Answer: When tissue is injured, release of chemical mediators (histamines, kinin, prostaglandins) occur. All these chemical mediators cause vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, pain, and fever---%26gt; manifestations at the site as redness (due to blood congestion), swelling (due to accumulation of fluid and cells), pain (due to nerve endings and swelling), and heat (due to vasodilation).To be specific histamines cause vasodilation and capillary permeability to allow fluid flow into injured site.Kinins (Bradykinin) also increases capillary permeability and pain sensation.Prostaglandins cause vasodilation, capillary permeability, pain, and fever.
What you describe are two of the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation: pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. What would help? anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen) and steroids (cortisone cream).
Increased blood flow. The injured tissue release substances that cause blood vessels to dilate, thus causing increased flow to that area. The increased flow presumably brings needed healing substances.
this is usually due to an infection.pour perioxide on the tissue if it is not a deep wound. or push around the tenderness to drain the guck out (pus) then put the perioxide on it... don't tear the wound or the scab off to due this it will hurt like hell. if is superificial wound this should clear it up in a couple of days. put bandaid on with first aid cream.
Sounds like an infection. or if you have staples in, could be an allergy to metal.
Red blood cells rush to the affected area.
Because your blood cells are trying to correct it so they rush to the wound. Pink around is ok, but if it spreads you need to point ointment on it.
simply blood flow to the wound to help heal it, also could be blood vessals that were broken and spewing out blood internally (a bruise)
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