
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why mosquitoes attract frequently towards black colour? For example black hair & at evening?

Mosquitoes don't respond to color or temperature very much. (research is ambiguous, it isn't for sure one way or the other) Their primary method of tracking prey is chemically. They respond mostly to carbon dioxide and lactic acid, there are a large number of other chemical attractants that also work, but they're not as sure on those. There is a good deal of research on how certain species of mosquitoes hunt, almost always pertaining to certain ratios of chemicals. If you're curious, the entemology department of UF has some of the leading research on it.
mosquitoes respond to thermal stimuli (other than visual)..and black surfaces are warmer because they absorb heat. Hence, mosquitoes tend to congregate over darker areas, surfaces
mosquitoes are mostly dark colored, so they look out for dark colored places to reduce the chances of detection.
Mosquitoes and other insects have compound eyes. They see better in twilight. Bright light is uncomfortable for them.

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