
Sunday, May 23, 2010

will anabolic steroids show on a drug test for a job?

Your question is vague, and probably needs clarification before you get a really full answer.First, if they are doing a regular pee/blood test, they CAN test for steroids. Although it's an expensive process, some bigger corporations have do so in the past. On the other hard, you have the lie detector tests, which you have little chance of lying to - especially if you just got off a cycle.I can't help you beat the lie detector, but a general steroid test would be easy to beat. Let's say you are doing 250mgs of test enenanthate per week. The half life of TE is 10.5 days. BUT (there is a BUT) after the half life is OVER, there is DETECTION TIMES! The Detection times for Test enan is 3months. What this means is that if you did your test shot today, it would NOT be out of your system for at least (+/- figure) 3 months 21 das, ballpark 4months. If you have the test coming soon, stay off the gear, but if you can time your stuff around the test, then do it - just be careful.Steroids Detection Times - testosterone enanthate testosterone enanthate half life here Enanthate Information
no not for a drug test but it can show up if they test you specifically for steroids it will!!

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