
Saturday, October 24, 2009

why is urine sometimes a dark yellow and other times a clear yellow?

Dark yellow would mean you are very dehydrated... should always be clear or light yellow... drink lots of water to make sure you are well hydrated...
clear is more diluted in water, and dark doesn't have as much water
When its dark yellow that means you havent been drinking enough fluids. It's more healthy for you if its clearer becuse that means you're getting the right amount of water to clease your system. Doctors say you should aim for clear.
Its better if your urine is a clearer yellow because if its dark that means you aren't drinking enough water and the inside of your body is really acidic and there are too many toxins.
Clear has more water in it-- but dark means it's either not diluted w/ water or it has a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals.
The color is dependant upon what the urine is comprised of. The more sodium in the urine the darker it will be. If there is an infection in the body, the urine will be dark too. If you have drank a lot of water (not other liquids), the urine will be lighter.
the more yellower the urine is the mor dirt from your kidney came out. If you piss after a day or two you will get very very dark yellow colored urine, that means that lots of waste liquid was stored in your kidneys (which came from processing the liquids that you drank) and it all came out in one go. If you piss regularly 3 times a day and drinks lots and lots of water, your urine will be as transparent as water, that means that your kidneys are clean and thats obviously a good thing.
The intensity of the colour generally indicates the concentration of the urine; pale yellow or colourless urine indicates that it is dilute, and dark yellow urine indicates that it is concentrated. Generally, dark yellow urine would indicate that you haven't urinated for some time, or that you are dehydrated, but many other factors can affect urine colour, including diet, medications, and disease.
Depends on how hydrated you are. If you have an excess of water it will run clear. If you have a lack of water in your system it will be more yellow.
The color depends on the concentration of it. If you drank a lot of water, then your urine will be more dilute, and so lighter in color. If it is darker yellow, its more concentrated. If your urine is an odd color, this could indicate health problems.
Urine is filtered by your kidneys, and stored in your bladder,
When the urine is a dark yellow it means that one is not getting enough liquids in their system (meaning water, as other liquids, especially liquor may have to do with the discoloring of the urine in the first place. Some of the dyes used in many of the softdrinks, or the intake of a lot of cofee, tea, and colas may cause urine to turn dark as well as certain over the counter medications or prescription medication may also cause a change in the color of our urine
.When urine is a clear yellow, it is usually due to the intake of a lot of water.
When the urine is dark yellow it is because the urine has been stored in the bladder longer and has become full of more contamanants or is more concentrated.
In short the more water you drink and the more often you void your urine the clearer it should be, which is good.
The less often you drink clear liquids, like water, and the less often you void your urine, the darker yellow it becomes, which is not good.
Contact with chemicals can cause our urine to become darker and have a foul odor, and can be a sign that something is wrong with our health or that we have been exposed to some kind of contaminate or illness.
We should all drink at least eight ounces of water each day, and others say 16. We should void liqids at least three times a day, any less is considered unhealthy.
In societies and tribes who depend on livestock for their lively hood, it is normal for them to check the quality of the urine and the stool of their livestock to monitor the health of their animals since they can tell much about the health of the animals from the appearance of their waste. The same is true of human mothers until their children reach a certain age when they are potty trained, then the subject is considered "personal, private, and almost taboo."
Perhaps if we removed some of the taboo's concerning human waste, we would see less colon's the size of giant pythons on the autopsy tables and fewer illness associated with diet and obesity.
1st dark means u are dehydrated and urine is concentrated 2nd u have consumed water soluble vitamins like vitamin b that makes urine dark in colour.
... and if it smells funny you probably just ate some asparagus.

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