With out it, I get horrible headache's, muscle spasms, mood swings, itchy skin, hearing things, and other problems. Also I can not think clearly, sleep, fully wake up, stay calm, go to the bathroom, concentrate, or talk clearly. With between 80mg and 600mg of caffeine, I feel great!
That's because you've become addicted and now need it to function normally. I know, because I'm also addicted. But it isn't some great breakthrough.
If its that severe, maybe you suffer from withdrawal. Pain meds with caffeine helps my headaches and coffee helps my digestive system (not in excess).
haha, congratulations, you're an addict. The negatives you are talking about are you going into withdrwel. People can use caffeine as a relativley safe way to sta alert as opposed to other things that do that like crack, but you have taken so much you need it just function.
Withdrawal symptoms being relieved by the substance of addiction does not make that substance a wonder drug.
caffeine has not been acknowledged as a potent medical breakthrough because a person on caffein tends to develop dependence or some would put it, addiction. for example, marijuana. marijuana has its therapeutic effects. but it has been considered a controlled substance because of a greater potential to do harm to the human body. caffeine causes nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching (hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches, and heart palpitations.
Direct answer to question: Because it's not!As other answers indicated, you get too much caffeine. Check into a clinic and feed yourself on cold turkey for awhile.
In response to the answer referencing marijuana, I'd like to point to numerous studies that show that marijuana is NOT physically addictive. One must distinguish between psychological addiction (which produces feelings of sadness or emptimess during withdrawal,) and psysical addiction which may result in physical illness or death due to withdrawal. It should be noted that while caffeine is not associated with a fatal withdrawal, some physical withdrawal symptoms have been charted and recorded in research.
Caffeine is not good for everything. It does have drawbacks. It weakens your bones. Furthermore, if you take too much of it, you can die from it. Over dosage can make your nervous system go crazy. Long term use of it can cause psychiatric problems.
It gives me the shakes by all means spread the word though
I agree, sounds exactly like caffiene withdrawl. Caffeine doesn't help everything, in your case it is making things worse.
It isn't helping these things, its just that you're addicted and now you just feel that way without caffeine. Furthermore, some people are highly sensitive to the drug. It causes heart palpitations in some people. Some people even get extremely jittery and shakey with just a tiny bit of it. It restricts the blood vessels in your brain this causes your body to sort of panic because it thinks something is wrong. So, adrenaline is released giving you an energetic feeling. I do love my caffeine though too!:) It definitely helps me stay up an cram all night for college exams!
The actual question you ask is most intrigueing. While I agree with the comments by the previous responders, and it is apparent you are suffering withdrawel symptoms, caffiene remains a very potent chemical/pharmaceutical agent. It is used in many combination products (as, for instance, anacin), and it is available as no-doz tablets. It is not, however, promoted as a wonder drug. The reason it does not get any respect as a wonder drug is actually very straight forward- money. Wonder drugs become medical legends when the manufacturers promote them Promotion to physicians promotes sales. Sales promote profits. Profits encourage promotion, and the cycle goes on and on. Another legend is born. Caffeine is cheap. Caffiene is readily available (coffee, tea). There is little or no profit margin for the pharmaceutical houses to tap, hence no stimulus for marketing promotion, hence relative oblivion for this "wonder drug". As to addiction potential for caffeine- it is highly addictive, has all the properties of any addictive substance- creates tolerance over time, has withdrawel symtoms. Fortunately for us coffee addicts, withdrawel is fairly rapid (a matter of days, if you go cold turkey) and there are few long lasting after affects. Some docs suggest it may cause high blood pressure. Some say it may actually lower pressure. talk with your family doctor about that.
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