have (famously) face transplants. same risks, there -specifically the main risk being rejection. It definitely does not work the same as sewing your leg back on.
the body would not except that many different tissue type and the transplant would fail. also, paging Dr. Frankenstein.
Becuse the muscle begins to die and possible regection
You would have to get the leg before the person dies
and it would have to be a match

Why not allow cancer patients to use real marijuana and not the synthetic stuff?

Marijuana is physically non-addictive and the side effects are predictable and manageable. What does the medical and scientific establishment know about synthetic marijuana? Don't forget the F.D.A. approved Paxil, Prozac, DDT, high-dosage estrogen birth control pills, (the new ones are much lower in estrogen) and AZT.
Because they are intellectually dishonest. The FDA recently released a study claiming that marijuana has no legitimate medical uses. This flies in the face of numerous scientific studies. To keep marijuana illegal for recreational use, they want to limit the exposure to it for anyone at all. It is rather silly in reality. If you want to remove a scourge from society, ban alcohol instead of worrying about whether cancer patients or people with glaucoma are puffin on a joint. If people don't pay attention, even the synthetic Marinol will be unavailable at some point.
the pot that they grow in secret government labs is the best quality that can be found is also tested to find the exact thc levels to ensure that the patients get the proper dosage,as well as to not get ripped off by some dealer with poor quality weed.
Because most cancer patients can take a pill better. And there is no odor. It is controlled by the doctor and the patients know what they are getting. I doubt if a cancer patient or his family would want to roll the real stuff up and light it for the patient. I have a brother in law who is dying and he never smoked any pot. So he takes it in pill form. No hassle and easier on his caregivers and family, including his grandchildren.
Well the amount of THC in a plant is different in every plant and the amount reaching the blood brain barrier cannot therefore be established. Giving a pill ensures only x amount can enter the body. Its a way to cover their backsides in case anything happens. When i worked in a lab for summer we make chemicals here in Ireland and export them to the US market and the FDA is so strict when it comes to standards.
Politics..its true. But it isn't the only part of the reason.Not being able to control dosage and purity from street pot is a big part of it. Also, smoking anything is harmful, and that is the most common delivery method. Of course, you could eat it, or vaporize it but the FDA just sees weed from a dealer with contaminents, and huge bong hits and way! We will make a pill.

why neostigmine is not given in succinylcholine poisoning?

Previous answer is a bit off.Neostigmine is an anti-acetylcholinesterase. It blocks the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the body. As the acetylcholine builds up, it can displace the muscle relaxant at the motor end plate and the person can once again move. All of the various muscle relaxants are metabolized by the body, with or without the introduction of neostigmine as a reversal agent. In general, Succ wears off so fast it does not need reversal. In fact the half life of the neostigmine is considerably greater than the Succ. Since neostigmine is a weak "nerve agent" and can cause paralysis itself the view is, if you do not need it, do not give it. There are people out there who can not break down Succ, so the proper treatment is to give fresh frozen plasma which contains the enzyme needed to break it down. (If you give neostigmine you might see a very temporary improvement but if you do not get the Succ metabolized, when the neo wears off, you will be right back where you started.) There is only one instance where neostigmine is indicated after the use of Succ. As Succ gets broken down, one of the products of the break down is succ MONO choline. That is a very weak non-depolarizer muscle relaxant. In cases where a person got a lot of Succ, such as in the "olden days" when a constant drip of Succ was used, or when the anesthesia provider gives repeated doses, the build up of succ MONO choline could cause prolonged paralysis. And for THAT you could use neostigmine, but the provider had better make sure he is correct in his assessment.
succinylcholine is a depolarising muscle relaxant and neostigmine is a cholinergic that act against non depolarising agent like atracorium .
we have cholinestrase enzyme inour body that act against succinyl choline

why myelinated nervefibres are white in colour?

Myelin sheaths are made of mostly a white phospholipid.
its a very good quetion.i have to read anatomy book gray.
The myelin sheath is mostly made of fats.
I have seen these Nerve fibers in a human brain at my medical school specifically myelinated nerve fiber are composed of phospholipids...they are white in colour because generally fats are white in colour.

why must we finish taking Antibiotics one full course although our fever has been gone?

because any leftover bacteria might become drug resistant if you don't finish the full course of antibiotics. it's happened with many strains of bacteria, particularly staph
Because the bacteria are still in your body and might not be dead. Sort of unconscious! If you stop the antibiotics they recover and become stronger and the antibiotic can no longer kill them. It's better to kill them totally! So finish the course!
By the way, this could seriously affect if you if are hurt badly and need an anti-biotic to save your life. Always finish the course!
your fever is gone because the antibiotics are surpressing the symptoms of whatever illness you have. you need to finish the full course of antibiotics so that your body can make antibodies against the illness, and you won't get it again (hopefully)
Steven ... If you quit taking your medications as soon as your symptoms disappear, you're liking to be affected again. After you've taken your medicine for a few days, most of the germs that provoked your illness have been killed off. However, not ALL of them were destroyed yet. If you stop taking your medicine before it's finished, those germs that remain will multiply and cause your illness to recur.The very first sentence of my link (below) addresses this particular mis-use of antibiotics. Scroll up to get the entire story.Take care, Steven, and take all the medicine as directed. Good luck.
The alotted dosage must be finished to totally eradicate the germs.If you cut off before the pills are finish,a likely re occurence may happen and you probably have to get different antibiotics to cure you.
Otherwise the infecting germs will become immune to that particular antibiotic and next time same antibiotic will not work on the germs.
To prevent the bacteria from surviving and developing resistance to the drug. Next time, we may need higher doses and longer duration treatment.
in my opinion it is a crime to stop an antibiotic treatment course without a genuine medical reason , Spreading bacterial resistance is a real headache for physicians and pharmacist

Why must we complete the full course of antibiotics?

I was given a seven day course of four tablets...which should've ended tonight...however me being me kept forgetting to take the tablets and ive got 7 tablets left...should i continue to take them or should i discard them?
take them, and try to do it according to the original schedule. you should take the whole course because if you don't, all you do is make the germ, whatever it may be, resistant to the drug you're taking, and when it comes back, you'll have to get something else to cure it. This is why they only give penicillin for strep throat now, everything else has become resistant to it coz of people only taking part of their anitbiotics
Well if the infection has gone away on its own, then congratulations, you don't need them. If the infection is still there, ask you doctor.In general, you should always take the full course of antibiotics. Otherwise, the infection could become drug resistant, meaning harsher treatments.
Antibiotic regimines should always be taken completely for a few reasons. The first being just because you don't show symptoms doesnt mean the illness is gone. One example is mononucleosis or mono for short, an illness that is treated with antibiotics but stays in the blood for up to 6 months after the symptoms have gone away.The second deals with mutations. Ever heard the saying what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger? Well this applies to germs especially. Germs and bacteria mutate to survive the hostile environments that they live in. Takeing antibiotics attacks the germs but not completeing the regimine is like quiting a fight you are winnign right in the middle it is just kinda stupid. So take all the remainign antibiotics and remember to stick to the schedule or you could end up with the next super germ. xD (Not likely but do you wanna risk it?)
Never EVER stop taking a medication because you feel better. It just makes matters worse.Finish taking the antibiotics and next time be more careful with a schedule. They have a reason for being given the way they are.
The reason you are suppose to take ALL of your antibiotics is because although you may be feeling better, the infection could still be there and if you stop taking the meds then I could just come right back! If you finish them all and stick to the schedule that you are suppose to then it will kill off all of the infection so you are as good as new and not just THINKING you are!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why mosquitoes attract frequently towards black colour? For example black hair & at evening?

Mosquitoes don't respond to color or temperature very much. (research is ambiguous, it isn't for sure one way or the other) Their primary method of tracking prey is chemically. They respond mostly to carbon dioxide and lactic acid, there are a large number of other chemical attractants that also work, but they're not as sure on those. There is a good deal of research on how certain species of mosquitoes hunt, almost always pertaining to certain ratios of chemicals. If you're curious, the entemology department of UF has some of the leading research on it.
mosquitoes respond to thermal stimuli (other than visual)..and black surfaces are warmer because they absorb heat. Hence, mosquitoes tend to congregate over darker areas, surfaces
mosquitoes are mostly dark colored, so they look out for dark colored places to reduce the chances of detection.
Mosquitoes and other insects have compound eyes. They see better in twilight. Bright light is uncomfortable for them.

Why mosquitoes are not able to spread HIV when they can spread dengue virus, W.bancrofti,chiken guniya virus?

It is understood that mosquitoes are injecting saliva(is it anasthetizing agent?) before drwaing blood from animals. HIV would not survive in mosquito saliva or mosquito blood or multiply inside mosquito body? If that is the case how mosquitoes are able to spread the chicken guniya viral disease, dengue viral disease, elephantiasis nematodes, malarail parasite, yellow viral fever. Can any one clarify my doubt?
Mosquitoes actually could spread HIV, but they are not good at it.HIV is not a very tough virus. It doesn't do well when exposed to air, and mosquitoes are very small and therefore quite exposed to oxygen (the surface area-to-mass ratio is high). There tends to be a long amount of time between feeding too.HIV doesn't multiply in mosquitoes. The other viruses, parasites etc are different in that they either survive well in the mosquito or actually breed in the mosquito and end up in the saliva of the mosquito (actually, it is more of a blood-thinning agent as opposed to an anesthetic)I think that the only way that HIV could be spread by a mosquito would be if the female mosquito was interrupted during feeding on an infected person. If the same mosquito then immediately attempted to feed on a non-infected person and was smashed so that some of the mosquito's blood meal ended up on and in the non-infected person, an infection could occur. Even this scenario is not very probable.Generally, HIV is spread by the exchange of bodily fluids on (and generally rather deep in) a body opening where there is some type of physical trauma that causes bleeding. Needle injection, anal sex etc help spread aids because these activities traumatize the body and create a place where the weak HIV can start its terrible work.You ought to protect yourself from mosquitoes, but try not to worry about getting HIV from the mosquitoes, it's highly unlikely.Warning: this is a highly politically charged issue. In such cases, its hard to get good answers because good answers are politically incorrect.
your guesses are right, HIV is specific to the species, and cannot make its way into into moscito saliva (or survive in it)
They don't spread, they BOOSTMalaria helps spreading AIDS in Africa by boosting the HIV in people's bodies for weeks at a time, and people weakened by HIV are, in turn, more vulnerable to malaria, in a deadly vicious circle.
HIV mosquito may be too weak to fly around and bite and may die in few seconds.
Because HIV the biggest fraud in medical history and may or may not even exist. Watch the following videos if you don't believe me.
mosquitoes use animal blood incluing human blood as food . they utilise the protien present in blood to support them. as W. bancrofti or mararia parasite and dengue parasite and not virus complete they life cyc le in mosquites they spread these infections where as HIV does not complete its life cycle in mosquites and hence donot spread AIDS.

why might it be important for a drug to have a brief half-life when it has a narrow therapeutic-index?

A brief half life helps prevent dangerous doses from building up whilst using drugs where the treatment dose is very close to a potentially dangerous one.
A narrow therapeutic index means that the difference in dosage between therapeutic and toxic levels is very small, and so must be monitored carefully because the patient can easily become toxic. A brief half-life is important because the shorter the half-life is, the faster it will be cleared from the system -- thus, if the patient reaches toxic levels of the drug, the patient will be able to recover faster if the drug has a short half-life than if it had a long one.

why its Ringing in the right ear?

Consulted doctor and he advised this is due to sinusitis.The medicine recommended is 200 mgSparfloxacin(antibiotic),Ibu... mg), steaming with inhalant capsule Genvol
cadila made for 5 days twice a day each tablet. No improvement of ringing sound-Tinnitus.Nothing is obstructing the pathof the ear upto the ear drum.whather the problem is with middile ear or inner ear?
if you drink pop is aspertain that makes you have a ringging in the ear,
your doctor could be correct then maybe he isnt.. there is no real answer for tinnitus..plenty of websites that swear there is a cure but most doctors just blow it off.. its internal sounds you are hearing or perhaps hearing damage to a small extent.Mine started 30 years ago. almost drove me crazy I thought it was high blood laughed at me.. Its also caused by some medications ,can be temporary or maybe permanent most of time if its cause is the body you will never get rid of it .. you will learn to live with it just like seeing your nose..If you look you see if ,but your brain has adjusted to not see it.. same principal
Well, I occasionally have tinnitus. The only thing I can figure is that since the blood has iron in it there is some phenomena of a magnetic action or something wrong with my Krebs citrus acid cycle and a few loose electrons "ringing" my bell. Check it out! I consider it normal fm time to time, but rare in the short time. What I did was mimic the tone by whistling at the same pitch..harmonizing the frequency. Or u can pull ur earlobe. One of the two actions usually diminish the sound. Yeah it's hard to concentrate when it happens.
Ah ha, been listening to loud music in your car, have the bass pumped up and rocking the car, am I correct? This is the culprit that has given me ringing in my ears, years of loud music..
i have no idea what CAUSES ringing in the ear(s), but the best cure i have found for it is to turn one's head as far in one direction as you can, hold it for a few seconds, then turn in the other direction and do the same. it works for me EVERY TIME. good luck with that tinnitus.
When you consult a good doctor he should ask you what type of medicine you are taking. He probably gave you antibiotics for urgency reasons without diagnostic tests.
If you take some medications ask your pharmacist: he should know or be able to find if there are some adverse effects.
You could also find the answer on the net. For example if you take aspirin every day you could have some earing problem. This is my drug of choice when I do not want to hear some people...
Will someone answer that damn phone?!
It could be a sign of trauma to your ears, Meniere's Disease (a chronic disease of the inner ear), hardening of the inner ear (otosclerosis), earwax that is touching your eardrum or is blocking your ear canal, or it really could be a sinus infection. Many people have a misunderstanding of what your sinuses are. They are basically just empty spaces that are found throughout your skull. When they get blocked by various surrounding tissues, it can result in accumulating secretions causing an infection. This infection can now spread to your ears because your ears connect to your sinuses and then to your nose. The obstruction of these sinuses can cause the ringing you are hearing.
Also, there can be no apparent cause.
My best advice would be to take all of your medication as prescribed, and if it doesn't clear up, ask for a referral to an ear, nose, and throat doc.

Why it is hot when i chew green chilly.?

The substance which makes food hot is capsaicin. Capsaicin is the main ingredient of pepper spray.
How hot food is, is measured by the Scoville units (SHU), this is a measure of the concentration of capsaicin in food. Jalapenos chilli peppers contain 3000 to 6000 SHU. The hottest chilli pepper known - the Dorset Naga pepper - contains 970 000 SHU and is not really fit for human consumption.
Chillies have got a pungent and deep chemical called capsaicin, It activates the nerve cells on the tongue so that the brain experiences the sensation of heat. Rest of the stuff is the reaction of the brain.

Why isn't Qualuude listed in The Pill Book?

I was attempting to look up Quaalude in the 12th edition of The Pill Book, and found nothing. Looked up the scientific name, Methaqualone...found nothing. Why isn't this sedative that teens sometimes abuse listed in the most reliable medication book in the US?
Legal reasons, not allowed in U.S. and many other markets anymore.
Quaalude (Methaqualone)
Quaalude Information
Quaalude (Methaqualone, Sopor) was first synthesised in India in 1955 by M.L.Gujral and was soon introduced to Japanese and European consumers as a safe barbiturate substitute.But experience has shown that its excessive use leads to tolerance, dependence and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of barbiturates.By 1965 it was the most commonly prescribed sedative in Britain.In England, it has been sold legally under the names Malsed, Malsedin, and Renoval. In 1965 Methaqualone and an antihistamine combination were sold as the sedative drug Mandrax by Rousell Laboratories.At about the same time (1965) it was starting to become a popular recreational drug named mandies or mandrake.In 1972 it was the sixth best selling sedative on the market in the United States, where it was legally sold by the name of Quaalude, and luding out, was a popular college pastime.Because of its alleged aphrodisiac and euphoric qualities it was known as the love drug at that time (the 70s). Guys would say to girls "Let's do some ludes and ****". Some girls would say "Yes" and others would say "No".It has been used as a hypnotic in the short term management of insomnia and as a sedative but has been withdrawn from the market due to problems with abuse.Dose: THERAPEUTIC RANGE: 150mg - 300mg at night OR 75mg four times a day.In the United States, the marketing of methaqualone pharmaceutical products stopped in 1984 and methaqualone was transferred to Schedule I of the CSA making it an illegal substance in USA as well as a number of other countries.In general, Qualudes are very similar to alcohol and other depressants. Methaqualone combines both sedative and hypnotic properties. The drug produces depression of the central nervous system (a reduction in the heart and breathing rate and blood pressure) and the onset of its effects usually occurs within 10 to 20 minutes of ingestion and may last 6 to 10 hours when taken orally.Small doses create a feeling of euphoria, relaxation, hornyness, and/or sleepiness. Larger doses can bring about depression, irrational behavior, poor reflexes and slurred speech.Negative effects can include a high level of tolerance (you need more to produce the same feeling), reduced heart rate, reduced respiration, and reduced muscular coordination.Some street names it has been sold as are Disco Biscuits, Down And Dirtys, Fuckers, Joe Fridays, Lemmon 714, Lemons, Lennons, Lovers, Ludes, Mandies, Mandrake, Q, qua, quaa, quack, Quad, Qualudes, Soaper, Supper, Vitamin Q, The Love Drug, Wallbangers, Whore Pills, and on and on and on...Overdose by methaqualone is more difficult to treat than barbiturate overdose, and deaths have occurred.Overdose Symptoms: Delirium, coma, restlessness, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, myoclonus, convulsions, tachycardia. Cardiac and respiratory depression occurs less frequently than with barbiturate poisoning. Cardiac and hepatic damage, bleeding, vomiting, renal insufficiency.Management of overdose: Get the person to a hospital right away. Overdose death is usually due to lung, liver, kidney, or heart failure.Unfortunately, much of what is being passed on the streets today isn't all pure, so it's best to stay away from unless you are sure of what you are getting. A lot of what gets sold as ludes, is really valium. This is because valium produces a feeling that is somewhat similar to ludes.
It's a animal tranquilizer.
As far as I remember, it has been pulled.
Methaqualone (Quaalude, Parest and others) is no longer legally manufactured, hence it's not listed in most references. All methaqualone that is available today is manufactured illegally, South Africa and India are big exporters. "The Pill Book" is indeed a useful reference, but not definitive. The most popular drug handbook today is Lexi-Comp's Drug Information Handbook. hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist
technically it is not produced in the US is found overseas and illegally imported...
you are correct, I have seen a quaalude OD about 7 years ago, and had to go thru all kinds of heck to get treatment info...i ended up talking to a toxicologist from Chicago...
you might find the link interesting about quaaludes
Try the correct spelling of quaalude and see what you come up with.

why is yawning contagious??

The yawn reflex is often described as contagious: if one person yawns, this will cause another person to "sympathetically" yawn.The proximate cause for contagious yawning may lie with mirror neurons, i.e. neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which upon being exposed to a stimulus from conspecific (same species) and occasionally interspecific organisms, activates the same regions in the brain. Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for Imitation which lies at the root of much human learning, e.g. language acquisition. Yawning may be an offshoot of the same imitative impulse. At a distal level (in terms of evolutionary advantage), yawning might be a herd instinct. Other theories suggest that the yawn serves to synchronize mood behavior among gregarious animals, similar to the howling of the wolf pack during a full moon. It signals tiredness to other members of the group in order to synchronize sleeping patterns and periods of activity. It can serve as a warning in displaying large, canine teeth. This phenomenon has been observed among various primates. The threat gesture is a way of maintaining order in the primates' social structure. The contagion of yawning is interspecific, for example a human yawning in front of a pet dog can incite the dog to yawn as well. Oddly, sometimes sympathetic yawning may be caused by simply looking at a picture of a person or animal yawning, or even seeing the word yawn.
u just made me yawn!
Try asking bill nye. I think this question was on his website the other day
I don't know, but I swear I yawned when I read that question! LOL!
when you see someone yawn it makes you think about yawning. now think about yawning--u just yawned didnt you?
yes, it's a psychological phenomenon. tests have been done. It's a fact.
the word is that a long time ago the leaders of the group would yawn to signify it was time to go to bed
and you might wanna look here -
I do not believe that it is..Yawning happens when your brain lacks oxygen鈥o it is all just a bog coincidence
I looked up this article and yawned as soon as I saw the picture of the fox..interesting, I didn't make it through the article though. maybe you'll have better luck
because we were pack creatures and we used to eat, sleep etc together I's primordial response...a cool experiment would be to yawn around a dog and see if it yawns lol..
yep, if u yawn the guy next to u will yawn too, just try it
It's a reflex started at the back of the throat. (almost like when you gag) It is contagious because our brains have a wierd "empathetic" channel attached to that reflex muscle. This is why when one person throws up other people might too. Not everyone yawns only those in tune to this reflex.
Close your mouth!! Don't yawn! A a a Yawn! Rat! I told you not to yawn! It contagious!
it's a "mind" thing lol
DSF You are on newspaper!
Good question! I would think that seeing someone yawn, triggers something in our reflexes or brain that makes us imitate the behavior.
Very long time ago, when we were living in caves, yawning was considered a social response to the fact that the group leader was yawning too."Yawning in synchrony is more common amoung potential lovers - not as a sign of bordom, but as an expression of their mutual empathy and attraction!"
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