
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is donating blood important?

because they give you a cookie and a drink, and sometimes a t-shirt afterwords.where else can you get all those cool things, by just giving up an hour of your time, and a renewable source of fluid?ask anyone who was involve in 911. they know how important that 'life giving' blood is.i hope you find an answer that suites you.
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It is important because there are people who are injured, who need blood transfusions.If you donate blood you can help them.
Because it makes you feel like you are helping out other people you don't know, without thanks.
they need it for operationsit isn't really life threatening to give a pint or two
You can save others'lives.Isn't that enough?
It makes you feel happy, you feel like you have done a good deed...
Another thing is you are helping someone live...How would you feel if you knew that yo usaved someone's life?!!??
It's important because if people are hurt and they're losing alot of blood they're going to need more and their body can't make more that fast.So if you donate blood people with your same blood type can use your blood in a transfusion so they will have more.It saves lives.
Because it can save others lives without risking yours
Well on the otherside of the coin, if you are really selfish, you could give your own blood for the operation that you are going to have in a few weeks so that you don't get any "contaminated blood", but who really knows if they give you your own blood back?
You can save a life, isnt a life important? Yes, even if its only ONE life you save.
Because vampires will die if they don't get a steady supply.

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