Answer: First let me tell you this. Bacteria have the ability to go on forever if there is nothing to stop it. (Antibiotics, the immune system, etc.) But a virus is self limiting. That means they can only reproduce for so long. Now why is there a cure to Bacteria and not viruses? Usually by the time a virus is allowed to run it's course, the patient is dead. AIDS, Hepatitis C, and several others are on this list. The common cold, the flu all have a short life cycle. Otherwise you'd have a lot more people dying from such common ailments. (That's not to say ppl don't die from a cold or the flu)There are some bacteria diseases that can't be cured, Necrotizing Fasciitis is one, well actually it spreads so fast that you have to amputate to save one's life.And lastly, interferon is used to control viral infections. It interferes with a virus' ability to reproduce. Thus shortening an infection.Hope that helps
It is possible to cure a viral infection, but the cures are often more destructive to the body than the illness. That is why they say that.
Because viruses never go away you just cant go and wash them away they are always there that is why there is no cure for cancer its a virus all you can do is take medicine for that time of year
Bacteria are sufficiently complex that antibiotics can find a place to attack them. Viruses are much simpler, being just a bit of DNA inside a shell, and the shell doesn't differ enough from bodily structures to give drugs a good means of attack that doesn't also do damage to the body. Research is under way to fix this, but the prospect for success anytime soon is poor.
Well, Bacterial diseases are often easier to treat because BACTERIA ARE ALIVE! Virus are not considered as Live Organisms! Bacteria have a Cell wall or cell membrane which can be dissolved with chemicals and Antibiotics often get through the membrane of the Bacteria and destroy the bacteria hence killing them as well as Curing a bacterial infection! Viruses, on the other hand, needs a host cell to grow. Viruses cannot divide or reproduce on their own. They don't have a cell wall or cell membrane and no known antibiotics work on them and therefore making them unresponsive to medicines. There is NO TREATMENT for Viral Infections! All the hepathesis shots or Flu shots contains viruses which are chemically inactive and when given to a human, it is very less quantity. Human body can easily recognize the foreign particles and kill them and convert their dead bodies to specials cells that are specialist against those viruses in Human Body and can easily recognize them the next time they enter the body and can easily kill them! So, there is no known mechanism of penetrating the body of the Virus and destroy them but their are affective measures to make the viruses inactive! I hope this information helps. More more information Google in Virology. Besides Virology is the Study of Viruses!
Bacteria has two forms good and bad bacteria. We need the good bacteria to sustain health. Virus is a destructive organizm which reeks havok on our immune systems. You can not kill a virus. That is why there are no cures for Aids, Cancer, ect. But it has been proven that if you can keep the body in an alkaline state, a virus can not live, therefore no cancer no Aids ect. Go to the drug store and ask for litmis paper to test your body's PH and if it shows an acid sate, than you can be wary of virus. But if yours shows alkalinePH state, you are in great shape. The food we eat effects our body's PH levels and fatty foods , Fast food and the like are the worst. Greens in any shape or form is a good source of food that helps the body. Yellow vegatables have sugar as do Carrots and potatoes, along with corn are the vegatables you need to stay away from because they turn to sugar and we do get to much everyday we also love sodas. Bad ,bad, bad. This causes us to become acidic, not good. You really are what you eat. Sickness and disease can be prevented if you just start learning to change your eating habbits and drink lots of distilled water only, no chemcals. water now has to many chemicals and is not safe for us to drink. Distilled water is chemical free. If you want to learn more send me an email and I will gladly give you more answers if I can... Hugs!! eat right and youll never have to worry about this again.
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