
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is it "bad" to wear contact lenses for longer than the prescribed period?

For example, wearing 2-week wear lenses for 2 months. Please don't reply with the answer "because it is bad for your eyes". This is what my optometrist says. I want some real evidence. 20/20 did a study on non-disposable soft lenses and disposable soft lenses years ago and found they are pretty much the same...(Note that I disinfect and clean my lenses daily)
It is "bad" because they can't sell you more contacts if you wear yours longer.My optometrist was also a good friend, and he told me to wear as long as they felt comfortable. I wear my two week lenses for two months or more...I never take them out, not even to sleep...once they fall out or get uncomfortable I replace them.Been doing it for years.
you will see a difference when you start noticing your eyes getting irratated and red. Also when this happens usually you have developed a ulcer on your eye. And then you would not be able to wear contacts at all for two to three weeks. The difference is that they do not know that your eyes will get an irratation after wearing the contacts for that long.
I;m not 20/20 and have proof, but the reason is calcium and anything else can build up on the lens which will result in rips/tears of your cornea and result in permenant vision problems. the 2 week lenses are created for a time length to serve there purpose and help your eyes, once they have gone past their time their useless, same as using medication past it;'s due date, its potency is lost. Hope that helps..
My uncle is an optometrist. He tells me that wearing contacts for longer than the prescribed period can trap unwanted dirt in your eyes even if you take immaculate care of them. Wearing them past the prescribed time also takes it toll on the moisture content of your eye, you have to realize that when you put contacts over your eye you are essentially trapping certain things in your eye while other things can't get out.
I wear contacts, and they can come off the iris/pupil while your sleeping and go into the back of your eye. You will then have to dig them out or go have them taken out by the doctor. Also, they can get almost suctioned to your eye and you will then have to have them surgically removed!! Not fun, because you won't be able to wear them anymore, you will have to wear glasses, that's only if you don't loose your sight.
Wearing contacts longer than prescribed is bad because over time, a very thin calcium layer forms over the contact surface. This layer is so thin it is not noticeable, nor does it trap dirt under the lens. But this layer of calcium does prevent enough oxygen from reaching the parts of the eye that they contact is covering. To make up for this oxygen loss, the body will start growing blood vessels closer to your pupil in order to deliver the oxygen that it is being deprived of. Eventually, these blood vessels could possibly grow over your pupil causing red tinted vision, or even possible blindness.
Because you wil get conjunctivitis due to excessive irritation and abrasion.

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