
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why mosquitoes attract frequently towards black colour? For example black hair & at evening?

Mosquitoes don't respond to color or temperature very much. (research is ambiguous, it isn't for sure one way or the other) Their primary method of tracking prey is chemically. They respond mostly to carbon dioxide and lactic acid, there are a large number of other chemical attractants that also work, but they're not as sure on those. There is a good deal of research on how certain species of mosquitoes hunt, almost always pertaining to certain ratios of chemicals. If you're curious, the entemology department of UF has some of the leading research on it.
mosquitoes respond to thermal stimuli (other than visual)..and black surfaces are warmer because they absorb heat. Hence, mosquitoes tend to congregate over darker areas, surfaces
mosquitoes are mostly dark colored, so they look out for dark colored places to reduce the chances of detection.
Mosquitoes and other insects have compound eyes. They see better in twilight. Bright light is uncomfortable for them.

Why mosquitoes are not able to spread HIV when they can spread dengue virus, W.bancrofti,chiken guniya virus?

It is understood that mosquitoes are injecting saliva(is it anasthetizing agent?) before drwaing blood from animals. HIV would not survive in mosquito saliva or mosquito blood or multiply inside mosquito body? If that is the case how mosquitoes are able to spread the chicken guniya viral disease, dengue viral disease, elephantiasis nematodes, malarail parasite, yellow viral fever. Can any one clarify my doubt?
Mosquitoes actually could spread HIV, but they are not good at it.HIV is not a very tough virus. It doesn't do well when exposed to air, and mosquitoes are very small and therefore quite exposed to oxygen (the surface area-to-mass ratio is high). There tends to be a long amount of time between feeding too.HIV doesn't multiply in mosquitoes. The other viruses, parasites etc are different in that they either survive well in the mosquito or actually breed in the mosquito and end up in the saliva of the mosquito (actually, it is more of a blood-thinning agent as opposed to an anesthetic)I think that the only way that HIV could be spread by a mosquito would be if the female mosquito was interrupted during feeding on an infected person. If the same mosquito then immediately attempted to feed on a non-infected person and was smashed so that some of the mosquito's blood meal ended up on and in the non-infected person, an infection could occur. Even this scenario is not very probable.Generally, HIV is spread by the exchange of bodily fluids on (and generally rather deep in) a body opening where there is some type of physical trauma that causes bleeding. Needle injection, anal sex etc help spread aids because these activities traumatize the body and create a place where the weak HIV can start its terrible work.You ought to protect yourself from mosquitoes, but try not to worry about getting HIV from the mosquitoes, it's highly unlikely.Warning: this is a highly politically charged issue. In such cases, its hard to get good answers because good answers are politically incorrect.
your guesses are right, HIV is specific to the species, and cannot make its way into into moscito saliva (or survive in it)
They don't spread, they BOOSTMalaria helps spreading AIDS in Africa by boosting the HIV in people's bodies for weeks at a time, and people weakened by HIV are, in turn, more vulnerable to malaria, in a deadly vicious circle.
HIV mosquito may be too weak to fly around and bite and may die in few seconds.
Because HIV the biggest fraud in medical history and may or may not even exist. Watch the following videos if you don't believe me.
mosquitoes use animal blood incluing human blood as food . they utilise the protien present in blood to support them. as W. bancrofti or mararia parasite and dengue parasite and not virus complete they life cyc le in mosquites they spread these infections where as HIV does not complete its life cycle in mosquites and hence donot spread AIDS.

why might it be important for a drug to have a brief half-life when it has a narrow therapeutic-index?

A brief half life helps prevent dangerous doses from building up whilst using drugs where the treatment dose is very close to a potentially dangerous one.
A narrow therapeutic index means that the difference in dosage between therapeutic and toxic levels is very small, and so must be monitored carefully because the patient can easily become toxic. A brief half-life is important because the shorter the half-life is, the faster it will be cleared from the system -- thus, if the patient reaches toxic levels of the drug, the patient will be able to recover faster if the drug has a short half-life than if it had a long one.

why its Ringing in the right ear?

Consulted doctor and he advised this is due to sinusitis.The medicine recommended is 200 mgSparfloxacin(antibiotic),Ibu... mg), steaming with inhalant capsule Genvol
cadila made for 5 days twice a day each tablet. No improvement of ringing sound-Tinnitus.Nothing is obstructing the pathof the ear upto the ear drum.whather the problem is with middile ear or inner ear?
if you drink pop is aspertain that makes you have a ringging in the ear,
your doctor could be correct then maybe he isnt.. there is no real answer for tinnitus..plenty of websites that swear there is a cure but most doctors just blow it off.. its internal sounds you are hearing or perhaps hearing damage to a small extent.Mine started 30 years ago. almost drove me crazy I thought it was high blood laughed at me.. Its also caused by some medications ,can be temporary or maybe permanent most of time if its cause is the body you will never get rid of it .. you will learn to live with it just like seeing your nose..If you look you see if ,but your brain has adjusted to not see it.. same principal
Well, I occasionally have tinnitus. The only thing I can figure is that since the blood has iron in it there is some phenomena of a magnetic action or something wrong with my Krebs citrus acid cycle and a few loose electrons "ringing" my bell. Check it out! I consider it normal fm time to time, but rare in the short time. What I did was mimic the tone by whistling at the same pitch..harmonizing the frequency. Or u can pull ur earlobe. One of the two actions usually diminish the sound. Yeah it's hard to concentrate when it happens.
Ah ha, been listening to loud music in your car, have the bass pumped up and rocking the car, am I correct? This is the culprit that has given me ringing in my ears, years of loud music..
i have no idea what CAUSES ringing in the ear(s), but the best cure i have found for it is to turn one's head as far in one direction as you can, hold it for a few seconds, then turn in the other direction and do the same. it works for me EVERY TIME. good luck with that tinnitus.
When you consult a good doctor he should ask you what type of medicine you are taking. He probably gave you antibiotics for urgency reasons without diagnostic tests.
If you take some medications ask your pharmacist: he should know or be able to find if there are some adverse effects.
You could also find the answer on the net. For example if you take aspirin every day you could have some earing problem. This is my drug of choice when I do not want to hear some people...
Will someone answer that damn phone?!
It could be a sign of trauma to your ears, Meniere's Disease (a chronic disease of the inner ear), hardening of the inner ear (otosclerosis), earwax that is touching your eardrum or is blocking your ear canal, or it really could be a sinus infection. Many people have a misunderstanding of what your sinuses are. They are basically just empty spaces that are found throughout your skull. When they get blocked by various surrounding tissues, it can result in accumulating secretions causing an infection. This infection can now spread to your ears because your ears connect to your sinuses and then to your nose. The obstruction of these sinuses can cause the ringing you are hearing.
Also, there can be no apparent cause.
My best advice would be to take all of your medication as prescribed, and if it doesn't clear up, ask for a referral to an ear, nose, and throat doc.

Why it is hot when i chew green chilly.?

The substance which makes food hot is capsaicin. Capsaicin is the main ingredient of pepper spray.
How hot food is, is measured by the Scoville units (SHU), this is a measure of the concentration of capsaicin in food. Jalapenos chilli peppers contain 3000 to 6000 SHU. The hottest chilli pepper known - the Dorset Naga pepper - contains 970 000 SHU and is not really fit for human consumption.
Chillies have got a pungent and deep chemical called capsaicin, It activates the nerve cells on the tongue so that the brain experiences the sensation of heat. Rest of the stuff is the reaction of the brain.

Why isn't Qualuude listed in The Pill Book?

I was attempting to look up Quaalude in the 12th edition of The Pill Book, and found nothing. Looked up the scientific name, Methaqualone...found nothing. Why isn't this sedative that teens sometimes abuse listed in the most reliable medication book in the US?
Legal reasons, not allowed in U.S. and many other markets anymore.
Quaalude (Methaqualone)
Quaalude Information
Quaalude (Methaqualone, Sopor) was first synthesised in India in 1955 by M.L.Gujral and was soon introduced to Japanese and European consumers as a safe barbiturate substitute.But experience has shown that its excessive use leads to tolerance, dependence and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of barbiturates.By 1965 it was the most commonly prescribed sedative in Britain.In England, it has been sold legally under the names Malsed, Malsedin, and Renoval. In 1965 Methaqualone and an antihistamine combination were sold as the sedative drug Mandrax by Rousell Laboratories.At about the same time (1965) it was starting to become a popular recreational drug named mandies or mandrake.In 1972 it was the sixth best selling sedative on the market in the United States, where it was legally sold by the name of Quaalude, and luding out, was a popular college pastime.Because of its alleged aphrodisiac and euphoric qualities it was known as the love drug at that time (the 70s). Guys would say to girls "Let's do some ludes and ****". Some girls would say "Yes" and others would say "No".It has been used as a hypnotic in the short term management of insomnia and as a sedative but has been withdrawn from the market due to problems with abuse.Dose: THERAPEUTIC RANGE: 150mg - 300mg at night OR 75mg four times a day.In the United States, the marketing of methaqualone pharmaceutical products stopped in 1984 and methaqualone was transferred to Schedule I of the CSA making it an illegal substance in USA as well as a number of other countries.In general, Qualudes are very similar to alcohol and other depressants. Methaqualone combines both sedative and hypnotic properties. The drug produces depression of the central nervous system (a reduction in the heart and breathing rate and blood pressure) and the onset of its effects usually occurs within 10 to 20 minutes of ingestion and may last 6 to 10 hours when taken orally.Small doses create a feeling of euphoria, relaxation, hornyness, and/or sleepiness. Larger doses can bring about depression, irrational behavior, poor reflexes and slurred speech.Negative effects can include a high level of tolerance (you need more to produce the same feeling), reduced heart rate, reduced respiration, and reduced muscular coordination.Some street names it has been sold as are Disco Biscuits, Down And Dirtys, Fuckers, Joe Fridays, Lemmon 714, Lemons, Lennons, Lovers, Ludes, Mandies, Mandrake, Q, qua, quaa, quack, Quad, Qualudes, Soaper, Supper, Vitamin Q, The Love Drug, Wallbangers, Whore Pills, and on and on and on...Overdose by methaqualone is more difficult to treat than barbiturate overdose, and deaths have occurred.Overdose Symptoms: Delirium, coma, restlessness, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, myoclonus, convulsions, tachycardia. Cardiac and respiratory depression occurs less frequently than with barbiturate poisoning. Cardiac and hepatic damage, bleeding, vomiting, renal insufficiency.Management of overdose: Get the person to a hospital right away. Overdose death is usually due to lung, liver, kidney, or heart failure.Unfortunately, much of what is being passed on the streets today isn't all pure, so it's best to stay away from unless you are sure of what you are getting. A lot of what gets sold as ludes, is really valium. This is because valium produces a feeling that is somewhat similar to ludes.
It's a animal tranquilizer.
As far as I remember, it has been pulled.
Methaqualone (Quaalude, Parest and others) is no longer legally manufactured, hence it's not listed in most references. All methaqualone that is available today is manufactured illegally, South Africa and India are big exporters. "The Pill Book" is indeed a useful reference, but not definitive. The most popular drug handbook today is Lexi-Comp's Drug Information Handbook. hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist
technically it is not produced in the US is found overseas and illegally imported...
you are correct, I have seen a quaalude OD about 7 years ago, and had to go thru all kinds of heck to get treatment info...i ended up talking to a toxicologist from Chicago...
you might find the link interesting about quaaludes
Try the correct spelling of quaalude and see what you come up with.

why is yawning contagious??

The yawn reflex is often described as contagious: if one person yawns, this will cause another person to "sympathetically" yawn.The proximate cause for contagious yawning may lie with mirror neurons, i.e. neurons in the frontal cortex of certain vertebrates, which upon being exposed to a stimulus from conspecific (same species) and occasionally interspecific organisms, activates the same regions in the brain. Mirror neurons have been proposed as a driving force for Imitation which lies at the root of much human learning, e.g. language acquisition. Yawning may be an offshoot of the same imitative impulse. At a distal level (in terms of evolutionary advantage), yawning might be a herd instinct. Other theories suggest that the yawn serves to synchronize mood behavior among gregarious animals, similar to the howling of the wolf pack during a full moon. It signals tiredness to other members of the group in order to synchronize sleeping patterns and periods of activity. It can serve as a warning in displaying large, canine teeth. This phenomenon has been observed among various primates. The threat gesture is a way of maintaining order in the primates' social structure. The contagion of yawning is interspecific, for example a human yawning in front of a pet dog can incite the dog to yawn as well. Oddly, sometimes sympathetic yawning may be caused by simply looking at a picture of a person or animal yawning, or even seeing the word yawn.
u just made me yawn!
Try asking bill nye. I think this question was on his website the other day
I don't know, but I swear I yawned when I read that question! LOL!
when you see someone yawn it makes you think about yawning. now think about yawning--u just yawned didnt you?
yes, it's a psychological phenomenon. tests have been done. It's a fact.
the word is that a long time ago the leaders of the group would yawn to signify it was time to go to bed
and you might wanna look here -
I do not believe that it is..Yawning happens when your brain lacks oxygen鈥o it is all just a bog coincidence
I looked up this article and yawned as soon as I saw the picture of the fox..interesting, I didn't make it through the article though. maybe you'll have better luck
because we were pack creatures and we used to eat, sleep etc together I's primordial response...a cool experiment would be to yawn around a dog and see if it yawns lol..
yep, if u yawn the guy next to u will yawn too, just try it
It's a reflex started at the back of the throat. (almost like when you gag) It is contagious because our brains have a wierd "empathetic" channel attached to that reflex muscle. This is why when one person throws up other people might too. Not everyone yawns only those in tune to this reflex.
Close your mouth!! Don't yawn! A a a Yawn! Rat! I told you not to yawn! It contagious!
it's a "mind" thing lol
DSF You are on newspaper!
Good question! I would think that seeing someone yawn, triggers something in our reflexes or brain that makes us imitate the behavior.
Very long time ago, when we were living in caves, yawning was considered a social response to the fact that the group leader was yawning too."Yawning in synchrony is more common amoung potential lovers - not as a sign of bordom, but as an expression of their mutual empathy and attraction!"

Why is yawning contagious?

------------------------------...Why is yawning contagious? Brain study deepens mysteryMarch 5, 2005
Special to World ScienceIt may not be one of life’s deepest mysteries, but as scientific conundrums go, it has a peculiar staying power. Why is yawning contagious?


Researchers recently found that yawning isn’t only catching among people; it is also among chimpanzees. (Click here for a brief video from this research.) No one has devised a fully convincing explanation of why.Compounding the mystery is the odd way in which the contagious power of yawning is largely unconscious. We can see someone yawn, yearn to replicate the action ourselves, and do it, all without thinking about it. Other times we’re aware it is happening, though it still floats somewhere beneath the realm of reason and of purposeful actions.So what gives? In an effort to find the answer, the Finnish government recently funded a brain scanning study. The results turned up some hard-to-interpret, possible clues. It also confirmed the obvious: yawn contagion is largely unconscious. Wherever it might affect the brain, it bypasses the known brain circuitry for consciously analyzing and mimicking other people’s actions.This circuitry is called the “mirror-neuron system,” because it contains a special type of brain cells, or neurons, that become active both when their owner does something, and when he or she senses someone else doing the same thing. Mirror neurons typically become active when a person consciously imitates an action of someone else, a process associated with learning. But they seem to play no role in yawn contagiousness, the researchers in the new study found. The cells are have no extra activity during contagious yawning compared with during other non-contagious facial movements, they observed.Brain activity “associated with viewing another person yawn seems to circumvent the essential parts of the MNS [mirror neuron system], in line with the nature of contagious yawns as automatically released behavioural acts—rather than truly imitated motor patterns that would require detailed action understanding,” wrote the researchers, with the Helsinki University of Technology and the Research Centre Jülich, Germany. The findings are published in the February issue of the research journal Neuroimage.But if seeing someone yawn doesn’t activate these centers, what does it do to the brain? The researchers found that it appears to strongly activate at least one brain area, called the superior temporal sulcus. But this activation was unrelated to any desire to yawn in response, so it may be irrelevant to the contagion question, the researchers added.Possibly more significant, they wrote, was the apparent deactivation of a second brain area, called the left periamygdalar region. The more strongly a participant reported wanting to yawn in response to another person’s yawn, the stronger was this deactivation. “This finding represents the first known neurophysiological signature of perceived yawn contagiousness,” the researchers wrote.Exactly what the finding means is less clear, they acknowledged. The periamygdalar region is a zone that lies alongside the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain in the area of the side of the head. The periamygdalar region has been linked to the unconscious analysis of emotional expressions in faces. Why it would be deactivated in tandem with yawn contagion is unclear, the researchers said.One thing seems clear from the study is that “contagious yawning does not rely on brain mechanisms of action understanding,” wrote one of the researchers, Riitta Hari of the Helsinki University of Technology, in a recent email. Rather, she continued, it seems to be an “‘automatically’ released (and most likely very archaic) motor pattern,” or sequence of physical actions.In the study, volunteers looked at videos of actors yawning or making other mouth movements. Meanwhile their brains were scanned using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a system that shows the amount of activity or work going on in various brain areas based on the amount of oxygen being used up there. The volunteers were later asked how strongly they had been tempted to yawn while viewing the pictures.Apart from the physical brain mechanisms of yawn contagiousness, researchers have offered different reasons as to why it exists. Some have proposed that in early humans, yawn contagiousness might have helped people communicate their alertness levels to each other, and thus coordinate their sleep schedules.This might be part of a more general phenomenon of unconscious signals that serve to synchronize group behavior, the authors of the Neuroimage paper wrote. “Such synchronization could be essential for species survival and works without action understanding, like when a flock of birds rises to the air as soon as the first bird does so—supposably as it notices a predator.”* * *
I'm going to bed.
Yawning is a result of oxygen depletion, and if you are in a room with someone who yawns, you are also depleted of oxygen and therefore yawn also.
It's psychological...all in the head. It's not contagious.
yes it is, I yawn whenever someone does it
It's your body telling you your tired because no more energy or not enough sleep.
Its so weird. I got told off at school once because the teacher saw me yawning, but I only yawned because the boy next to me yawned!! It wasn't my fault!!
That's actually an urban legend. Yawning generally happens when a person is bored; and if a situation is borig, other people will likely agree. Sometimes the quality of the air can make one sleepy, as a lot of alertness has to do with oxygen levels.
That's actually a myth. An experiment was conducted by the Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel and it was found that people aren't prompted to yawn if they see or hear another person yawn.
arrrghhhhyyawwwmmmmmmmmmm. i don't know . i'm arrrrryywaaammmmmm.shut shchh.
Just seeing that word made me yawn,dont know why its contagious just is.
Hearing someone else yawn reminds you that you need to yawn, so you do. We're always on the verge of yawning, and hearing it brings the awareness needed to follow through. That's why it's not always contagious, but only when you're already slightly tired.
because of humans are animals HM, sort of , we do derive from animal 'kingdom'-sort of ,,,once upon a time question carried along the corridor of males,dog males,mean and nasty horrid howlers as wolves Howell -aiiiihuuu,time and time again at middle of the night, hm, why wolves howl so , together in a group,shh wait on a bit,,do they try to scare some one,? HM don't think so, do you,? so why howling, hey it is animal kingdom elementary communication system evolved,,HM before your time,so you go, whats the connection-we ya awn in harmony-Ceres a news flash ,my friend-coose we derived humans from animal kingdom,yet one proof of it , is we actually ya-an n only in symphaty,
there are receptors located in the medulla oblongota (brain stem)
which detects when your oxygen level is low which in turns triggers a person to yawn, when a person yawn he/ she are inhaling deeper bringing needed oxygen to the brain. This typically happens when you are in a closed room of people such as in class. Such an environment has a limited supply of oxygen available because of the amount of people breathing in the oxygen and exhaling the carbon dioxide.

why is yawning contagious?

Yawning individuals are exposed to the same atmospheric oxygen concentration this could fall marginally to set off the masseteric reflex to pump more blood to the brain from within the masseter muscles,so when this happens it appears to be contagious.

why is yawning contagious?

Heere are excerpts from the source:
In an effort to find the answer, the Finnish government recently funded a brain scanning study. The results turned up some hard-to-interpret, possible clues. It also confirmed the obvious: yawn contagion is largely unconscious. Wherever it might affect the brain, it bypasses the known brain circuitry for consciously analyzing and mimicking other people’s actions.This circuitry is called the “mirror-neuron system,” because it contains a special type of brain cells, or neurons, that become active both when their owner does something, and when he or she senses someone else doing the same thing. Mirror neurons typically become active when a person consciously imitates an action of someone else, a process associated with learning. But they seem to play no role in yawn contagiousness, the researchers in the new study found. The cells are have no extra activity during contagious yawning compared with during other non-contagious facial movements, they observed.Brain activity “associated with viewing another person yawn seems to circumvent the essential parts of the MNS [mirror neuron system], in line with the nature of contagious yawns as automatically released behavioural acts—rather than truly imitated motor patterns that would require detailed action understanding,” wrote the researchers, with the Helsinki University of Technology and the Research Centre Jülich, Germany. The findings are published in the February issue of the research journal Neuroimage.But if seeing someone yawn doesn’t activate these centers, what does it do to the brain? The researchers found that it appears to strongly activate at least one brain area, called the superior temporal sulcus. But this activation was unrelated to any desire to yawn in response, so it may be irrelevant to the contagion question, the researchers added.Possibly more significant, they wrote, was the apparent deactivation of a second brain area, called the left periamygdalar region. The more strongly a participant reported wanting to yawn in response to another person’s yawn, the stronger was this deactivation. “This finding represents the first known neurophysiological signature of perceived yawn contagiousness,” the researchers wrote.Exactly what the finding means is less clear, they acknowledged. The periamygdalar region is a zone that lies alongside the amygdala, an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain in the area of the side of the head. The periamygdalar region has been linked to the unconscious analysis of emotional expressions in faces. Why it would be deactivated in tandem with yawn contagion is unclear, the researchers said.
Further details can be had from the site.
good question the REAL reason is genetic encoding, when we were apes yawning was a way to express dominance by showing our teeth, and it makes us have the compulsion to display ours as well, there are many other examples of this, like why people go crazy during a full moon, or why we are afraid of spiders %26 snakes just to name a few
Though the response from Sarayu was truly enlightening, the reason for this is still not clear or answered.
simply - its related to how sympathetic the person is

why is yawning contagious?

There is essentially no chemical or gas release in a yawn that would cause another person to yawn. And yawning is not side effect of any communicable ailment. Yawning is not really contagious, it is more a somatic effect that causes other people to yawn when they see or hear someone yawning. Yawning is how the brain gets a lot of oxygen very quickly when it is low. Which is why you yawn when you are tired but are either unable to sleep, or trying to stay awake. The brain registers either situation as the same, and b/c it's functioning as though you are supposed to be awake, if it doesn't have enough oxygen, it recognizes the potential for fatality if it doesn't get a lot of it very quickly. So you yawn, because the brain signals for you to do so, so that you can stay awake.
Yes but I don't know why.
Nobody knows, it's the great unanswered question of our time. My guess it's an empathic trigger in the brain.
i dont know y yawning is contagious but i do know u yawn because u dont have enough oxygen in ur blood
well, i think when you see someone yawning that make you feel and remember or realize whatever and the mechanism in the brain order you to yawning. It's like you not feel hungry but, if you see some food can make you feel hungry. I think.
It's because of the "power of suggestion". It's like when you see someone eating ice cream, you also want ice cream and crave it. Not that you crave yawning, but the mere suggestion makes you do it. Try this... take a normal glass of water and pass it around a room asking how many people smell ammonia in the glass. About 80% will smell ammonia even though there is none in the glass. It's the "power of suggestion".
I saw on National Geographic that yawning they think was some sort of primitive universal sign that cavemen, and early humans used. For some reason we havent evolved out of it. They dont know what exactly its for, but that was thier take on
It is purely psychological.
actually wen we yawn intake of oxygen happens i think u kno y we yawn only wen our brain cells becomes fatigue. so microbes present in the surounding air wil enter inside our lungs and might cause asthma n other respiratory problems but usually it doesnt happen bcoz of our body immune system
I think this is a very very good question . I have wondering fro years and years for this and I never got the answer . But however , If I see a good and best answer chosen by the asker , Hope I will get a good answer . I have been thinking of asking a question on google answers as well as ByeDR . But , However I think I will get a good answer .
Yawning in one removes the inhibition in others
yawning is due to the excessive production of carbon -di-oxide in our body so when v yawn co2 is released in huge amount hence it pasess to others hence its contagious
because you are watching the other person yawn
I just clicked to answer your question.When I began to type, I noiced that I was finishng my yawning.I wondered how mere reading of the word causes yawning.
cos while doing so u r spreading so many microorganisms..but not so sure!

why is urine sometimes a dark yellow and other times a clear yellow?

Dark yellow would mean you are very dehydrated... should always be clear or light yellow... drink lots of water to make sure you are well hydrated...
clear is more diluted in water, and dark doesn't have as much water
When its dark yellow that means you havent been drinking enough fluids. It's more healthy for you if its clearer becuse that means you're getting the right amount of water to clease your system. Doctors say you should aim for clear.
Its better if your urine is a clearer yellow because if its dark that means you aren't drinking enough water and the inside of your body is really acidic and there are too many toxins.
Clear has more water in it-- but dark means it's either not diluted w/ water or it has a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals.
The color is dependant upon what the urine is comprised of. The more sodium in the urine the darker it will be. If there is an infection in the body, the urine will be dark too. If you have drank a lot of water (not other liquids), the urine will be lighter.
the more yellower the urine is the mor dirt from your kidney came out. If you piss after a day or two you will get very very dark yellow colored urine, that means that lots of waste liquid was stored in your kidneys (which came from processing the liquids that you drank) and it all came out in one go. If you piss regularly 3 times a day and drinks lots and lots of water, your urine will be as transparent as water, that means that your kidneys are clean and thats obviously a good thing.
The intensity of the colour generally indicates the concentration of the urine; pale yellow or colourless urine indicates that it is dilute, and dark yellow urine indicates that it is concentrated. Generally, dark yellow urine would indicate that you haven't urinated for some time, or that you are dehydrated, but many other factors can affect urine colour, including diet, medications, and disease.
Depends on how hydrated you are. If you have an excess of water it will run clear. If you have a lack of water in your system it will be more yellow.
The color depends on the concentration of it. If you drank a lot of water, then your urine will be more dilute, and so lighter in color. If it is darker yellow, its more concentrated. If your urine is an odd color, this could indicate health problems.
Urine is filtered by your kidneys, and stored in your bladder,
When the urine is a dark yellow it means that one is not getting enough liquids in their system (meaning water, as other liquids, especially liquor may have to do with the discoloring of the urine in the first place. Some of the dyes used in many of the softdrinks, or the intake of a lot of cofee, tea, and colas may cause urine to turn dark as well as certain over the counter medications or prescription medication may also cause a change in the color of our urine
.When urine is a clear yellow, it is usually due to the intake of a lot of water.
When the urine is dark yellow it is because the urine has been stored in the bladder longer and has become full of more contamanants or is more concentrated.
In short the more water you drink and the more often you void your urine the clearer it should be, which is good.
The less often you drink clear liquids, like water, and the less often you void your urine, the darker yellow it becomes, which is not good.
Contact with chemicals can cause our urine to become darker and have a foul odor, and can be a sign that something is wrong with our health or that we have been exposed to some kind of contaminate or illness.
We should all drink at least eight ounces of water each day, and others say 16. We should void liqids at least three times a day, any less is considered unhealthy.
In societies and tribes who depend on livestock for their lively hood, it is normal for them to check the quality of the urine and the stool of their livestock to monitor the health of their animals since they can tell much about the health of the animals from the appearance of their waste. The same is true of human mothers until their children reach a certain age when they are potty trained, then the subject is considered "personal, private, and almost taboo."
Perhaps if we removed some of the taboo's concerning human waste, we would see less colon's the size of giant pythons on the autopsy tables and fewer illness associated with diet and obesity.
1st dark means u are dehydrated and urine is concentrated 2nd u have consumed water soluble vitamins like vitamin b that makes urine dark in colour.
... and if it smells funny you probably just ate some asparagus.

Why is Tylenol's version of Dayquil listed as being non-drowsy when the first thing it does is knock you out?

Both Dayquil and Tylenol Daytime cold products contain:Acetaminophen (pain reliever/fever reducer)
Dextromethorphan (cough suppressant)
Phenylephrine (nasal decongestant)None of these medications typically cause drowsiness. If you are experiencing drowsiness, you are having what is called an idiosyncratic reaction - which means you are sensitive to the product while most other people are not.Rick the Pharmacist
Certain medications may be labeled as "non-drowsy". This does not mean that no one on earth will react to this drug by becoming sleepy. It means that in a majority of people in a clinical trial reported no drowsiness as a result of the use of this product.Tylenol, I believe, has a list of possible side effects,ingredients, and contraindications on the side of the bottle. Open the sheet glued to the side of the bottle and look in the second tab. It may contain a drug that you are sensitive to, or possibly alcohol. There is the list of side effects, and one of these (I believe the first) is drowsiness.

Why is trauma to the base of the brain often much more dangerous than that to the frontal lobe?

Why is trauma to the base of the brain often much more dangerous than trauma to the frontal lobe?
The medulla oblongata is the lower portion of the brainstem. It functions primarily as a relay station for the crossing of motor tracts between the spinal cord and the brain.It also contains the respiratory, vasomotor and cardiac centers, as well as many mechanisms for controlling reflex activities such as coughing, gagging, swallowing and vomiting. It controls most of the autonomical (automatic) functions of the body.
It is closer to where the brain connects to the spinal column, and can cause organ failure, and paralyzation.
the base of the brain is your brain stem and your brain stem is what connects the brain to your spine if you break or hurt that there might is a good chance you will have some problems functioning, feeling, moving, a lot of stuff could happen
The base of the brain contains the centers that control essential reflexes involved with breathing and heartbeat. Also, the entire communication of the brain to the body below the neck happens through the brainstem. Damage that, and the whole body suffers.
Because it's closer to the spine.
Because the base supports basic, crucial functions, like breathing, physiognomical needs, and so on. And the front is respondent for logic, memory and so on. So if you hit yourself into the Back of your had too strong the part of your brain, the part of your brain that, say, controls breathing might be injured, and you will die. You can hit yourself into the front of your head, and only loose memory.
the brainstem - where vital functions - heart rate, respiration, temperature control are all located in that area, that's true, but the real problem is that when there's injury there and swelling, there's not enough room for the carotid arteries, it those get pinched, and if the circle of willis is not complete - as it it should be - then death is fairly rapid. if the circle is complete then the patient may get enough colateral supply from the basilar artery until the swelling goes down. If I recall correctly - about 25% of us do not have a complete circle.

Why is there still a small amount of beta-galactosidase present in E. Coli, even when no lactose is present?

This is the basal level of expression. The repressor is not continuously bound the the operator- it dissociates every now and then, giving Polymerase a chance to transcribe the gene. It happens with every gene.
It is hereditary, so they have it there if they need to use it later when they encounter lactose.
It is a leaky system. The repressor does not completley inhibit transcription.

why is there alcohol in cold medicines?

there is alcohol in Nyquilthat's the only one that I know ofand I think it's in there to help you get to sleep when you are miserable with a coldalso it gives you a nice warm feeling as it goes's comfortinghence the name
(night) (quell? like soothing, calming)
I don't know the for sure answer why, but a lot of products like mints/mouth wash has alcohol in it. Many products do...buts only like .0001% if not a little more, so you'd die of overdose before you ever got a buzz.
I, like the other people who have answered the question, don't know for certain what the answer is, but the first thought that came to mind was that alcohol thins the blood and also absorbs into the epithelial layer of the skin.
1.) The thinning of the blood by such a small fraction would result in no problems with a buzz while still allowing the medicine to be transported through the system faster than if it wasn't thinned.
2.) With the alcohol in breath mints; I speculate this is because the "smelly good" crystals and liquids would absorb into the tounge so the odor stays in the mouth longer than if the mint was to be chewed on then swallowed only allowing the mint to add fragrance to the smell of the breath for the few minutes the mint is in ones mouth.Again those are just random thoughts that seemed logical enough to me, so don't hold me to it, but those answers seem good enough for me :).
it's a cheap sedative and it's also a great solvent
Alcohol is an ingredient in lots of cough syrups and in liquid cold medicines like Nyquil.

Why is there a worldwide increase in use of herbal/natural medicines?

It could be because: 1. People are more concerned about side effects associated with man made drugs. This is partially because drugs that are made in the laboratory cannot be made in the same form as they are in the environment. For example if you try and make an amino acid for a drug you would get a mix of isomers (different structures) in the laboratory, one of which is potentially dangerous. Therefore people prefer the natural route where there are only safe chemicals put into their drugs and not chemicals that are manufactured and potentially harmful. 2. Animal testing could be associated with man made drugs. There is more attention being given to animal rights and people are opting for the drug which avoids animal testing but produces the same effects. 3. Drugs obtained from the environment may be looked upon by some as natural healers. More spiritual people tend to prefer them and there are some people that won't use anything except them. 4. There have been many cures found to diseases from natural medicines. For example rosy periwinkle has been known to cure cancer in some individuals.
bit of a guess...think generally people are worried now about consuming man made drugs (even tho most have natural origins) - natural stuff has always been around and some natural remidies are better than the man made stuff. many have more than one property too.suppose people think its better and healthier, after all plants etc have been used for a long time and have worked fine
It may be because allopathic/western medicine (drugs and surgery) have proven to be an absolute failure in treating the chronic, degenerative diseases that now predominate. Additionally, the adverse effects and often life-threatening risks associated with even the most common drugs (e.g. Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, Nexium, Celebrex, Statins, etc.) are just not acceptable to many people.
I do not think there are that many poorly informed people in the world. I doubt your statistics.
Because we have idiots like Prince Charles who think they know it all. Apparently, Prince Charles is the major user of alternative medicines on this planet! this helps.
Alternative medicine has now come in vogue because of the supposedly natural way it heals diseases without so many side effects. However there is more fiction and myth concerning effects of herbal meds. Here are a few facts I got when I read on alternative medicine:1. Alternative medicine capsules are also prepared in the laboratory and as such are also mixed with preservatives.
2. Some preservatives or contaminants of alternative drugs could also have lethal side effects, eg. lead and mercury poisoning
3. Alternative meds get approval from the FDA to market the drugs as "food supplements" with no approved therapeutic claims and yet there are ads claiming cures of certain diseases
4. Alternative meds are not tested on animals or human volunteers and as such we could not know beforehand of any adverse effects to expect. Some components have only been noted for their adverse effects only after so many people have used them.
Where did you get this information? I doubt that it is true.

why is there a concerted effort to deny first time proof of Extra Sensory Perception?

Is this because the person is black ?If I was white and could move cars and object with my mind I would be getting praise and glory and rich. Being black I am catching hell and being demonized all I want is money keep your praise and glory I believe in God ,but i do not believe or trust man. What I could do has been known for years all these people want is to learn how and why I can do these thing and make million of dollars leaving me in the poor house.You can call me crazy and believe as they want you to believe but crazy people can not move cars or influence aircraft and other thing you see this a trade secret.
Ok, you know the loony bin wants you back in your room
I agree. Loony bin.
I believe you! down with the Man, and up with telepathy woooo!
Could you will $100,000,000 into my bank account? I know you could...
cookoo cookoo
There is so much magic in this world...just relax and enjoy it..

Why is the spinal cord an essential part of the nervous system?

anyone out there with any help? Psych or Med students?
How do you travel from home to work? You take a road or a highway. If there were no path or road you wouldn't go anywhere. Same thing with the spinal cord. It is the highway from the brain to the rest of the body. Without it there would be no way for brain impulses to travel to organs, muscles, etc and you would die.
The medulla spinalis or spinal cord forms the elongated, nearly cylindrical, part of the central nervous system which occupies the upper two-thirds of the vertebral canal. Its average length in the male is about 45 cm., in the female from 42 to 43 cm., while its weight amounts to about 30 gms. It extends from the level of the upper border of the atlas to that of the lower border of the first, or upper border of the second, lumbar vertebra. Above, it is continuous with the brain; below, it ends in a conical extremity, the conus medullaris, from the apex of which a delicate filament, the filum terminale, descends as far as the first segment of the coccyx.
You can have more information with beautiful explaination and picturesin the below given website, Good Luck.
It links all the nerves in the body to the brain.
Im no Med student. But, If you were to analyse the skeletons of animals ranging from fish,snakes,cows to humans. You would notice the simmilar structure. This would be a clue to a common origin and linked ancestry among the various skeletal structures and therefore organisms.
A spinal cord is like a main power line that other lines diverge from. All of the electrical activity happens in the nervous system which extends to all of the muscle systems and the brain. The spinal cord is a design feature in more complex animals from fish to humans. It is not essential to a nervous system. Since, jelly fish,sea slugs and Im not sure if some insects also have nervous systems.
Spinal cord like brain and all nerves is developed from neurectoderm of embryo.
spinal cord relays the stimulus from the affected organ to the brain...
Because without it you just have a big bowl of grey jelly sitting on top of an old table with four legs that don't fold up.
Think of the cranial nerves as county roads and the spinal cord as a superhighway. Not much traffic between the brain and the body without it. Not to mention it's nice to have some lower motor neuron function.

Why is the infalatabe cuff must be placed at the same level of the heart when taking blood pressure?

Why is it that common blood pressure measurements are made by placing an infalatable cuff on the upper arm at approximately the same level as the heart?
Because the weight of blood above the heart exerts a certain amount of force (or pressure) on the body. If you moved lower, you would see an added force because there is more blood above the cuff than is above the heart.
it measures the heart beat when you inflate it and then when you release it you look at the numbers to tell what your blood pressure is
When the BP cuff is at heart level the BP is balanced.

Why is the hepatic portal system in biology considered to be "portal"?

This question is on systemic circulation, I can't find the answer in my text, medical dictionaries, web, etc. Any help would be appreciated.Why is the Hepatic Portal System - Portal?
In absolute definition, a portal system is a capillary bed connected to another capillary bed -- but I think this definition doesn't really explain too much. Instead, I would prefer to say that a portal system is kind of like a circulation loop OUTSIDE of the main systemic circulation.Normally, circulation occurs as originating in the heart, to artery, to capillary bed, to vein, and back to the heart. Well, a portal system has an "artery" leading to it from a capillary bed. In the hepatic portal system, it receives blood from the GI capillary bed in order to sort and filter out many things absorbed from the GI-tract, like food, drugs, etc. This occurs within the hepatic capillary bed, and then returns back to systemic circulation through a vein. In this way, it has its own circulatory loop (i.e. artery, capillary, vein) outside of systemic circulation.The hypophyseal portal system (i.e. pituitary portal) is similar, but its purpose is to allow endocrine hormones flow from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland. In this portal system, "arteries" from the hypothalamic capillary bed carry hormones to the capillary bed in the anterior pituitary, with veins that then subsequently lead back to systemic circulation, after the appropriate signals have been delivered. In this way, it is analogous to the hepatic portal system because a circulatory loop (artery, capillary bed, vein) has been set up outside of the systemic circulation.I know it's difficult to conceptualize -- all I can tell you is to keep thinking about it, and eventually the picture will fall into place. I hope this helped you out some!
First, let's make some definitions clear.1. Portal = entrance
2. Hepatic Portal System = a venous portal system in which the portal vein receives blood via its tributaries from the capillaries of most of the abdominal viscera and drains it into the hepatic sinusoidsThe only thing I can think of is because it's the ENTRANCE to the liver. funny how it's IMPOSSIBLE to read the minds of those who ask questions. I would hope this answer would suffice.If asked why the hepatic portal veins are different from other veins ... it's because most veins drain blood to the HEART. The hepati portal veins drain blood to the LIVER.
A portal vein is a vein that connects two systems of capillary beds. Regular veins arise in capillary beds and lead to the heart. In contrast to these, a portal vein does not take blood directly to the heart, but instead, takes blood to second capillary bed system.In the human body, there are two main instances of portal systems:Hepatic portal vein - often referred to simply as the portal vein, this vein routes blood from the capillary beds of the gastrointestinal tract into the capillary beds of the liver. The portal venous system of the pituitary gland.I hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist

why is the head in maximum head tilt for adult CPR?

why is the head in neutral plus for Child CPR?
why is the head in neutral for infant CPR?
Max head tilt in adults for more air.Neutral for children and infants because of a less sturdy neck which might break..
For adult it is maximum to make sure the AIRWAY passage is open. Now, children and infant airway passages are not that long yet and remember you are "cranking" the neck so you do not want to create undue pressure as to harm the neck. The spinal cord passed thru the neck vertebrae.
only tilt the head back far enough to open the airway. tilting tie head insures that the airway is open and you are not blowing air into the person's stomach
For adults. children, and infants, we will tilt the head back as far as we safely can- unless we suspect a head, neck, or back injury.Adult heads tilt back quite a bit. If you think of the side view of a head with the nose pointing at high noon, you can tilt an adult back until the nose points about to the 2. A child would tilt until it points about the 1, and an infant would barely tilt at all.(Of course, if you suspect a head, neck, or back injury, you would use the 'jaw thrust manuever'.)We tilt the head at all in order to help clear the airway. The way the throat is made allows it to become partially blocked if the victim is unconscious and on their back. When a person is on their back, the head is often pushed forward, making things a bit worse.

why is the Gulfstream dark blue?

I live in south Florida and fish alot. We leave out of Port Everglades and go straight out to the Gulfstream.The water is greenish until we hit the gulfstream,it changes from greenish to dark blue within 2-3 feet.It's not that the gulfstream is deeper because it isn't.
It has a different temperature and different types and amounts of suspended particles, especially algaes, as compared to in-shore waters.
How exactly is this question classified as "Medicine?"

why is the artery can last for only 126 days?

please answer me.
first lets start simple.
when you are bruised and or get a cut your affected area grows skin to repair your to your answer;
our body grows doesn't it.
due to this your body regenerates and replaces old assets with new layers.
it is like waxing the car.
when you cut the nail of your finger it grows, right.
like that the artery can get regnerated over a period of time and to your knowledge 126 days:)
I've had some of my arteries all my life.
I don't think that sounds right... I'm 25 years old and all my arteries still work...
What are you talking about? We have the same arteries from birth to death.
what are u talkin about im 16 and im still alive!
I think you're thinking about red blood cells. Red blood cells have a typical life span of 120 days.

Why is that when the doctor gives you a shot they are actually injecting you with the disease?

Your premise is incorrect, based on poor terminology.The purpose of a vaccine is to expose your immune system to the signs of disease organisms (viruses or bacteria) so that it is primed to fight them.聽 Ideally, on an exposure to the real thing it will fight it off before it gets far enough to make you sick.The "signs" of the disease organisms are molecules, mostly from its surface.聽 Exposing yourself to these molecules in the right form will get your immune system to react to them quickly if it sees them again.聽 These molecules can come in the form of individual surface pieces (bits of the disease bug), whole killed disease bugs or even live "attenuated" bugs.聽 Both the smallpox vaccine and the oral polio vaccine are live "attenuated" organisms; they have been grown in other animals (cows or chicken eggs) so long they are poorly adapted to humans, and while they will cause a small infection they only rarely cause serious illness.聽 The organisms still bear most of the surface signs of the disease-causing variants, and immunity to either gives immunity to both.HTH.
So your body will build up immunity to it.
it is a very small dosage of the disease the body can than start to build an immunity to it don't worry its very very rare to contract the disease from the shot.
They give you the disease in low doses so that your body can build up an immunity. It trains your immune system to recognize certain diseases so that you are better able to defend yourself. It's much easier to stay healthy when your body can identify the enemy. This is also why most doctors advocate just getting the flu when you are still young. Your body is able to build up its defense system naturally instead of having to rely on the aid of shots and medications. But certain diseases, the more serious ones, are controlled through vaccinations.
They inject the disease into your body so your body knows what it is and can detect it incase you find it. When they inject it into you, the disease is dead. Your body will notice that it isn't part of the body and attack it. Then if you catch the live version of it your body will detect it instantly and be able to destroy it.Hope that helped =D
Body builds up immunity to infections. This process takes weeks to months. Body suffers from infection and some infections are fatal. A preventive shot 1)Gives the mildest form of infection which involves no suffering 2)Supplies ready made antobodies to neutralise infections and 3)Gives no infection (dead virus or bacteria) but help build up immunity.
first you are not being given a disease it is inactivated or attenuated (dead or alive) form of the virus that you are being protected against, it does cause your body to produce antibodies to the virus , so when you are introduced to it again your body can quickly generate antibodies to fight off the virus. think of chicken pox, it is said that you can only get them once this is because your body has made the antibody to fight it in the past and has kept it for use in the future. once your body makes the antigen it will be able to acsess it for the rest of your life unless you get an autoimmue disorder like HIV then your immune system will become too weak.
The only time you are injected with the disease is when you receive vacinations. Then the amounts are very small, and you can develop some minor symptoms. Other shots that the doctors will give you can be antibiotics, cortisone, pain medication, or any other number of things.Just because you get a shot does not mean that you are getting a dose of a disease.
Doctor don't want you to suffer from disease that why they immunise before
Now you can classify vaccines into two groups
Live vaccines
Dead vaccines
In live vaccines the microbes are attenuated so that they give you immunity but they can not produce disease in you
in dead vaccines only immunity develops
if you get fever other reactions following vaccination it is because of body reaction to vaccine. Now don't read this as disease
there are drugs which have side effects that is different story
Now I f you are asking about homoeopathy I don't know much the basic concept of homoeopathy is give compound which produce same symptom I really don't how it really cures from disease

why is that when a child a has a problem school they first thing the teacher does it prescribe medication?

please see my late answer in your other question.In looking through some of your uestions, it seems you are still in school and not the parent that I assumed. In this case, I would research alternative health and the mental illnesses you mention and find out what diet and herbs etc will help. Do a very thorough research on it and put it ibn a folder. Presnt the folder to your parent tellig them you so not think the medical drugs are sure (show why) and that you want instead to do this alternative approach. ffer to do extra chores to help out to help opay for some of the expense or get a job babysitting or something to help bring the things you need. Enlist another family member to come to your support if necessary,.
Because in America we are all spoiled and don't want to have to learn to concentrate. This means that the people who do really have ADD of ADHD, don't get the treatment they need because everyone else is taking it.
I think it has to do with the teachers not having the patience nor the time to sit with a child and provide what is really needed. To often our kids are mis-diagnosed with something or other in order to make it easier for a teacher to deal with in a classroom. It's so easy to shove a pill down a kids throat, when all they need is a little attention.
Teachers do not prescribe medication, doctors do that, but there does seem to be an increase. One cause may be that parents, and sometimes teachers, want quick solutions that require no work on their part, but at the same time there are many times where these medications do work. Overdone? Probably, but it doesn't make the success stories any less valid.
I have no idea what you're talking about. My brother went through years of psychiatric evaluations and diet changes and lifestyle changes before they put him on Ritalin, and the Ritalin was all that worked. Sometimes it's ok, really. The f-ing teacher should have no hand in it at all.I know sometimes a kid should not be on the meds, but that's when you step up and say no to the doctor. Most parents in that situation though are at the end of their rope and are willing to try the meds.
It saves having to think or, perish the thought, put in any extra work. Far simpler to turn them in to a zombie.
One of my teacher's recommended my parents to take me to a phycoligest. Worst year of my life. Luckily, I was smart and blamed my "behaviour" on a bad upbringing.I know now that I'm depressed, and every know and then my doctor gives me medication to "keep me under control."
Whatever. Sometimes people think they know what's best for you. Those assholes...
You need to challenge the establishment every step of the way, especially if you believe the child in question does not have a problem. All of these people take the most expedient route. You have to fight for what you believe in
Because it is so much easier than really dealing with what is really wrong, which is more than likely nothing.
Let's dope up our kids so they are easier to do deal with.. well hell yes they are, because they are zombies.
No one cares anymore about our youth.. And the teachers are not paid enough to deal with a child that might require a little extra attention. It's really sad.
Because they don't want to teach the kids. They just want peace and quiet.
Because no one wants to sit down and figure out what the real problem is. I am sure that some kids need it but a lot of them just need things explained a little better to them. I have 2 kids in elementary school and half the time they bring homework home that they have no clue how to do because the teacher didn't explain it. So when the child has problems the teachers always have to blame it on something else.
look at what u call yourself, you should be on meds, hopefully you grow up before its too late.
Number one: A teacher cannot prescribe medication. Number two: A Psychologist (note spelling, not a physiologist!) cannot prescribe medication.
A pyschiatrist or any other physician may prescribe medication after appropriate diagnosis first and exhausting other avenues. Bipolar is another kettle of fish altogether and is a serious Psychiatric condition that requires the expertise of a psychiatrist.Now, instead of complaining about school/teachers maybe you should have spent more time learning how to write, construct proper sentences and grammar!
I don't think you meant physiologist.
A psychiatrist may be ?BTW, please stop look down people in this field, they are not psychologist, and they are MDs.Also do not again overlook a child's need for such visit, please be serious and have deep trust to the professional.No sure about psychologist, or clinical psychologist, are they shrinks?
The teachers can't stand them hehehe!!
Because everyone always thinks that medication is the answer!! Drug company's love people like that, they love when a Dr's tell you that you need medication because then the Dr gets a fat check.and a nice trip!!! You never hear a Dr say well..maybe you should try a diet or exercise because they know that will help but, then NO FAT CHECK OR TRIP!!! That's why!! Sorry, but I hate that Dr's do that! I think there are some good Dr's that do care about you but, most just want MONEY!! Try something else if you can first then if you really need it then take it! Good Luck,
Tiff :)
first of all teachers don't prescribe medications, doctors do. second of all there is a huge push from drug companies to have everyone on medications. instead of disciplining children as they should be we drug our children. when a child acts out they are wisked away to the doctor and some type of medication is prescribed to them instead of a viable solution to the problem. due to divorce and children born out of wedlock this problem will only worsen.

Why is swimming good for IBS?

I have been diagnosed with IBS about 6 years ago and I am intolerant to a lot of foods. I recently started swimming regularly (3 times/week) and saw big improvement in all my symptoms. Any idea why?
Is it only psycosomatic? Thanks x
IBS can be stress related, so any form of exercise will create endorphins in the body which relieves stress. Doctors do not just make a decision on a willy-nilly basis about this condition, as per one of your replies. It is identified by what is known as "exclusion tests", i.e. tests for other digestive tract disorders are carried out, and if these tests do not prove positive to any other disorder, it is assumed that the patient has IBS. I know, Iam such a patient. No, your findings are not psychosomatic, and neither is IBS. Good luck. Keep swimming, it will have many benefits.
Not knowing wot IBS stands for gives me the IPS .. ;)
Exercise increases your metabolism. That might be why your not being as effected by certain foods.I have IBS also. Exercise does the same thing to me.
swimming is good for your fitness and a good level of fitness is good for your immune its just your natural defences working at full speed.
No, it is not psychosomatic. Water helps to relax your bones, muscles, and you in general. It is used in most therapies. Some diseases require certain water temps. Fms/cfs needs water temp to be 90 while arthritis is usually around 80. Make sure the temp. is made for you. Swim and swim.
Exercise is often recommended for IBS, because it improves muscle tone and can help to reduce levels of stress hormones which make IBS worse and aggravate the cramping. Swimming might be particularly good, as it is good for strengthening the abdominal muscles, and gives good support to this area.
No, it's not psycosomatic. yeah, there's no clue for IBS.
But, excercise is always good for health and prevent every disease and also make you have a good relaxing.It's good for your mind too. Keep going.
They're starting to recommend that people with IBS, or IBS-like symptoms be tested for celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (wheat, rye, barley and oats). A lot of people with celiac were misdiagnosed as having IBS for years. (18 years for me). It takes an average of 11 years for a person with celiac to be diagnosed. Here's a webpage by the National Institutes of Health on celiac - that starts sounding familiar here are a couple of message boards for people with celiac and other gluten intolerances.
http://www.celiacforums.comYou can also be intolerant to other common foods and get the symptoms you are describing. Soy, corn, eggs, yeast, dairy, etc. You may want to think about keeping a food/symptoms journal and see if you can identify the culprit(s). Nancy

why is sweating ok when you have a fever?

sweating when you have a fever is ok because your bodies natural cooling mechanism is to sweat. your body turns its natural thermostat up to try and kill the bacteria that are attacking it, this is why you have a fever. and the natural response is you sweat as your brain centers recognise that you are hot and it tries to cool you. I know this sounds as though the body is working against itself but it is how it works due to the fact that the part of the brain that causes the fever and the part that makes you sweat are two diffrent area's in the brain.
Your body is sweating to try to lower it's internal temperature.
body is trying to cool itself so of course you should sweat. it also can mean the fever is breaking
Sweating when you have a fever is okay because it is teh bodys way of reducing its heat. Since a fever is an excessive rise in body temperature it is only natural that the body's nervous system cause you to sweat to reduce your heat.

why is sound produced sometimes on moving joints?

when small fluid leaks from joints, it makes the sound.
b'coz ininflammation of synovial membrane of joints there is leakage of synovial fluid which causes sound called as "crepitation" on movement of joints
The medical name is "crepitus."

Why is someone who has previously received a tetanus shot given a tetanus booster,and one who hasnt antiserum?

To answer your question (and it would seem I'm the only one who has) a tetanus booster is given to those who have been previously vaccinated because it "reminds" the body how to produce the necessary antibodies. These people have produced their own antibodies and are said to have active immunization. The antiserum may be given to those who have not been vaccinated because the anitserum already contains antibodies and provides passive immunization for someone who may have been exposed to the bacteria and needs antibodies now.
A tetanus shot is only good for a certain amount of years, then you need a new one ( a booster )
Not all vaccinations provide lifelong immunity. Many need boosters to keep prompting your body to create the antibodies to the illness they're trying to prevent. Another reason is also that vaccinations interact with environmentals. For instance, a recent article was published that showed children in the Faroe Islands who had PCB's in their bloodsystem from whale blubber were at risk for a much reduced benefit from vaccinations. The PCB's literally prevented their bodies from mounting a sufficient reaction to the vaccine to create immunity to illness.

Why is someone more likely to bleed to death when an artery is cleanly severed rather than crushed or torn?

A cleanly severed vessel is less likely to clot, therefore less likely to stop the blood flow. A crushed or mangled vessel has more places for the clot to form, so it could potentially stop the bleeding. Think of it like a garden hose - a nice clean cut gets a lot of water thrugh it. A mangled end still lets water out, but it impedes the flow. The slower the flow, the better chance of clotting (plus a slower flow means less blood loss).
A cleanly severed vessel is less likely to clot, therefore less likely to stop the blood flow. A crushed or mangled vessel has more places for the clot to form, so it could potentially stop the bleeding. Think of it like a garden hose - a nice clean cut gets a lot of water thrugh it. A mangled end still lets water out, but it impedes the flow. The slower the flow, the better chance of clotting (plus a slower flow means less blood loss).
when you sever the whole artery youve lost all your blood. depending on what artery it is you would only have 7 minutes to live. crushed or torn the blood flow is alot slower.
Because a cleaning severed artery is totally depressurized unlike one that is crushed or torn. Experiment: you have a straw with fluid in it. block one end with your finger or tape it up. Cut it evenly with scissors and the liquid flows out quickly. Now take another straw (like the first one) with liquid in it and crush it or lightly tear it, the liquid flows out slower! Good Luck with answers!
a severed artery has more rough edges which promote the platelets in the blood to stick together and produce clots to stop the bleeding than a clean cut artery.

Why is sickle-cell anemia considered pleiotropic?

How many alleles does the PAH gene for PKU have?
Why is the PAH gene also pleiotrophic?I want to know the different effects.
Pleiotropic: 1. Producing many effects. 2. Multiple effects from a single gene. For example, the Marfan gene is pleiotropic with widespread effects and can cause long fingers and toes (arachnodactyly), dislocation of the lens of the eye, and dissecting aneurysm of the aorta.sickle cell anemia is not a monogenic disease; it is a multigenic disease. The latter is the product of pleiotropic genes (involved in secondary pathophysiologic events) and epistatic genes (same gene but with significant pathophysiologic consequences among individual=polymorphism).--%26gt; PKU occurs if a child has mutations in both copies (alleles) of a particular gene, the gene for the protein phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH).
# A child can inherit two defective copies of the PAH gene if both parents are PKU carriers. (Each parent has one normal allele of the PAH gene and one defective allele.)
# Carriers do not have PKU because the normal copy of the PAH gene produces enough of the normal PAH protein. In genetic terms, the normal allele of the gene is dominant and PKU is recessive.
# If both parents are carriers, each of their children has: * One in four chance of inheriting the defective copy of the PAH gene from both parents. These children will have PKU.
* One in four chance of inheriting the normal copy of PAH from both parents. These children will not have PKU, and will not pass the defective PAH gene to any of their children.
* One in two chance of inheriting a normal copy of PAH from one parent, and a defective copy from the other. These children will be carriers like their parents.
Pleiotropic is as defined above = a gene having multiple phenotypic expression.
I am surprised to hear that sickle-cell anemia is considered pleiotropic.
SC anemia is a MONOGENIC disease, the affected gene is the beta-globin gene (vital part of hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen in red blood cells).
SC anemia MIGHT be considered pleiotropic, since many similar gene products are involved in the generation of hemoglobin: SD disease, S/beta thalassemia patients do have sickle cell mutation, so you could say pleiotropic. In these cases there is another mutation as well, and both mutations are dominant (codominance).
PKU: There are at least 400 mutations of the PAH gene. The combination of any two will results in a very variable phenotype = pleiotropic.
Also, there are mutations of OTHER genes that may lead to the PKU-condition, hence the term: molecular heterogeneity.
pleiotorphic means one mutation can affect several aspects of the phenotype and that is what happens in these diseases

Why is Rx written on the prescriptions given by the doctors?

It's just a tradition. The first doctor to ever write a prescription was Dr. Rex Schlobotkin, He put his first name on the prescription form, but he was in an awful hurry, so he abbreviated it from Rex to just Rx. It's lasted until this day.
Early 20th century alteration of a latin symbol that meant literally take, like eat or by mouth.
because the x stands for x=marks the spot like a pirate map,
and the r stands for reed like read it
because you have to have a doctors signature on it to use it its like the constitution
Rx is an abbreviation of the Latin "recipe", singular imperative of *recipere*, "to take", and it has been used by pharmacists for centuries. The slant across the R's leg is the sign of the Roman god Jupiter, patron of medicine.
Rx is the medical abrevation of perscription
Rx can refer to:1. The symbol that originated in medical prescriptions. "鈩?quot; (also written as "Rx") and "medical prescription" are sometimes used interchangeably. The use of 鈩?in prescriptions originated as an astrological symbol that was written for talismanic reasons at the start of medical prescriptions. Later it changed into 鈩?(an uppercase R with its tail crossed), and was used as an abbreviation for the Latin word recipe = "take" (imperative), i.e. an instruction to the pharmacist to take the items listed in order to prepare the medicine. When printing came, it was rendered as "Rx"
2. Rx or legend drug is a legal description in the United States for drugs that are only available on prescription from a licensed medical practitioner but are not controlled substances
Rx is a heading of prescription it is represented by sign Rj. R stands for latin Recipe %26 maens u take. stroke after is considered as an invocation to Jupiter is a god of healing. sign of Jupiter employed as request for healing.but now Rx is written instead of Rj.

Why is RX used for prescription?

Never have figured it out. please explain. Also why is lbs used for pounds? Thanks
It isn't really Rx at all. It's R with a line through the leg of the R. It's an abbreviation for the Latin "recipe," meaning "take thou," a simple direction.
A typical prescription would be written in this form:
Rx Miraclecillin 500 mg
Sig: i bidThe first line directs that you take Miraclecillin in the strength of 500 milligrams.
The second line tells the pharmacist to dispense 15 pills.
The third line directs the pharmacist to label the prescription "one bis in diem" which he will conveniently translate to "one twice a day."
I have noticed that as fewer and fewer people study Latin, grammatical errors have become common in medical Latin; for instance, the correct form for "daily" should be "O.D." for omni diem, but "Q.D." seems to have thoughtlessly found its way into common usage. The romantic side of me bemoans this state of affairs, but the point will soon be moot. Computers will simply print the word "daily" in plain English.
I had always heard it stood for recipe mixture
Rx - its a sign of respect to god tht pls help us in wat we r doin
Rx. symbol, [Latin. rec'ipe] (take)
lb. [Latin. li'bra] (pound).
I think it is an abreviation of a latin word
Its interesting that QD is not the correct term for "every day" but rather OD, which is the abbr. for right eye.Less confusion maybe?
Rx,is an abbreviation of word recipe.In Latin,it means let it be made.In modern language,it means the order of drugs and their respective information to be given to a patient,written by a physician to a pharmacist. It is thought that it also symbolises,Greek god of heeling,i.e. Jupiter.So writing it at the begining of a presciption indicates that,the patient be blessed by God for the effects of the drugs he is taking.

why is radioiodine dangerous to others and what are the effects to others if they get contaminated from me?

i am having radioiodine for graves disease i have been told that i will not allowed to be able to sleep with my husband or be no more then 1 metre closer t o my chilkdren once i have had my capsule what would happen if i did contaminate them and what would it do and how will i know and what about my dogs does this effect them too?
Radio iodine gets accumulated into the thyroid along with other iodine. This can result in an increased risk of thyroid cancer. This also applies to dogs, hamsters, husbands and other household pets.
Because the damn stuff turns you into a walking Chernobyl.
The restriction is not more than for six weeks. After your thyroid function tests become normal you will be like any other woman.

Why is potassium citrate added to strawberry milk? I know it is drug that reduces pain. someone explain to me!

question ^^ this is for a serious!
Potassium citrate has many uses, one of which is as a flavor enhancer. It is also used as a buffer, general purpose additive, neutralizing agent, or sequestrant, but I'm not a food scientist, so I can't tell you what those things do.It's a case of one compound having many uses. It can also prevent some kinds of kidney stones.
It also acts as a diuretic, or something that acts to help the body pass water.
Potassium citrate is nothing more than a pH buffer, and convenient source of potassium for the diet. It is not a diuretic, nor is it an analgesic (pain reliever).
It is useful to reduce acidity (%26 attendant pain) in urine. Potassium citrate is rapidly absorbed when given by mouth and is excreted in the urine as the Carbonate. It is, therefore, effective in reducing pain and frequency of micturition when these are caused by highly acid urine. It is used for this purpose in dogs and cats, but is chiefly employed as a non-irritating diuretic. In common with other substances which render the urine alkaline, it may be used to reduce the danger of crystalluria during sulfonamide therapy. Potassium Citrate is usually administered by mouth in dilute aqueous solution.Potassium citrate is also an effective way to treat gout.It is also used in many soft drinks as a flavor enhancer. Citrates give you that tang you find in oranges, lemons, etc.
Citrate salts are frequently used as preservatives in food products as well as many medications. I worked in the OTC side of the pharma industry for a while, and we used sodium citrate as a preservative fairly frequently.

Why is plastic surgery risky? And why?

If you can, please do at least one:
How plastic surgery effects society.
Why does it effect society?
Some true stories, if possible.
The highly costs of plastic surgery.
Did you have plastic surgery? If so, how was the the result? Good or bad?
Plastic surgery good or bad?
Thanks!! Any of these would be greatly appreciated. :D
First, go look up the words "affect" and "effect".I spent my day anesthetizing people for plastic surgery today. They were women who wanted to feel better about their bodies. One got bigger boobs, the other had a pannus of fat removed from her lower abdomen. For each woman, it was her personal choice. I can't see how either affected society.What these surgeries DO affect is a person's self esteem. Many people feel better about themselves, and more confident in their interactions with other people, if they feel that their bodies look better.The patients I have are normal people, not rich folks or celebrities. Plastic surgery is expensive, but so is ANY surgery. It seems more expensive because insurance doesn't cover cosmetic procedures. How people choose to spend their money is their business. Is a lifetime of feeling better about yourself worth the cost of a nice vacation? For a lot of people it is.Here's a story for you:
I have had patients that have lost huge amounts of weight (over 100 pounds), but look awful because they have loose skin hanging from their bellies and arms. We just did a lady last week who had lost 180 pounds, and her arms looked like bat wings. We did a brachioplasty and removed the excess that was hanging down under her upper arms. She was so thrilled, because now she could buy shirts with normal sleeves. She was excited to be able to wear a short sleeve shirt for her birthday. I think it was great that after all the effort of losing weight, that she SHOULD be able to look and feel good. I hope she comes back to get the abdominoplasty. She deserves to look good.Good or bad? Depends on the situation. Bat wing arm lady - good. Michael Jackson, Priscilla Presley, Farrah Fawcett - bad.
well, first of all, it's surgery. any time you go under, there's a chance (albeit small) that the anethesia can kill you. there a re complications, and you could be allergic to something used in surgery you didn't know about. then there's infection. it's as serious and dangerous as any surgery.
you can die due to a problem with anesthesia or from an embolism (pulmonary or fat embolism). A fat embolism as a higher risk with tummy tucks, lipo especially and is even a greater risk when you combine more than 1 procedure at a time. Its when a particle breaks off and travels around the body and can potentially end up killing you. Same with a pulmonary embolism. Due to not moving for awhile (in surgery and post surgery) your blood can also clot and then break off, trave to the lungs and kill you. Basically, the risks are with any major surgery, not necessarily more with plastic surgery.
WOMEN who have breast implants are far more likely to commit suicide than those who don't, new research has revealed.
A study of 24,600 women with surgically enhanced breasts revealed they were 73 per cent more likely to kill themselves than the general population.
Dr Jacques Brisson of the Universite Laval in Canada oversaw the study.
He said cosmetic surgeons should pay attention to the reasons women want to undertake the procedure.
"If this reveals problems that cannot be treated with plastic surgery, doctors should refer these patients to mental health professionals," he said.
On the plus side, the study found general death rates for women with fake breasts were actually lower than for the rest of the population.
But Dr Brisson said this could be easily explained by the profiles of the women who chose surgery.
He explained: "First, a woman must be in relatively good health to undergo breast implant surgery.
"Also, women who receive breast implants tend to be of higher-than-average socioeconomic status. Thus, women who undergo breast augmentation surgery are more likely to be in better health than the general population."
Another good implant article can be viewed at:

why is phenylephrine used for dilation over physostigmine or pilocarpine?

Both physostigmine and philocarpine are parasympathomimetics (mimic the parasympathetic nervous system). This can lead to bradycardias (slow heart rates) and excessive lacramentation (tearing of the eyes). Phenylephrine is an alpha agonist (alpha receptors of the sympathetic nervous system) and causes local vasoconstriction and mydriasis (dilation of the pupil). Phenylephrine is also a common nasal decongestant. There are better medications for mydriasis than any of the above.

Why is Paxil messing up my typing skills?

Ever since I've been on paxil I would make stupid typing errors I wouldn't normally do before. Before paxil I was perfect at my typing. Now it's like I always make stupid errors.Anyone know why?I take 25MG
Regardless of dosage, the antianxiety and antidepressant PAXIL has pronounced side effects on the central nervous system.Foremost among them is CONFUSION and IMPAIRED CONCENTRATION.If typing fast seem normal before, you need to slow down and pause a little bit now.
Ther wer no typng nor gramatikal erors n ur kwestion abob. Dats a gud start!
Wikipedia says that one side effect of Paxil (paroxetine) is:Inability to reach orgasm and other sexual side effectsMaybe this is why.
i ahve been taking Paxil for about 4 years,i could not do without it because of my mood swings...Maybe you are taking to high of a dose.check with your docter ans tell him and see what he says

Why is oxygen essential for the continued activity of cells?

There are 2 ways of producing energy. Oxidative - in the presence of oxygen.
Anoxidative - in the absence of oxygen.Oxidative production is more common and liberates more energy per molecule of glucose. energy can also be produced from protein and fat. Certain organs like brain rely solely on oxidative energy production.Anoxidative production of energy is less common and liberates less energy. It also liberates lactic acid. This commonly happens when u exercise. When you exercise, the demand of energy is high but oxygen is short supply. So the body temporarily switches to anoxidative cycle. Due to the accumulation of lactic acid you experience pain. Also the body needs lot of oxygen to convert this lactic acid into harmless chemicals. This is results in air hunger, to clear the oxygen debt.One more interesting information is that cyanide poisoning dissociates the combustion of glucose by oxygen and production of ATP (energy pockets). Hence energy is not produced and the person dies.
short version- it is used to produce atp (energy molecules)long version- way too long and in depth, very detailed chemical reaction. google "kreb cycle" if you want the long version (someone else might be able to explain it better in laymans terms than i).

Why is nurse's uniform in operating room green?

In relation to my work, selling surgical equipments, I often accompany surgeons during surgery, and I'm very curious why their uniform in O.R. is in green color, in every hospital.
They are usually green or blue, because when they are stained with blood, blood appear as a black or dark mark, not a flashing red. It's usually more relaxing.
It lessens the retinal fatigue of looking into red (blood) while operating. It's the opposite color of red.
The convention of scrubs is not the same in every hospital. They are mostly blue at our hospital. I've really only seen shades of blue or green in mass-produced scrubs. I don't know of any historical basis for "surgery = green".
Many uniforms, such as nurses, surgeons and others, use the green color because it mutes the blood stains. This is particularly the case in the OR.
its a relaxing color
because it's a really pretty color?
It's not you have just been watching too much TV ..

Why is not the abdominal cavity surrounded by a siif rib cage?

first, you wouldn't be able to bend down because of too much bone. second, the rib cage in day to day function is only useful to expand and collapse lungs; abdominal cavity has no such function.
If it hurts that much to get punched in the gut...imagine getting punched right in the lungs. watch your gut when
you're seated. in out in out.

Why is my normal body temp only 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit?

It's been this way my entire life. My father and paternal grandmother are like this too. Is there any explaination for it?
The human body temp varies from person to person and varies throughout the day and your environment. Some say 96 to 100 degrees is normal and others will add decimals to fine tune it to some other number parts of degrees in difference. But since your temperature is well into the normal range on any of the scales you do have a normal temperature. If you want to get into what regulates your body temperature there are a million articles on the internet, Google it as they say.. you know, use Yahoo Search..(Yahoo site here, don't want to offend them)
My body temp is very low, too, it has been as low as 94.7, very few people have exactly 98.6.
it's just that way.i know someone who's is 94 degrees fahrenheit.don't worry about's perfectly normal.
Everyone's body temp is variable, even mine has its ups and downs.
Very few people are exactly 98.6. That's just the average.
Every ones body temp is different if you have low iron in your blood then your body tem will be little low and you always feel cold it is normal. try to take iron tab it will help.

Why is my appetite increasing on levothyroxine?

I'm on 0.25 mcg. I've been on it a couple of weeks and I do feel quite a bit better mentally and physically already, but my appetite has increased a whole lot. I thought levothyroxine was supposed to decrease the appetite a little bit. I'm confused here.
Levothyroxine is a thyroid hormone substitute. Excess thyroid hormone stimulates appetite.
if you were symptomatically low, your appetite and energy were both you return to homeostasis, your body energy needs will increase and so will appetite.

why is melatonin so hard to get hold of?

i have been perscribed melatonin for sleep recently by my consultant, but there had to be several authorisations and certificates before i could get it. only 1 designated pharmacy can stock it and i can't find any information about it. why is it so hard to get hold of it or information on it?
i suppose you might want to look up the legalities of supplements where you live. by the way, according to a text... "it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion... It also helps control periods of sleepiness and wakefulness. Release of melatonin is stimulated by darkness and suppressed by light."
It states later that the principal uses of melatonin are for jet lag, insomnia... 'adjunct' in cancer therapy and some role w/ depression.
You should be able to find more info on web... in regards to Natural Medicine. Meditation, deep breathing and chamomille tea may also aid you w/ sleep...
Are you serious? It's over the counter in the US. I got some the other day at Walmart.
agree with Bill and sprite! it's all over the counter. at least GNC and some vitamin stores sell them! i know this for sure cause my mom takes it! do u live in the US?
It's over the counter in Australia, and we're pretty tough on drugs (since the government pays for it :D ).
It is available in large supermarkets in USA and of course all health food stores. Other countries, particularly UK and Europe, have regulations and don't allow it on general sale. you can however obtain it for your personal use quite easily
I bought some at GNC a couple months ago and it worked great. I think it was less than $5 for 30 pills.
We have no problems getting it over-the-counter in California. It is available in almost every pharmacy and grocery store, in doses from usually 1 to 3 mg.

Why is MCV increased in folic acid deficiency but decreased in iron deficiency?

Folic acid (like B12) is required for DNA synthesis and cell division. If you're low on folate, your blood cells can grow, but they can't divide. Hence, the mean cell volume (MCV) increases.Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, the main protein component of RBCs. Without iron, your blood cells can divide but not grow. Therefore, the MCV decreases.
MCV relates to the size of red blood cells. RBC's start large and get broken down into their normal size. Folic acid plays a role in breaking it down. A deficiency reduces breakdown, so the existing cells are larger and the MCV is high.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is marijuana still illegal?

Still, scientists say it is non toxic, nobody ever died from it (compared to alcohol), and there are numerous good side effects it has on medical patients... Why is it still illegal? Why is it not controlled?
It's still illegal because the government hasn't come up with a plan where they can control its production and slap a tax on it. The moment they can figure that out, it will be legal!
let me guess, you have no medical illness, you just want to smoke weed legally.
it can cause schizophrenia
because history will repeat itself. Useless deaths will come of it just like drinking and driving, so why encourage something you know that will inevitably be harmful? We learn form our mistakes.
because its a political fda game and federal game to control every ones lives
Because it is bad for you, whether you want to believe it or not. (And I can see you don't!) Isn't the future health of your brain important to you? Look after yourself, you don't need dope. You can get good effects from meditation and it has only good side effects - no paranoia.
Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind and does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people. If marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The elite have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies. : All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America. Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow's export to England; For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for cannabis. 80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin. The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives. In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs; Department of Agriculture Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935; Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act. Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, 'grown from the soil,' had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941. Mechanical Engineering Magazine published an article entitled 'The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.' It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world. In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression. William Randolph Hearst and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. He stood to lose billions because of hemp. In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America. A media blitz of 'yellow journalism' raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst's newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marihuana. The menace of marihuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality. Films like 'Reefer Madness' (1936), 'Marihuana: Assassin of Youth' (1935) and 'Marihuana: The Devil's Weed' (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marihuana laws could be passed. Examine the following quotes from 'The Burning Question' aka REEFER MADNESS: a violent narcotic, acts of shocking violence, incurable insanity, soul-destroying effects, under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax, more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marihuana! In the 1930s, people were very naive; even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. That has been the downfall of America. Innocence used against itself. These people kept the stories alive and told their children. Here we are today.Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Many great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet's energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels. We have consumed 80% of our oil and gas reserves. We need a renewable resource. Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.

Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime. ALL PLASTIC PRODUCTS SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP SEED OIL. Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment. MEDICINES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures. 'Medical Marijuana' is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body. WORLD HUNGER COULD END. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature. ALSO: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. CLOTHES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time. You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. There is only one enemy; the friendly people you pay your taxes to; the war-makers and nature destroyers. With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY TOBACCO. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY ALCOHOL. NO ONE HAS EVER, EVER DIED FROM SMOKING POT!! In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the KILLERS: TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. Hemp should be declassified and placed in DRUG stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries.which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that: Smoking is harmful. That is NOT the case for passive pot. Ingesting THC, hemp's active agent, has a positive effect; relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being. The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain. Yet, the truth is one鈥檚 creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive. You can more appreciate all arts; be closer to nature and generally FEEL more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot. The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuality. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from 'horny females.' 鈥OT IS ILLEGAL BECAUSE BILLIONAIRES WANT TO REMAIN BILLIONAIRES!
I believe that it's because the government can't control it's flow therefore they are unable to tax it.
Because it will cause people 50 %26 older to become addicted to heroin and reduce their ability to reproduce.
Whether it is harmful is debatable, even among the people in academia. I for one think it is harmful, and lead to the use of hardcore drugs.
alcohol and smoking are revenues for the govt, all good things dont come in three's.Thats why marijuana will always be illegal
I dont know why.I dont smoke the stuff, but maybe you and Willie Nelson should have a campain about it...he is trying to get it legal!
cuz they can't mind-control you if you smoke won't grow up to be good little consumers of the fast food/ petroleum products / political corruption / military industrial complex if you smoke the whacky'll just sit around growing enough food for you and your loved ones and being happy.
marijuana used to be very accessible decades ago to the point you could just walk into a pharmacy and have it wrapped up with a side of speed, but after the organization of more government agencys for medicine and pharmacy regulations, the government realized they cant tax marijuana because its an herbal plant grown from the soil, anywun can farm it with the right conditions, so to answer your questions, its really not about the fact it makes u euphoric or that you become incredibly blazed to the point you become paranoid about the world, but the simple fact that the government can not tax it, and they dont want something in circulation that they cant make money off of.
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