please see my late answer in your other question.In looking through some of your uestions, it seems you are still in school and not the parent that I assumed. In this case, I would research alternative health and the mental illnesses you mention and find out what diet and herbs etc will help. Do a very thorough research on it and put it ibn a folder. Presnt the folder to your parent tellig them you so not think the medical drugs are sure (show why) and that you want instead to do this alternative approach. ffer to do extra chores to help out to help opay for some of the expense or get a job babysitting or something to help bring the things you need. Enlist another family member to come to your support if necessary,.
Because in America we are all spoiled and don't want to have to learn to concentrate. This means that the people who do really have ADD of ADHD, don't get the treatment they need because everyone else is taking it.
I think it has to do with the teachers not having the patience nor the time to sit with a child and provide what is really needed. To often our kids are mis-diagnosed with something or other in order to make it easier for a teacher to deal with in a classroom. It's so easy to shove a pill down a kids throat, when all they need is a little attention.
Teachers do not prescribe medication, doctors do that, but there does seem to be an increase. One cause may be that parents, and sometimes teachers, want quick solutions that require no work on their part, but at the same time there are many times where these medications do work. Overdone? Probably, but it doesn't make the success stories any less valid.
I have no idea what you're talking about. My brother went through years of psychiatric evaluations and diet changes and lifestyle changes before they put him on Ritalin, and the Ritalin was all that worked. Sometimes it's ok, really. The f-ing teacher should have no hand in it at all.I know sometimes a kid should not be on the meds, but that's when you step up and say no to the doctor. Most parents in that situation though are at the end of their rope and are willing to try the meds.
It saves having to think or, perish the thought, put in any extra work. Far simpler to turn them in to a zombie.
One of my teacher's recommended my parents to take me to a phycoligest. Worst year of my life. Luckily, I was smart and blamed my "behaviour" on a bad upbringing.I know now that I'm depressed, and every know and then my doctor gives me medication to "keep me under control."
Whatever. Sometimes people think they know what's best for you. Those assholes...
You need to challenge the establishment every step of the way, especially if you believe the child in question does not have a problem. All of these people take the most expedient route. You have to fight for what you believe in
Because it is so much easier than really dealing with what is really wrong, which is more than likely nothing.
Let's dope up our kids so they are easier to do deal with.. well hell yes they are, because they are zombies.
No one cares anymore about our youth.. And the teachers are not paid enough to deal with a child that might require a little extra attention. It's really sad.
Because they don't want to teach the kids. They just want peace and quiet.
Because no one wants to sit down and figure out what the real problem is. I am sure that some kids need it but a lot of them just need things explained a little better to them. I have 2 kids in elementary school and half the time they bring homework home that they have no clue how to do because the teacher didn't explain it. So when the child has problems the teachers always have to blame it on something else.
look at what u call yourself, you should be on meds, hopefully you grow up before its too late.
Number one: A teacher cannot prescribe medication. Number two: A Psychologist (note spelling, not a physiologist!) cannot prescribe medication.
A pyschiatrist or any other physician may prescribe medication after appropriate diagnosis first and exhausting other avenues. Bipolar is another kettle of fish altogether and is a serious Psychiatric condition that requires the expertise of a psychiatrist.Now, instead of complaining about school/teachers maybe you should have spent more time learning how to write, construct proper sentences and grammar!
I don't think you meant physiologist.
A psychiatrist may be ?BTW, please stop look down people in this field, they are not psychologist, and they are MDs.Also do not again overlook a child's need for such visit, please be serious and have deep trust to the professional.No sure about psychologist, or clinical psychologist, are they shrinks?
The teachers can't stand them hehehe!!
Because everyone always thinks that medication is the answer!! Drug company's love people like that, they love when a Dr's tell you that you need medication because then the Dr gets a fat check.and a nice trip!!! You never hear a Dr say well..maybe you should try a diet or exercise because they know that will help but, then NO FAT CHECK OR TRIP!!! That's why!! Sorry, but I hate that Dr's do that! I think there are some good Dr's that do care about you but, most just want MONEY!! Try something else if you can first then if you really need it then take it! Good Luck,
Tiff :)
first of all teachers don't prescribe medications, doctors do. second of all there is a huge push from drug companies to have everyone on medications. instead of disciplining children as they should be we drug our children. when a child acts out they are wisked away to the doctor and some type of medication is prescribed to them instead of a viable solution to the problem. due to divorce and children born out of wedlock this problem will only worsen.
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