
Monday, October 12, 2009

Why don't the United States legalize cocaine and sell it across the counter at CVS, like they do Viagra?

Why don't the drug wars and put the drug dealers out of business? If they stop the killing, then they won't have nothing to fight over?
100 years ago cocaine was legal. It was not until the pure food and drug act of 1906 that made cocaine and many other drugs illegal. The pure food and drug act of 1906 was signed into law by then President Teddy Roosevelt who one morning was eating a plate of sausage while reading the controversial book by Upton Sinclair The Jungle (About the practices of the meat processing industry, which at the time had human fingers and dead mice as part of the meat products going into the market). However, the ban on cocaine in the pure food and drug act of 1906 was only amplified in 1970 by the signing of the controlled substance act. Viagra though was a different story, in 1989 Pfizer was testing a cancer drug that had a side effect of treating erectile dysfunction, and then 9 years later was remarketed as Viagra. And finally to answer the main point of your question, it is not the drug dealers fighting among each other that are the problem with the drugs. It's the crooked bankers who launder their drug money, and what you do is take George Carlin's advice and you take about 10 of these bankers every Monday Night and you nail them to crosses during the halftime show of Monday Night Football, and then you get Marlboro Cigarettes and Dow Chemicals to sponsor the whole thing, and then you talk about that drug trade really slowing down. So it's not really a matter of legalizing drugs, just more a matter of taking away the source of money laundering that these drug dealers use.
Viagra is not sold over the counter you need a prescription and it has a purpose. nobody has a real need for cocaine.Next time a cocaine junkie needs money to get cocaine I hope it's your house they rob. Apparently you haven't thought about the negative effect cocaine has on society.
crime might just get worse, you would have more users, so demand would go up and prices would go up..
You would have more crime in the sense that more people would have to come u with the outrageous prices the government would put on it..
look at the prices of legal prescription drugs in the United states.
It would not be prescribed for medical use and it would not be covered by any insurance plans because it is not a maintence drug or a drug used to treat or cure anything...
It is a bad idea, would be easy to get but no one could afford it ..when people get addicted to substances and cant afford them, that is the basis for true crime..its not the drug dealers killing and robbing, it is the users..
To keep the police employed.
Humans will always find something to fight over.
There is no antidote for cocaine overdose. They cut it with too much crap.
All research on coke has been stopped by the government.
Legalizing these street drugs would probably get this country out of debt though.
Take a look at your idea. I mean REALLY take a look. If it wasn't cocaine, it would be something else.
As long as mankind's main focus is the filthy dollar, then greed goes with the package.
Sure, sell cocaine. Then what do the losers who work to bilk the weak and helpless get into? Peyote? Mescalin? LSD? Mushrooms? Drinking water?
Since they decriminalized marijuana in small amounts here in Canada, there have never been more 'pot farms' in existence. My God, they were even using the empty Molson beer factory to run the most massive dope operation in Canadian history!
Get the drift? It doesn't decrease the availability, it INCREASES it!
So please take a moment and rethink your idea on that. Then apply it to other things such as prostitution and you'll get the answer you're looking for.
God Bless and thanks for reading.
They cannot do this, because cocaine is harmful.However, If you lived in the netherland, and you are a registered junkie, you go the local park, and the Government appointed "tamborine man" comes around with a trolley, and you get your fix for free. Another thing: A Coffee shop, is not a coffee shop. It's where they smoke doobies.
Greed is the factor behind it all. Weak, immoral humanity looking for a quick way to make big bucks. Your question completely ignores human nature.

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