
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Will medical science increase the general age of the population?

If I am 40 now, how old can I expect to become?
yes it has been happening I guess thats politics to.Just study the history of life expectancy. We no longer have many things that could wipe you out to worry about do to vacination and miracle drugs like penicillian. Think about it in time of Jesus Christ the life expectancy was probably less than 33 1000 later in 1069 William the Conquer didnt make out of his 40s... It was still really low when Colubus discovered the Americas like 40 or so only since the last fifty years has people been able to live till 77Yet in Egypt 5000 years ago you had a pharroh live to 100. So they have increased but the limit is the same as always 120 and medicine cannot do it all your genes also does some to. And everyone is different so all medicines dont work for all people
THats why its so hard to diagnois or treat anybody because you dont know the exact complete state of that person like say a computer would need to know before it tried to fix what has them out of balance chances are many things and when they are sick a doctor will fix the main things because we have no test to give the exact and complete state of a human being. In which case the doctor job would be easy just solve the equation and find the best rememedy to put them back in balance but yes life expectancy due to advances in medicine have always been going up.Check the stats
that's a question for the politics and government section i think
it really depends on your own life decisions - diet, exercise, sexual activity, etc - however, technology is now availlable, for the extremely wealthy, to prolong life to the 140 year range!
Yes it will and has.Life expectancy is a function of more than just the therapies available to a given population ... it is the average number of years of life remaining to a number of people of a given age according to a given mortality table.Therefore, it is dependent on lifestyle, geographic location, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, genetics, and many other factors.The average life expectancy in the United States at this time is 77 years 5 months.Women typically outlive the average by several years.

will lortab show up as anything in just a normal drug test. one that tests for THC,opium,cocaine and meth.?

will lortab show up as THC, opiums, cocaine or methamphetimines
Yes. Lortab is a narcotic. The "metabolites" that are measured in the test will show positive for narcotics/opiates. They ask you ahead of time what meds you are on, if you declare them it should not be a problem.
LORATABS DO SHOW UP! They show up as a drug and they stay in your system for ever.--bowski--
so long as you got a script for them and let the drug tester know you take these it will be ok
Lortab contains the narcotic hydrocodone and will show up in a urine drug screen as an opiate. Your urine will test positive for approximately three days after your last dose. If you have a valid prescription for Lortab you don't need to worry,
it will come up as "opiums" (opiates).. 3-5 days and its out of your system.
Even though it's a controlled substance, it will not show up on your drug test b/c it does not test for any of the drugs you mentioned (maybe opiates...not sure on that though). Also, if anything shows have an alibi. Make sure a drug tester knows before embarking on the journey of a drug test lol.

will lorazepam 0.5 mg make you high?

will lorazepam 0.5 mg make me high? or "chill"? is it good for stress?
No. you won't even know you'd taken it.It's good for relieving the symtoms of stress and anxiety as are all benzodiazepams. This is a very low dose, you will probably not feel any physical effect, but you may be less stressed!
Consult your doctor. Don't take any medicine that is not prescribed to you!
wut's that? sleeping pills?

Will looking at "trees" improve your eyesight?

I hvae extreme nearsightedness on one eye, and my other eye is "farsighted"(about 15/20 vision but cannot see close objects as good as my other eye) Can looking at trees over a long period of time improve your eyesight? And do you look at the trees with or without the glasses?(or contacts)
Hardly. Anymore than looking at hookers will improve your sex life.
It could help, but of course, you will lose all ability to see the forest. Do you really want to run that risk?
I have never heard this before.
I did hear something about carrots.
Of course not. See a doctor and get a proper prescription. Forget all the stupid, crazy remedies people with no brains tell you about and the paid whores on radio and TV push. One bunch is stupid, lazy and crazy, hardly the best to listen too and the other couldn't care less if you lose your first born child to zombies so long as they get paid so why do you think the pseudo-science they peddle is worthwhile. SEE (pun intended) a doctor!

Will lamictil (bipolar medication) make weight loss drugs (phentermine) LESS effective?

I am taking lamitogrine (Lamictil) for bipolar I...but also am taking a amphetime sytle weight loss medication (phendimentrazie.soon to change to phentermine). Will the lamicital reduce the effects of weight loss drug? [these are both prescriptions, but neither doctor knows i am on the other]
OH MY GOSH!! You have to be honest with your doctors! You have enough to deal with just with being Bipolar.. Medications definetly affect other medications. I would drop the weight-loss medication, because it is more important to keep your mind normal than your weight. If you want to lose weight, drop pop and try an easy exercise that you've always liked. I've had two brothers that were Bi-polar. They both took their lives because they wouldn't take medication.Keep your chin up!
Ask your pharmacist.
antidepressants may decrease anorectic response so yes it can make the weight loss drugs less effective.
Obviously the doctors don't know about each other. No reputable physician would consider allowing you to take the two together. You pretty well deserve what you get, and you're probably hypomanic right now to think you're being smart to play this kind of game. Come clean with your shrink. You need it.

will it hurt a person to take tramadol while taking methadone?

methadone is a narcotic blocker. tramadol is not a narcotic, but is used for pain
I wouldn't do it. I know they're both pretty powerful and both mood altering. I know that junkies use both so I would not combine them together, you really shouldn't need to. Methadone is usually used when someone is trying to get off drugs. Tramadol may not be a narcotic and may not be controlled but it probably should be as it definately alters the mood.
should be fine. is a narcotic tho.. a U-opiate agonist. tramadol isnt an antagonist at all so it wont put u in withdrawal.. be careful man. there is no interaction besides being really drugged up... its funny, cuz i was in ur situation like 5 years ago and had a ton of it and didnt know if i could.. i was scared it was an antagonist... never ended up taking it.. and luckily i dont take anything now.

Will it be possible to cure aging one day with advanded technology?

what is everyones obsession with immortality? by the way, if I were a Jehovah's Witness, the answer to your question would be yes.
What do you mean "cure aging"? Aging isn't a disease, it's a natural and beautiful process. Do you mean "curing" the physical "symptoms" of aging, like dry skin and wrinkles? Yeah, there will probably be more advanced treatments for that. Do you mean "curing" it in the sense of living forever? I hope not. Death is a natural part of they cycle of life, and keeps populations in check. Do you mean curing age related diseases like altzheimers? I hope so. Altzheimers scares me.
I don't believe that aging will ever be completely eliminated due to the nature of biological systems. It may be drastically slowed down, but eventually cells wear out and die. However, I am confident that lifespans will be greatly expanded...possibly indefinitely. The solution is continual cell replacement. As cells wear out over time and die, they can be replaced with brand new genetically identical cells grown from instructions in your DNA. For example, when your liver wears out, it is simply replaced with one genetically identical and in the shape yours was when your were 20. I think the advancements in this type of organ replacement technology we'll see in the next several decades will be amazing. It is definitely something to look forward to.So I think the answer to stopping death lies not in eliminating aging, but with replacing the cells that do age.
Only if you find a way to stop time.
Yes, suspended animation, which scientist tested on numerous animals, leading to the animals waking up from the dead. Which will, eventually lead to, testing it on humans, giving us some type of "extended lifespan". Because of the lack of expertise, there have been few cases were these animals had brain damage.
I suppose the answer rests partly in your basic beliefs about science and God. I do not think that we will ever be able to 'cure' aging- because I believe that this is, ultimately, in God's Hands. However, it is truly amazing what science has been able to do to 'ease' aging... the body, however, always seems to wear out, no matter how many advancements medicine makes... just my thoughts!

Will immortal life be possible in the future?

Will immortality (or relative immortality, barring road accidents and the like) be possible in the future? Technology is always advancing and scientific breakthroughs are constant. There are those that say every disease will be cured some day, that the ageing process will be reversed or even stopped. And then if you read novels like Tad Williams' "Otherland" series, they bring up the concept of transferring our consciousness to a futuristic internet. In short, theoretically there may be several ways to achieve this generations down the line. Who would have thought some of our technology or medical abilities would be possible two hundred years ago?And so do you think it will be possible? Or if not immortal life, extending our lives to several hundred years by slowing the ageing/decaying process?And if treatment does become possible, will it be only for the wealthy like cryogenic freezing currently is?Do you think people born in the last 20 to 30 years came along too early to take advantage of this, assuming you believe it will be possible, or will something happen in our lifetime to extend our lives if we wish it?I'm interested in different points of views, but am not interested in religious views ("We are all immortal"), as I don't find them logical or believable.
Yeah, I believe we'll become 'immortal' in a way. I doubt we'll be able to do it and remain sacks of meat, but just look at where technology is at and where it is headed. We're getting faster computers which leads to better AI, and robotics are getting better. It won't be too long before there are prosthetic legs that are just as good as real legs, and it's a small step from that to robots that are maneuverable as humans. Bottom line, we will eventually merge with our machines and even upload our consciousness into them. Sure it will just be a 'simulation', but that's what we are essentially, simulations run by our brains. Your brain is just a neural net and as we continue to learn how they operate it should be simple enough to make an artificial one. Check out this site and put on your thinking cap.
A main reason that we age is because our teleomeres decay. These little structures protect our genes, and with their protection, our genes are able to function and tell our body to repair itself. If we could at least lengthen the lives of our teleomeres, we could lengthen our own lives because our body would be more able to repair itself for longer, instead of just shutting down and letting senescence take over as we age. I'm not sure if they know how to lengthen teleomere life any, but perceiving your life as stressful shortens their lifespans.But there are other factors too, so it probably wouldn't make us immortal!
WELLESLEY, Mass. 鈥?Ray Kurzweil doesn't tailgate. A man who plans to live forever doesn't take chances with his health on the highway, or anywhere else.As part of his daily routine, Kurzweil ingests 250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea. He also periodically tracks 40 to 50 fitness indicators, down to his "tactile sensitivity." Adjustments are made as needed."I do actually fine-tune my programming," he said.The inventor and computer scientist is serious about his health because if it fails him he might not live long enough to see humanity achieve immortality, a seismic development he predicts in his new book is no more than 20 years away.It's a blink of an eye in history, but long enough for Kurzweil, 57, to pay close heed to his fitness. He urges others to do the same in "Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever."The book is partly a health guide so people can live to benefit from a coming explosion in technology he predicts will make infinite life spans possible.Kurzweil writes of millions of blood cell-sized robots, which he calls "nanobots," that will keep us forever young by swarming through the body, repairing bones, muscles, arteries and brain cells. Improvements to our genetic coding will be downloaded via the Internet. We won't even need a heart.The claims are fantastic, but Kurzweil is no crank. He's a recipient of the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT prize, billed as a sort of Academy Award for inventors, and he won the 1999 National Medal of Technology Award. He has written on the emergence of intelligent machines in publications ranging from Wired to Time magazine.The Christian Science Monitor has called him a "modern Edison." He was inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame in 2002. Perhaps the MIT graduate's most famous invention is the first reading machine for the blind that could read any typeface.
Click here to find out more!
During a recent interview, Kurzweil sipped green tea and spoke of humanity's coming immortality as if it's as good as done. He sees human intelligence not only conquering its biological limits but completely mastering the natural world."In my view, we are not another animal, subject to nature's whim," he said.Critics say Kurzweil's predictions of immortality are wild fantasies based on unjustifiable leaps from current technology."I'm not calling Ray a quack, but I am calling his message about immortality in line with the claims of other quacks that are out there," said Thomas Perls, a Boston University aging specialist.Sherwin Nuland, a bioethics professor at Yale University's School of Medicine, calls Kurzweil a "genius" but also says he's a product of a narcissistic age when brilliant people are becoming obsessed with their longevity."They've forgotten they're acting on the basic biological fear of death and extinction, and it distorts their rational approach to the human condition," Nuland said.Kurzweil says his critics often fail to appreciate the exponential nature of technological advance, with knowledge doubling year-by-year so that amazing progress eventually occurs in short periods.His predictions, Kurzweil said, are based on carefully constructed scientific models that have proven accurate. For instance, in his 1990 book, "The Age of Intelligent Machines," Kurzweil predicted the development of a worldwide computer network and of a computer that could beat a chess champion."It's not just guesses," he said. "There's a methodology to this."Kurzweil has been thinking big ever since he was a boy. At age 8, he developed a miniature theater in which a robotic device moved the scenery. By 16, the New York native built a computer and programmed it to compose original melodies.His interest in health developed out of concern about his future. Kurzweil's grandfather and father suffered from heart disease, his father dying when Kurzweil was 22. Kurzweil was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in his mid-30s.After insulin treatments were ineffective, Kurzweil devised his own solution, including a drastic cut in fat consumption, allowing him to control his diabetes without insulin.His rigorous health regimen is not excessive, just effective, he says, adding that his worst sickness in the past several years has been mild nasal congestion.Kurzweil's interests in technology and health sciences have merged in the past decade as scientists have discovered similarities."All the genes we have, the 20,000 to 30,000 genes, are little software programs," Kurzweil said.In his latest book, Kurzweil defines what he calls his three bridges to immortality. The "First Bridge" is the health regimen he describes with co-author Dr. Terry Grossman to keep people fit enough to cross the "Second Bridge," a biotechnological revolution.Kurzweil writes that humanity is on the verge of controlling how genes express themselves and ultimately changing the genes. With such technology, humanity could block disease-causing genes and introduce new ones that would slow or stop the aging process.The "Third Bridge" is the nanotechnology and artificial-intelligence revolution, which Kurzweil predicts will deliver the nanobots that work like repaving crews in our bloodstreams and brains. These intelligent machines will destroy disease, rebuild organs and obliterate known limits on human intelligence, he believes.Immortality would leave little standing in current society, in which the inevitability of death is foundational to everything from religion to retirement planning. The planet's natural resources would be greatly stressed, and the social order shaken.Kurzweil says he believes new technology will emerge to meet increasing human needs. And he said society will be able to control the advances he predicts as long as it makes decisions openly and democratically, without excessive government interference.But there are no guarantees, he adds.Meanwhile, Kurzweil refuses to concede the inevitably of his death, even if science doesn't advance as quickly as he predicts."Death is a tragedy," a process of suffering that rids the world of its most tested, experienced members 鈥?people whose contributions to science and the arts could only multiply with agelessness, he said.Kurzweil said he's no "cheerleader" for unlimited scientific progress and added he knows science can't answer questions about why eternal lives are worth living. That's left for philosophers and theologians, he said.But to him there's no question of huge advances in things that make life worth living, such as art, cultural, music and science."Biological evolution passed the baton of progress to human cultural and technological development," he said.Lee Silver, a Princeton biologist, said he would love to believe in the future as Kurzweil sees it, but the problem is, humans are involved.The instinct to preserve individuality, and to gain advantage for yourself and children, would survive any breakthrough into biological immortality 鈥?which Silver doesn't think is possible. The gap between the haves and have-nots would widen and Kurzweil's vision would become ever more elusive, he said."I think it would require a change in human nature," Silver said, "and I don't think people want to do that."
WOW! What a long question. Do you really want to live forever?
You would have to have millions of dollars tucked away to survive. You would be too old to work to care for yourself.
And really, could you see yourself having to be with the same relatives for hundreds of years? I would go insane!!I can wait until death happens naturally. Then it's another journey...the other side.
Not even the stars in the galaxies are immortal. In a universe ultimately running itself down into total entropy, the meaning of immortality for physical biological beings is moot, since the end-entropic universe would have *no* chemistry.Here is an excellent short story by Isaac Asimov that addresses the question from a physicist's perpective.
Immortality? We are all immortal...until proven otherwise. This is a doctor's perspective. Death is usually an unacceptable outcome.

Will I pass my piss test?

I quit smoking pot only a week ago, I will have a job interview in about a week and I know I am going to have a test. I was only a nitely smoker just to get to sleeep, 3 or 4 hits a night. I have been taking vite-b, niacin 2 times a day a multie vite and drinking lots of water and oj. Do you thik I will be ok?
I don't think they'll hire you anyway, because of your grammar.
weed stays in your system 30 days. meth 3 to 5 days
the THC stays in your system about 30 days
I know this works for a fact because army recruiters used it on 2 of my best friends. Go to the store and by a frozen can of grape concentrate or maybe two depending on your size. Let it thaw open the can and consume the contents, dont mix it with water just take it straight from the can. You will have to go to the bathroom a lot but it will definitley clear your system DO NOT waste your money on a detox system at GNC even though they will work just as well. Good luck and happy crapping
traces of THC stays in your fat for about 5-10 days if you're not a regular smoker. A heavy smoker may contain residual traces for up to a month.
There are drinks you can buy for about $30 that will mask any traces for the entire day after you drink in the morning. (not a bad investment if it will help get you the job) You would need to go to some headshop that sells smoking pipes to find these drinks (or ebay).
Its unlikely you'll have to submit a sample AT the interview. My advice is to drink as much water as you possibly can the day you need to go to the lab. You'll have to pee every five minutes--but you'll be peeing straight water. And try not to eat anything on that day.
hello: if you drink a lot of water, and sweat sweat sweat all that THC out of your will have a better chance of passing the test. it all matters about your body fat for that is where THC is stored. But the best way is to keep drinking A LOT OF WATER too keep flushing your system and also i recommend a steam room to keep your body sweating.
If they test you 2 weeks after you start. There is a chance on this. They may want to observe you for a bit to see if you are otherwise a good employee. The reasoning, why incur the cost of an expensive drug test if in two weeks the potential employee shows signs of anger management issues. Either way, THC stays in your body fat and is detectable for 28 to 30 days

will i pass my etg test?

Presuming that you drank on Monday night/Tue morning YOU WILL NOT PASS the test as you are well within the reported 80 hour window.The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment ( has made a determination about EtG not being a reliable standalone test due to its _extreme sensitivity_. See link.This, however, does not excuse your behavior. You should get your problem under control before you kill someone else or yourself. You'll feel a lot worse knowing you killed someone than by losing your job or being put on probation.
since it has been 3 days, the percent of alcohol in your system will be very small.
it will mostly depend on what else you ate and drank that will soak up the alcohol and pass it through your system.
I wouldn't worry about the test.
I would worry about why you had to cheat and now are concerned!
Ewh! I'm afraid your chances are slim. Depends on what time you actually drank on Monday night, and what time the test was today.Sounds like you might needs some help with that drinking.. Good luck, I hope things do work out for you.

Will I have A probelm with withdrawals after quiting paxil after 6 days?

Im having VERY BAD side effects and cant take it anymore. I dont want to suffer if I go off though.
You should NEVER discontinue meds like these cold turkey. If the side effects are unbearable, talk to your doctor about switching you to another drug. If you don't want to take drugs at all, then talk to your doctor about tapering your dose.
It's diffrent for everyone but for me: i had no major side effects but you should call your health care provider, ask them how to taper off your medicine because withdrawal could make you suicidal.
When I ran out of Paxil I had a months prescription of Zoloft to help with any side effects of depression. Which I didn't ever get any depression, but I did feel the withdrawal off of the Paxil. That is why I was wanting to get off of it, there were times I would miss taking it in the morning and by evening, I was feeling the withdrawal of not taking it, and then the research I came across about taking it, made me want off of it more. So now I am roughly off of everything for 3 1/2 months now, and just now starting to not feel the withdrawal of the Paxil. Which is good, I am not depressed, but I am not getting the "brain zaps" either.
No you willl not suffer side effects form Paxil withdrawl after 6 days, as it take form 2 to 4 weeks to reach a theraputic level in your blood.
It normally takes 2 weeks for most medicines to immerse in our systems.2 weeks also for theraputic value.I personally did not like Paxil.But consult with your physician before discontinuing any medication,especially an anti-depressant or an anti psycotic!
check the site on paxil withdrawal called www.paxilprogress. net. You have to taper off or can get very sick mentally and physically. Check with your doctor before stopping. I didn't but used this site.
you have to go off it graduallly or it will have bad side effects.
oh yeah u kno that i sit and watch i love ny JUST ALL THE TIME and try to be like her when me saying that white boy lost actually doesnt have anything at all 2 do with that. but yea you can think that buddy...its ok. but yeah i was just saying that because you snapped on me whenever i asked you how you "thought" you knew that he won. and u so kindly put i dont "THINK HE WON" I
" KNOW HE WON" because you are probably some 12 year old little 6th grader going through puberty and thinks that anything someone older says is wrong. oh god..ur such a rebel! oh yeah now u can return 2 listening 2 ur panic at the disco cd while watching re-runs of the golden girls you little homesexual *** sucker. hope you learned that ur a complete fucktard and u need 2 go seek medical help emediatly. hahahahahahahahahaha its so funny thinking that you were like " AHH I KNOW HE WON AHHH" and then he gets eliminated and ur just like " AHHHH I DONT EVEN CARE AHH" ( the ahhs are a mixture of u bitching about your life and the extreme pleasure ur most likely getting from ur uncle gerald shoving his 8 and half inch **** into ur puberty going through with about 2 blond hairs *** hole ) yeah so next time u think u kno a little research and find out if ur sources are actually true. Because if they arent..pss...that makes u look like the deushbag that u actually are. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ***** SUCK ******* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH WOW UR A FAGGIT HAHAHAHA I LOVE MAKING FAGGITS LIKE YOU UPSET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ITS REALLY FUN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... FUKING COW ******* FUCKTARD ***** **** ASSHOLE LICKING BUT ONLY IF ITS A GUYS YOU ******* RETARD GO DIE OR ILL KILL YOU IN UR DREAMS

Will I go blind if the lasik surgery fails??

It could happen.
not necessarly blind, but i have a co-worker that had lasik done and now she has worse vision than when she started! i dont recomend it unless its a well known docotor, and they are board certified!
blindness would be faster than anticipated.
I had it done in March 2000, almost 7 years ago and I have never regretted it for a minute. If you are really concerned, do it one eye at a time. But really, it's very, very safe and you will be very, very happy afterwards, I bet.
you never know what could happen when you have a procedure like that, that is just part of the risks getting it done.

Will I fail the Hair Follicle Test?

I do not smoke pot, but have been exposed to it on a number of occasions. Will it show up on the hair follicle test?
Thank you
if it did show up, it would only be trace amounts. from this, all they actually can prove is that you have been around it, not smoking it.
doubt it.
Well i was told that if you are around it it can get into your system and it might show up but its like 99.9% that it wont.
If you haven't actually inhaled the direct smoke, your hair fillicle test will be negative.normal.If however, you have sat in a car or other enclosed area while your friends were clambaking..then..there is a strong possibility that your hair follicle test will be positive. Especially, if you remeber getting a contact high.Hope this helps.Hair follicle tests are not very specific tests for other words..they are often negative in people that smoke weed.GOOD LUCK!
Drink 4 liters of golden seal in 48 hours before the lower the liklihood of a positive test!
depends on how long your hair is and how much you were exposed to

Will I ever know what, and if, that joint was laced with?

Hello everyone,About three years ago, my friend, a guy whom will go unnamed, introduced me to my first experience with drugs; marijuana, chiefly. The experience I had goes as follows: My friend and I, a person with overwhelming anxiety, fear and perpetual misunderstanding of my environment -- schizophrenic, to a degree -- and surroundings, decided that the day for me to smoke marijuana was... exactly that day, three years ago.Was that the night of my life or what... He rolled the marijuana into the joint and added to that a sprinkle of what he later said was "tobacco". Completely sure that I was going to experience what exactly what he ascribed to smoking marijuana, I sat back and proceeded to allow him to roll my joint, and then we'd later go outside, as the night had just begun, and smoke our respective joints (he rolled one for himself).We smoked the marijuana, and about halfway into my joint, (question continues into the "additional details" section).
maybe it had Ketamine or PCP in it ?This is a fairly detailed file which covers a type of brain damage known as NMDA Antagonist Neurotoxicity or Olney's Lesions (after the researcher who discovered it). It also covers other risks of using dissociatives, and how to minimize them. If you currently use, have used, or plan to use, any dissociative (drug which blocks NMDA receptors or which is a dissociative anaesthetic), then you should read this document. This includes ketamine, PCP, dextromethorphan, and nitrous oxide; see Section iv. below for more information. find a better friend
I'm not as smart as Deesnut. I don't know all the medical detail. However, I can tell you that most "street drugs" are impure, making it dangerous. The way these substance were grown, supplied and cut was not regulated. When you smoke a marijuana/wet, you don't know what you are getting into your body-lead, mercury, animals/insects feces... It may not just be laced, it can be just seriously bad for you by itself. I do 911 calls in the inner city. We know when a new shipment come in because people start tripping all over the place and we get victims getting into car crashes or passing out and getting raped, assaulted and robbed. I am sorry you had this horrible experience. Please be careful when you choose your friend (rule #1-they don't try to kill you). I hope you are young and your body is able to recover from the damage of this isolated incident.
or maybe pot is not the drug for you

Will I die if I hold in a sneeze?

Your eyes pop out and you loose the right to breathe, so yes.
No but your eyes will pop out and u'll wish you had died!!
i dont think so?
nope i do it all the time especially during class
A sneeze is involuntary, it's impossible to hold it in.
well im still here!
nope - not to my knowledge.
I have held in several sneezes because I was in meetings and stuff and did not want to interrupt what was going on. I have had no problems. However, a teacher of mine once told me that it was dangerous because he had a kid in one of his classes pop a lung doing it. I have no idea if what he told me was true and even it was true, how ofter something like that happens.
You probably wont die, but its not very healthy for you. My doctor told me that u can even burst your ear drum by holding in a sneeze. You sneeze so u can get rid of a foreign object or dust out of your nostril, if u hold a sneeze in, obviously it cant come out. Not healthy mi amigo
apparently not. i havent tried though..
yep you will prolly die. and you dont even want to know what happens if you hold in a fart.!
You'll hear better.
Yes, twelve peoople die each day in the Us from holding back sneezes. By the way in case you care, Al Gore invented the sneeze.
Death is not so simple, naturally you will let go..
I held a sneeze in once and my head exploded, it took ages to glue it all back together again and cost a small fortune on buying glue.
I also got my eyes mixed up and put them in the wrong sockets, now I'm cross-eyed.
No it escapes disguised as the rattle of a machine gun from your bottom.
No, but the power of the unsneezed sneeze will carry forward exponentially into your next sneeze, so the more sneezes you suppress, the more explosive and potentially fatal it will be when you finally do sneeze.
Follow the link below to find out what happens when somebody holds in more than 2 or 3 sneezes in a row.

will i be called "Doctor Jacinta" if I have completed my PharmD Degree?

I guess it depends if your name is Jacinta or not. :) My PharmD friends typically don't use their title "Dr." at work or on their business cards. They just add the PharmD to their cards. I know PharmD's who teach often use Dr., but I think it's more common in academics. Outside of academics and medicine, I think use of the work Dr. can get confusing. My aunt still tells people I'm studying to be a doctor because I'm in a PhD program and I made the mistake of saying that I can't wait until the day I'm called Dr. She gets so disappointed that you'd think I had actually flunked out of medical school! You can ask people to call you Dr. if you want though. It will be true and it feels good I hear:)
I work with lots of pharmacists, and we dont call them doctor. I guess it depends on the people you work with.
You can be called Dr. Jacinta, Dr. E, Dr. Enriquez (I made up the last name) if you have any Doctorate degree. Bill Cosby is a Doctor of Education and can be called Dr. Cosby. Attorneys have Juris Doctorates and can be called doctors but prefer you don't. They sue doctors.
You can in formal situtations.
You can sign your name like that too.My dad had his PhD and we ocassionally called him doc
I would think so. Some people I know have been called doctors after receiving their Bachelors Degree in Medicine. In formal situations you should be called ( out of respect) a doctor.
yes use it when waiting for a table at a restaurant, and to piss off your pea green user loser gf's

will i be a doctor one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The future is uncertain.Do you want to be a doctor? Then start doing things to prepare yourself academically . You might also volunteer at a hospital or get a job at a doctor's office to get close-up exposure to the field.Good Luck!;-)
Well if you work hard ,and be determined in it , No doubt you will be a doctor oneday...But you will have to put a real struggle .
Good luck
The answer is simple: no.
Perhaps you will.
Start preparing now by disciplining yourself to use proper sentence structure, with correct capitalization and punctuation.
If u have determination,then do everything that you are supposed to do to become a doctor.Would you like to be a physician or Do research in some field and get your PhD and thereby become a doctor? Try your best and God will take care of the rest
yea can do anything u set ur mind to as long as ur heart is in the job
do well in pre med, take the mcat, go to med skool, do residency...and boom ur a doctor!
yes you will if u r interested in being a doctor

will having an annual chest x-ray be harmful ?

a year apart should not be harmful. you probably get more raditation from your cell phone over a year, then from a x-ray.
NO, it is not enough radiation to harm you.
No, but why are you getting annual chest x-rays?
Unlikely. Are you doing this because of a positive PPD?

Will give 10 points for best answer.?

Is there any technology or vaccinations for Cystic Fiberosis? If so what are they?
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease - it involves a defect in the CFTR gene locus. There is no "vaccination" against it as it is not the result of a viral infection. The treatment is mostly for the symptoms of CF (e.g. lung problems, infection due to excess mucus, etc.); there is nothing, at present, resembling a cure. Probably this will not exist until there is some sort of gene therapy to correct the disease systemically. This is many years off, probably at least three decades.
You can do a search on the web for technology and vaccinations, but you should also consider a holistic approach. I have a friend who is an MD who knows all about how eating an organic vegan raw diet can help the body fight off diseases. Here's his site:
unfortunately, no, we do not have a vaccine for CF.

Will Cryonics ever work?

They keep changing what and when it means to be dead. 100 years ago if your heart stopped you'd be dead...Now even lack of brain activity as in certain brain surgeries...isn't a reliable cut off. Who knows what Future Nanotecnology will bring?
In my opinion, yes, Cryonics will eventually work. Vitrification, a minimally damaging process similar to freezing, is making huge advances. Within the last year, an entire rabbit kidney was vitrified, stored in liquid nitrogen, thawed, and implanted. (and it worked!) Before this, it had never been done with anything as large as a whole organ.Freezing and Thawing technology will continue to mature over time, and eventually work.That brings us to why Cryonicists spend the money to be frozen. Time. Decay, and every other cellular process, practically stops at liquid nitrogen temperature. If it takes 50 or 500 years for the technology to develop, that's ok, because it is the equivalent of less than a second of cellular decay at -192 degrees. is an excellent resource. and are the two primary Cryonics organizations in the US.Ejay Hire, Funded option 2 member of the Cryonics Institute
I really not want to wait around to find out. I just be cremated and Believe what Jesus say He will do for me. I would rather trust God and Greedy Man. Sorry I can not help you more. The link may help you though, this Cryonics Lab been around since 1972, I think.
Here's the rub. We don't really know what it is we are trying to preserve.For instance, you could store some DNA easily. Or, you could even do a gene by gene print out and store it digitally. But we know that a clone of you wouldn't be you.So, what is it that we really want to save? Is it the whole brain? The connections in a particular brain? The brain getting hormonal messages from a particular body?We just don't know what essential parts have to be preserved to preserve the sort of 'you' that you would recognize.Even then there is a problem. What if the brain is the sort of thing that has to be 'on', at least most of the time, to stay 'brainy'? There's a real problem. And what if what we need to preserve is impossible to preserve? There are quantum states that are by definition impossible to preserve, or even know about without damaging them.The long and the short of it is that simple cryogenics isn't likely to be the sort of answer we want. More likely is some sort of way to record the 'you' that is you onto another medium and restore from that. A sort of back up disk.
It works great on ants: If you freeze them (say to around 10 degrees), they lay still- immobile. Then, if you let them thaw out, they unfreeze, and crawl away as they unfreeze. I have done this experiment many times. I have read that it works well on at least some fish, too.
At the current state and means of practice, I see only problems for those preserving themselves cryogenically. To be frozen, you first have to be dead, so the problem is not just one of defrosting and reanimating, but of bringing life back. This will raise legal issues because the person has already died, what can there legal status be? Do they have rights? Suppose the changes in society (spiritually, financially, politically) are so great that the person does not want to live in that time, but law at that time forbids euthenasia or refreezing? If the changes in technology are not quick enough, how much effort should be required to store/transport frozen bodies to keep them safew from increases in solar intensity?Just keep it simple for me

Will contraction of a muscle occur if the lower motor neurons serving it have been destroyed?

What about the UPPER ones?
A controlled voluntary muscle contraction under these conditions will not occur. In fact over time a denervated muscle will turn largely into connective, non-contractile, tissue. This means that a person who has a say spinal cord injury over time will lose skeletal muscle. So if in the future the injury were to be corrected the persons muscles would be usless. Muscles can be kept alive using external muscle stimulators.
Not in terms of voluntary movement, ie if you want to move your leg, but have no lower motor neurons, you won't be able to; but if the muscle were to get direct stimulus (like an electrical stimulus, shock) it would contract. I think. I believe they use something like that to help paralzyed people regain ability to walk.
a lower motor neuron injury will leave you with a flaccid paralysis, meaning you'll have no voluntary ability to contract your muscles. the muscles may have involuntary spasms under certain circumstances, like if you become hypokalemic. also, like mentioned before, direct stimulation would also elicit an involuntary upper motor neuron injury is different, depending on where the level of injury is. if the injury occurs at the spinal cord or brain level, then you may have a rigid paralysis, which is an abnormally sustained contraction of the affected muscle.

Will cold medication effect a ethylglucuronide test.?

There is a new UA test which shows if you have drank in the last five days. It is called a ethylglucuronide test. If I take cold medication will appear as though I have been drinking?
I'm not sure about the ethylglucuronide test, but on urine tests, cold medicines with psuedoephedrine can show up in the results as amphetamines.
Yes, but only if the medication contains alcohol (ie ethanol) such as niquil, or cough syrups, etc., as many cold medications do.

will cinnmon lower blood sugar in diabetics im a diabetic?

i take a teaspoon in a glass of milk in the morning and a teaspoon in a glass of milk in the evening will that lower my sugar to normal ?
If your diabetic shouldnt you be checking your blood sugar levels on a regualr basis like the rest of us and if you do why not just experiment and see. Take a reading before you try some, wait and hour or two and check it again and you should now which way it will affect you.
Yes, I heard from a dietitian that cinnamon will lower your blood sugar, so will cayenne pepper, there is a pill you can take for that.
Not that I ever heard, and I am Diabetic also.Mine does very well when I have 2 APPLES a day, with the peel. It has to do with the fiber. Eat more high-fiber foods to help yours go down.
That sounds like an old wive's tale. When I took Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 we went into exhaustive detail about diabetes and I never heard any mention of cinnamon or any other kind of home remedy to lower blood sugar.
You need to take your medication as prescribed and watch how much sugar you intake. That's pretty much the only way to get it within normal range.
Here's a really good article on the subject. I'm leaning towards yes to answer your question.
hmmm well INSULIN lowers b.sugar. and water does too. idk if it depends on type 1 or 2...2 may be different. but if u just want to keep it steady eat peanut butter.just a couple of spoonfulls on a piece of bread will keep it going good...
They got this new stuff out called Insulin.You can get it prescribed to you by a Dr.
The cells in the body - muscle, nerve, etc - need insulin to be able to use glucose for fuel. What happens in Type 2 Diabetes (aka Diabetes Mellitus) is called Insulin Resistance - the cells don't respond to insulin very well, so glucose levels rise and the body starts to malfunction. A number of studies have indicated that cinnamon has a glucose-lowering effect in humans. We believe that cinnamon contains a compound that increases insulin sensitivity in the body's cells. However, we don't know yet what dosages are most effective and, like any medicinal compound, it won't necessarily work for everybody and even in people for whom it does work, it won't necessarily bring glucose levels into the normal range - just lower them.My advice: Work with your doctor, if she or he is familiar with these studies and willing to monitor you closely. At the very LEAST, make sure your pharmacist and your physician know that you are taking cinnamon supplements.

will anabolic steroids show on a drug test for a job?

Your question is vague, and probably needs clarification before you get a really full answer.First, if they are doing a regular pee/blood test, they CAN test for steroids. Although it's an expensive process, some bigger corporations have do so in the past. On the other hard, you have the lie detector tests, which you have little chance of lying to - especially if you just got off a cycle.I can't help you beat the lie detector, but a general steroid test would be easy to beat. Let's say you are doing 250mgs of test enenanthate per week. The half life of TE is 10.5 days. BUT (there is a BUT) after the half life is OVER, there is DETECTION TIMES! The Detection times for Test enan is 3months. What this means is that if you did your test shot today, it would NOT be out of your system for at least (+/- figure) 3 months 21 das, ballpark 4months. If you have the test coming soon, stay off the gear, but if you can time your stuff around the test, then do it - just be careful.Steroids Detection Times - testosterone enanthate testosterone enanthate half life here Enanthate Information
no not for a drug test but it can show up if they test you specifically for steroids it will!!

will acohol show positive on a drug test or will it not show up at all?

If the test includes alcohol it will show positive for ethanol. Usually if the test is 48 hours after you drink the alcohol won't show. If you are over 21 in the US alcohol is legal so it shouldn't keep you from a job. Lots of people have a few drinks after work. If you are underage and are found positive for alcohol or if you are doing the test as part of a drug treatment program then it might look so good. If you are diabetic and spilling glucose then the test might show false positive for ethanol.
i don't think so i know alot of people that drink and smoke and so far the alcohol dose not show up
they only test you for drugs unless you have a alcohol and drug test, then yes it will depending on how long you drank before the test
When you get yourself tested for drugs, they are not looking for alcohol. It's the bigger stuff they are interested in like pot, cocain, etc. I would not advise you to party all night drinking anyway b'cause if they smell that on you then they will report that and all companies don't want people that drink too much.
The drug test has to actually test for alcohol. There are many things a drug test can look for, alcohol being one of them.Alcohol , marijuana, and cocaine (amphetamines) are the three most popular for employment testing.
It all depends on if they test for it or not, I was told once that a drug test I would be taking would show any alcohol consumed within the past 24 hours, however this was not the case, my test came back negative. This could also be because alcohol is only in your system for like 8-12 hours and I was drinking alot of water and taking niacin.
it depends on the test and the duration if its after a couple hours yes days it would require an extensive test but it would show as ethonal and it also depends on alcohol levels

Will A Pearl dissolve in a Cats Stomach Acids?

Yeah my cat recently swallowed my Fiances Pearl earrings. I called the vet and they just told me to keep an eye on her and her stools... oh joy... but anyways I was wondering if a pearl will dissolve in the acids of the stomach. I dont think it will but I was wondering if anyone might have some better idea or information to lead me to my answer! Thank You!
A pearl is made of calcium carbonate, the same material the oyster shell that produced the pearl is made of. Any carbonate is very susceptible to acid. The acid in a cat's stomach is not strong enough to completely dissolve a pearl, but it will certainly etch the surface so that it is no longer glossy.
I'm no expert but I'd bet on it coming out in the cat's smelly poop! Good luck!
not at all, if anything the stomach acid will destroy the pearl (if you're unlucky. The only danger would be if the earrings became lodged in the inside if the cat. then it would mean surgery for little tabby.
Keep a close eye on the litter box and you may find a jem.
OH POOR KITTY I think that you should just keep a close watch on her and WUV HER AS MUCH AS U CAN *the fiance and the cat*LOL
No the acid in your cats stomach is not strong enough to dissolve it. It should go right though but make sure it doesn't cause a blockage.
No. No more than corn desolves in our stomach

will a one off use of amphetimines effect a person who has epilepsy?

A high dose can cause a seizure. Even in low doses it will cause lack of sleep which can also cause seizures. I wouldn't bother.
won't know till you try
be careful
Do not be an absolute plonker Rodney!!
I'd Imagine that you're not entirely serious with this question as there is no such thing as a one of use of amphetamines, Stick to prescription drugs...
yes it could. May affect some and not others on a one off basis. Not recommended though.

Will a blood transfusion alter one's genetic make-up?

No. The blood breaks down fairly quickly anyway, and is only a temporary measure to give you enough time for your body to create it's own.
No, you don't turn into half apple half human after eating an apple do you? We eat DNA in food all the time. Nothing to worry about.
Red blood cells do not contain any DNA material, and therefore cannot replicate themselvles. Once they die, they have to be produced by hematopoietic stem cells, or replaced with another transfusion. So NO, it will not alter your genetic makeup.
No. Chemicals in blood is not strong enough to create such an effect and they are usually broken down after a week or two. Process such as radiation might cause an alteration to your genetic make-up, which most probably results in cancer
Of course not. Your genetic makeup is in every cell in your body, not just your blood.
Certainly not. Blood transfusion will not alter one's genetic make-up. However, as recently as World War II, the United States kept black and white blood separate because of just that fear.On 16 January 1942 the Navy announced that "in deference to the wishes of those for whom the plasma is being provided, the blood will be processed separately so that those receiving transfusions may be given blood of their own race." Three days later the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine, who was also the President's personal physician, told the Secretary of the Navy, " It is my opinion that at this time we cannot afford to open up a subject such as mixing blood or plasma regardless of the theoretical fact that there is no chemical difference in human blood." See Memo, Rear Adm Ross T. Mclntire for SecNav, 19 Jan 42, GenRecsNav. See also Florence Murray, ed., Negro Handbook, 1946-1947 (New York: A. A. Wyn, 1948), pp. 373-74. For effect of segregated blood banks on black morale, see Mary A. Morton, "The Federal Government and Negro Morale, " Journal of Negro,Education (Summer 1943): 452, 455-56.

will a antibiotic clean out your system of marijuana?

No, but quitting it will ~~~
No. It's not a bacteria.
It's "an antibiotic" and if you believe one will clean your system of weed, you've been smoking too much!
No. Antibiotics kill bacteria. They do not get rid of toxins from your body.
No, but exterminator or terminator (i forgot the name but it's one of those) will get rid of all traces of drugs in your system. Trust me. It costs like $50 though for one dose of it.
Antibiotics kill bacteria. I don't believe that any residual components of the canabis molecule would fit that description.
no. Antibiotics are used to wipe out microorganisms, not remove pot...
No. Try LOTS of cranberry juice and get some Goldenseal from your local vitamin store.
no, and if you're stupid enough to smoke it then you deserve to keep it in there a while, making you sicker and sicker
Antibiotics are for infections. I've never heard of an antibiotic to clean out mj.
NO. Since it's natural, it has to work it's way out. If it was chemical it would be rejected by your body in just a few days. If you smoke a lot or recently it could take as much as 30 days to completely leave your body.
YA MAN thats right. I did it once and i think it worked.
if you're lookin to pass a test...look into some stuff called "The Stuff". i dont smoke but i know people who tried it and they say it worked for them.
no. antibiotics do not "clean" anything from your system. antibiotics kill bacteria.if you want more information about your issue, try:STEAL THIS URINE TEST: Fighting Drug Hysteria in America by Abbie Hoffman
yeaah, sure. that's the ticket.
an antibiotic will not clean out your system of marijuana. an antibiotic will help the body's immune system fight against bacteria. Marijuana is a stimulant, if you want to clear it out, stop smoking it and drink lots of water. Eventually your liver will clean the body out of the toxins. Water helps your circulation become more efficient.
No, but if your lucky it will clean out your colon of all friendly bacteria, leaving you with a nasty case of diarrhea.

will a 40 milligram oxycontin give me a buzz?

if so 4 how long?
Oh sure, it will. clear up until they have to shock your heart back to beating after you DIE!! This drug is for people with terminal illnesses and those who are in constant, severe pain. You shoudnt even have it unless you are one of those people. The last kid I saw do this puked purple Exorcist style and was barely breathing. Sure, if thats your idea of a buzz, go ahead.
Hope its worth it.
It will kill u if u keep taking them
It might give you a "buzz" but it could also KILL YOU. Individuals who take a large dose of OxyContin are at risk of severe respiratory depression that can lead to death. Inexperienced and new users are at particular risk, because they may be unaware of what constitutes a large dose and have not developed a tolerance for the drug. Abusing OxyContin is illegal. OxyContin is a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II drugs, which include cocaine and methamphetamine, have a high potential for abuse. Abuse of these drugs may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.To sum it all up... DON'T DO IT!!
Heck yeah, watch out! BE CAREFUL... DON'T even drink with fact, don't even start that stuff, it's like a heroin're better off without a drug addiction, trust me!
if you've never done that **** you'll be throwing up and be miserable most of the time and probably make you fall asleep really u might want to try a 1/4 of it. that stuff is way strongeer than any pain pill you may have or may not have taken. Don't mess around with that because it's for the terminally ill and hardcore junkies.
40mg? maybe, but 80 is better.
Define "buzz"
Well you will get the kind of buzz you get when your redneck cellmate "Leroy", who you met after your incarceration for possession of narcotics, makes you his girlfriend and rents you out to others on the cell block for "dates".Yes; enjoy your little "BUZZ" Nancy Boy!

will it be better to go for operation in cerv. spondlitis,?

i am facing huge problem due to illness. much headache, chakkar. rediculopathy and grade-1 spondlitis reported, taking medicines for past 1 yr thru sgpgi LKO dr s. jha. i m hoppless, now thinking for surgery. suggest kindly.
Hi,There are 2 cases:
Case 1: If the doctor has adviced u not to go for surgery immediately then wait till he says so.
Case 2: If the doctor has given u a choice to go for surgery then definitely go for a surgery; because it means that the doctor feels strongly that u need a surgery and feels that since a small amount of long- term risk is involved he wants u to take the call on that.But i generally fell that u should not live in pain and if u have a choice from the doctors advice just go for it.Happy Recovery !
Most everyone has to make choices like this sometime in their lives. A good rule to follow is: Can you live with it. No matter what type of surgery, complex or simple, you need to weigh your quality of life against the risks and the probablity of a surgery's success. But only you can answer this for yourself. Good luck.

Wierd Fever?

I've had a medium temperature fever for a few days now, but It has made me very lethargic, unusual for my fevers. And all of a sudden, I have a really fast heartbeat, I'm having hallucinations, and I have way more strength and speed than usual. I am not thinking like normal either. I keep imagining I'm falling into a pit and then I realize i'm not... I'm extremely dizzy but "powerful". The fever is around 102 degrees to 103 degrees farenheit. How can i prevent myself from going crazy, I'm even questioning my life, reality, and why I'm posting this question, HELP!
Additional DetailsAlso, I'm sweating like crazy and I have urges to rip off my clothes, which is never normal for me.Did imention i am so hyper, that i typed all of that in about 1 minute?I am not on drugs, nor have I ever been (besides advil and stuff) Nor have I ever drunk alchohol or smoked or anything like that.
Well .. U need to see eiether and endocrinologist or a psychiatrist or may be both.These symptoms are more likely of generalized anxiety disorder
Sound similar to Thyroid Storm. See a real doctor.
If you're getting wierd in the head, it's past time to head for the emergency department (US) or A%26E (UK).
Go and see a doctor. Rest up good. Get well.
go to a doctor! in the mean time cool yourself off, taking a cold shower.
but just go see a doctor!

Why You Want T o Be A Pharmacy Technician?

i used to be a pharmacy tech and i really liked it.
you count pills, you answer phones, you can answer some questions, you do drug inventory, i got to do some compounding (so fun). its a job thats not physically demanding and it pays decent, especially if you are nationally certified.
It does get hard sometimes in dealing with patients; if they can't get their medication for some valid reason (insurance expired prescription) they tend to get emotional and the situation can get heated. other than that i really loved being a pharm tech.
i dispense medications in a large insitution. i am not a pharmacy teck . i did tell a friend to try it and she did. she makes good money working in a hospitail pharmacy . she likes the work.
i cant really think of a reason to not do that job. a person might get bored counting pills i suppose but there is a bit more to it then that.
here in canada you dont need to have the course to work under the supervision of the pharmacist. some people i know do that as well. overall i would say that is a good light job for a person .
not much stress no lifting overall a pretty good job.
i suppose a person in a large pharmacy might have some concern about the exposer to the different chemicals in the air dust from pills and fumes from some other drugs but i think only a pregnant women might need worry about that. she could wear a mask if she wanted . so thats about it.
To be honest I got into pharmacy because it is a valuable part of health care...but you don't have to touch anyone.
I really enjoy challenging myself and I find that being a tech allows me to do that.

Why wouldn't someone who has a 4.0 GPA in pre-med and 41Q in the MCAT be accepted to med school?

I'm still a freshman in college and I'm taking med prereq classes and doing good, but what really scared me is that I was talking to someone who has just graduated from college and applied to several med schools but got rejected from them all, he sais that he had a 4.0 GPA and 42Q in the MCATs, why do you think he didn't get accepted?
Most medical schools are looking for a well-rounded applicant. If you spend all your time in your dorm room studying, your bedside manner will likely suffer. An interview will help determine this, but it isn't everything. In an interview, you are more or less prepared for what is going to happen, and the interviewer is controlling the situation. In a hospital, things are a little different: the situation is often unexpected and you are trying to control it. Success in things like research (critical thinking), student leadership (confidence, willingness to accept responsibility), volunteerism (compassion), even social organizations (comfort around others) play a role in the evaluation of candidates.GPA and MCAT scores are usually used to set a cutoff for reading your file. All of the other stuff then plays in to whether you get interviewed. The interview is the final cut. I have seen some great "paper" candidates who went to the bottom of the list after an interview, either because they were very poor communicators or were too arrogant about their own qualifications.Bottom line, if you spend the next couple years making yourself a well-rounded applicant and practice your interview skills you will likely have your choice of Medical Schools.As a side note: some schools weight your GPA based on your school. Candidates from large, competitive public universities with very difficult "weeder" courses that are designed to fail as many people as possible will sometimes get a boos to their GPA, those from some of the prestigious private schools that will never give anything less than a C get deflated. Not everyone does this, but it happens.
He might have blew the interview, or he may have applied to schools that were out of his league.
wrong skin color
Did your friend join pre-med AMSA, have any experience with research, get published, volunteer in a hospital, have a good application essay and personal statement... the list goes on and on. Getting good grades and testing well is easier than putting yourself out during college and getting as much experience as you can. That defines a stand-out candidate. Don't worry. Most of my friends who have applied and been accepted to med school did not have 4.0 GPAs. They were published in peer reviewed journals (get in touch with a professor needing research assistants... that is an AWESOME way to get involved), in the Greek system, officers of science and pre-med organizations, and tireless volunteers. Your experience and the way you interview is more important that you'd think.
There are other reasons such a personality and outside activities. I was lucky to get in with a much lowerer GPA.
I didn't have a 4.0GPA when i was accepted. Maybe it was his interview or perhaps, all the other applicants that had interviews, were better. Or maybe, he lied to you about his GPA and MCAT score.I honestly believe that the only reason why I got in was because of my determination and ambition. If you don't have both, and MORE, then you are in the wrong field. If you don't know why he was accepted to school, and he is your friend, then maybe you ought to take a good look at what you are getting into, before you go in too deep.
There are a great many more applicants to med school than there is room for them, so admissions committees look beyond mere grade point averages and the MCAT. They look at things like community service, involvement in school activities - even records of deportment ( did your buddy ever get busted for spitting on the sidewalk?)
The trick is to apply not just to the schools of your choice, but those located off shore, such as the one on the Island of Grenada...those are often easier to get into, cheaper - and they provide JUST as good a medical education as a place like Cornell Med, Columbia, Harvard or Yale. In fact, if I were to consider going back to complete my medical degree, those off shore universities are the ONLY ones I'd consider - and yes, classes are in English!

Why would you not resedate with Etomidate??

Why would you not want to resedate a patient with Etomidate??
actually, the adrenal suppression is more of a theoretical concern. you can use an etomidate infusion to keep people continuously sedated if you wanted to and it wouldn't cause any problems. the main reasons for not using it are:1. there are more cost-effective ways to provide continuous sedation because etomidate wears off quickly. you're better off using ativan or some other long-acting benzodiazepine.2. etomidate can decrease seizure threshold. meaning in people prone to have seizures, etomidate can cause them to have seizures.
Etomidate is generally used for rapid INITIAL induction of anesthesia, to knock them out, because it is very fast-acting, but has no analgesic (i.e. pain-numbing) properties, so it must be combined with other anesthetics/analgesics. You would not use it a second time to re-sedate because it causes serious adrenal suppression with a second dose, which is obviously undesirable. There are other options available that would do the same thing without the adrenal deficit, and you probably wouldn't need rapid induction for re-sedation either.

Why would someone with a vitamin A deficiency might have dim vision at night?

HELP...its confusing
The retina of the eye is composed of cones, which see colors and need a lot of light, and rods, which see black and white and need less light. Vitamin A is used to make the chemical that enables the rods in our eyes to see in lower light.
Because the rods and cones in the eye are affected by low retinol(vitamin A) amounts and night blindness results. The condition is reversible by consuming adequate retinol.
"vit A" = "retinol"retinol + NAD(+) = retinal + NADH + H(+), catalyzed by retinol, retinal is all-transretinal is ligated to proteins (opsins)
when light is absorbed, it switches to 11-cis retinal, which causes a structural change to the protein component -%26gt; ion flux -%26gt;... -%26gt;perception of light.
The substance or vitamin that helps you see in the dark better is called beta-carotene. Most foods that contain beta-carotene are orange and also contain Vitamin A.

Why would someone get rashes after gallbladder surgery, even several weeks later?

Your gallbladder holds bile acids, which can be really itchy when they build up in your body and get to the skin. They can also make your skin look yellow or green, ie jaundiced.The most common symptom after gallbladder removal is diarrhea. However, jaundice has been reported. Was this person jaundiced even before surgery? Immediately after surgery? Or at least a few days after surgery?If jaundice was present before surgery, this makes me think that a stone may have been obstructing the common bile duct, so s/he should have had an ERCP to remove the stone as well. Or it could be liver or bile duct disease, most of which--at the stage of presenting jaundice--is not easy to reverse.If jaundice occurred right after surgery, probably the anatomical change and/or inflammation has led to bile build-up in the body leading to the rash. This will probably settle once the body adapts and the inflammation settles.If jaundice started a few days to weeks after surgery, that's more concerning. Call your doctor.And if the person has had fevers or chills, has been vomiting, etc., definitely take that person to the Emergency Room.
Could it be a staph infection? You should probably get that looked at.
go to and then type in ur question.guudddddd luck:D

why would someone be changed from ranitidine to lansoprazole?

Ranitidine is a Histamine receptor blocker, similar to Benadryl or Claritine but with greater specificity to the H2 receptors in the stomach. It works by helping your stomach maintain its protective mucosal lining through secretion of bicarbonate and turning off inflammatory signals. It is a good first line drug, but in totality is not as effective as are the proton pump inhibitors such as lansoprazole. Proton pump inhibitors specifically block the hydrogen pump in your stomach responsible for the secretion of acid. This usually leads to better control of symptoms and allows for natural repair of the stomach wall by your own body. These drugs also normally have longer half-lives and so require less frequent daily dosages, and most patients do much better on them. It is standard medical protocol to switch patients from a H2 blocker to a proton pump inhibitor if they do not experience significant improvement or if symptoms are worsening.
Well, I was on ranitidine for many years, but since I have changed to lansoprazole, my life has changed so much, no more pain from acid reflux, I can't tell you how much better life is now! Quite simply it's a better product!
I absolutely agree with Greybear. my experience is exactly the same - lansoprazole is a far superior product compared to ranitidine.
Ranitidine is one of the earlier proton pump inhibitors (ppis) but the "prazole" drugs are more recent. They tend to be water sensitive but are still effective. Recent therapies for ulcers combine ppis with antibiotics to kill off helicobacter pylori which causes or exacerbates ulcers. Bismuth is also poisonous to h. pylori.
Rav hit the nail on the head. I am a pharmacist with 2 doctorates in pharmacy and 31 years of experience. Ranitidine is a H-2 blocker that is great for mild problems.
The proton pump inhibitor is far more effective in the long run.
They may take a little longer to bring relief but they are able to bring a greater degree of healing than any h-2 blockers.
(H-2 blockers include Tagamet (cimetidine) Zantac (ranitidine)
Axid, (nizanitine) Pepcid (famotidine).
PPI= Prilosec, Prevacid, Aciphex, etc.
H2 antihistamines like ranitidine are much less expensive but proton pump inhibitors like lansoprazole are a bit more effective, so if the former isn't working well enough it's a good idea to change. Though the percentage of people in whom they're effective isn't that great, if you're one of those people it can make a world of difference. And even though the percentages are small, the numbers are large.
The "ranitidine class" of drugs act to block the histamine-2 receptors. The "lansoprozole class" block the receptors of the cells responsible for stomach acid production. The latter are much more effective and will shut off acid production completely in the right dose to allow healing of ulcers, GERD, or any lesions that would not heal if stomach acid were present. Both classes of drugs arrive at the same result, but the latter are clearly superior.

Why would reticulocyte counts be increased in chronic blood loss, but decreased in Vitamin B12 deficiency?

Reticulocytes increase in blood loss as a compensatory measure. Reticulocytes are immature RBCs, so their presence reflects an attempt by the bone marrow to produce more RBCs (driven by EPO -- erythropoietin). B12 is required for DNA synthesis and cell division, so synthesis of RBCs would be impaired. In fact, with folate or B12 deficiencies, you may observe a macrocytic anemia -- few red blood cells of larger than normal size. In this situation, the RBCs can grow and produce hemoglobin, but they can't divide, so they just swell in size.
Retics are immature RBCs. If blood is chronically being lost, the bone marrow is constantly putting out RBC's. The marrow cannot make the mature ones fast enough and often sends out the retics to make up for the low count. I don't remember why it is low with B12 issues.I saw your other blood question too. What are you studying for?

why would i need to have a bone scan done after knee surgery? should I be worried?

They need a bone scan just to be safe. They need a before/after bone scan...It's like when you finish writing your paper and then go back and proofread it. No, you should definitely not be worried if the surgery was a success. The hard part is over. Anyways, good luck (as always)!
To See If Its Heeling The Right Way
They want to check to see how the bone density is for the surrounding bones.

why would i become a doctor?

In my Opinion, Definitely Not Money.
Because, you want to help people??
You would become a doctor to help people, to learn about medicines, about the human anatomy, and/or because that's the career you want to have.
To make lots of money. God knows doctors arent in it to be compassionate to their patients.
Become a doctor: it is an opportunity to do life long service in a profession, without having to retire! You have recognition, esteem in society, and good income, too! You have people around you all the time, you are in demand, you do feel wanted!
why would you ask us? Thats up to you to decide.
you would become a doctor so you can see all that genitalia.!! yeah bitches!... woop woop
If you don't know than better don't! :)
because it must give you some positive energy on your body and mind.
Because it's your passion
since you say "would" id say thats your call but if youd said "should", id say if you care about people you might want to help them when they have no one to help them with a medical problem kasi theres a serious shortage of good doctors, and an even more serious shortage of ones who care about human life and care enough to think outside the box to come up with difficult solutions to uncommon medical problems. most follow a cookbook solution written in a book ages ago, and are lost without it or if the problem isnt covered in a book. you may just be the one to write the next medical journal. if you have the capability and i assume you do kasi you are considering it, id say go for it. i wont bore you with talk about the fact that doctors tend to get very rich, kasi that is no reason to do it. if you go into it for money alone you wont be a good doctor and we have enough bad ones already.
why not? if you have the heart for it.. just keep in mind that prior to being a full-pledged doctor, you will be faced with lots and lots of trials like not being able to get enough sleep, tons and tons of readings, less social life.. so if you're still up for it, then go for it.. the smiles of patients is very rewarding after a day's work.. and knowing you've been a very big help in giving a person a new lease on you never stop learning..
u should ask urself instead of asking us, because u r thew only one who will ans this question
To spend long hours and money educating yourself to help heal others. I don't think money is a good reason unless you are committed to the profession.

why would i be sent to a rheumatologist?

I've been to 3 different doctors. The first to sent me to a rheumatologist. I saw the rheumatologist. He says I'm fine but come back if I have a symptoms . But I don't know what symptoms to look for. I can't get a straight answer from anyone. I know i was positive for two antibody tests one the doctor didn't explain the other was a GI problem and me being B12 deficient but my other bloodwork says my B12 levels are fine. My cholesterol is a little high. I can't get anyone to give me a straight answer and its frustrating. I've been online looking for why someone could be sent to a rheumatologist and there's a variety of answers. Any advice or insight would be welcomed.
Rheumatology considers a complex breadth of disorders that involve rather obscure mechanisms and etiologies -- that is, it's really difficult to pinpoint what causes them, and thus difficult to determine how to treat them. Most rheumatological disorders are considered to have an autoimmune component that mediates chronic processes of inflammation that may be episodic, or more recurrent. You were likely referred to a rheumatologist because you had symptoms that were consistent with a rheumatological disorder, and it's sometimes best to let a specialist handle those cases, since they are likely to be more familiar with treatment options and such. However, I'm disappointed to hear that no one has adequately explained your treatment plans and disorder to your satisfaction, because that should also always be a goal of primary care. I would request from your doctor that whatever procedure is being done be explained sufficiently to you, such that you have a good understanding of what everything means and why things are being performed.The antibodies you referred to might have been anti-nuclear antibodies, which is a common thing to look for in some rheumatological disorders.
Without more information, it's difficult to specifically answer your question. I can answer what most rheumatlogists specialize in treating.A rheumatologist is a specialist in arthritic and rheumatic diseases and conditions. Diseases diagnosed or managed by the rheumatologist include:rheumatoid arthritis
lupus erythematosus
Sj枚gren's syndrome
scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)
polymyalgia rheumatica
septic arthritis
gout, pseudogout
ankylosing spondylitis
reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome)
psoriatic arthropathy
enteropathic spondylitis
reactive arthropathy
polyarteritis nodosa
Henoch-Sch枚nlein purpura
serum sickness
Wegener's granulomatosis
giant cell arteritis
temporal arteritis
Takayasu's arteritis
Beh莽et's syndrome
Kawasaki's disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome)
Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)I hope this helps.Rick the Pharmacist
It sounds like your first doctor may have been a little too thorough. You don't mention the reason you started this journey through the minefields of medicine, but you must have had a large number of tests, and when that happens, there are almost always some positive tests even in healthy people. Deciding which are "true positives" and which are spurious findings is often a difficult clinical problem. If you went into this thinking tests were objective "either it is or it ain't" things, as most people think of them, then welcome to the much more complicated world of real medicine, in which skim milk masquerades as cream. I'm sure they'll let you know when they figure it out themselves, but things are often not as simple as we'd wish.
You wouldn't be the first person they couldn't diagnos right. But if you have pain from rheumatoid arthritis I would suggest you go to and look at the products. Especially PROTEC. If you do not have this condition protec will just make you feel better and build your immune system and help alleviate problems you might not even know you have yet. If you go to youtube you can search peoplesway and see some videos on the products.

Why would applying heat to a cut will benefit hemostasis (the stopage of blood flow to prevent chronic bleedin

You are most likely refering to electrocautery which is done in a few well defined circumstances: during surgery to control bleeding, during endoscopy (EGD or colonoscopy), for the treatment of epistaxis (nose bleeds), or for removing skin lesions. There are a few other cases where it's used, but it's pretty uncommon.For chronic bleeding in the colon or stomach an endoscope (flexible stick with a camera on the end) can be passed through the rectum or mouth (respectively), the lesion can be visually identified and the electrocautery used to coagulate (clot)the blood thermally (the exterme heat causes coagulation instantly) and seal the vessels leading into and out of the lesion.
because heat will help cauterize the wound and also thicken the blood to help it stop bleeding
Applying heat to a cut will enrich flow of blood. I don't think it can stop it though.
Prevent bleeding, use coagulants not heat ^_^.And I don't understand your question, please rephase it.
This is like cauterizing your wound- like warriors in the past used to do. The negative side to this is that it may cause ugly scaring, even though it stops the bleeding and heals the wound.
It won't, it will make bleeding worse, by bringing added blood flow to the area to try to cool the area, and not allow clotting to take place. I have worked as a RN in an ER and ICU for 12 years and never put heat, only ice on a bleeding wound. Unless you are going to burn the vessel ends closed. (cautery)

Why would a young person who is drug and alcohol free have a decline in mental function? As in, they used to?

have an excellent memory, but now can't memorize. Despite putting more effort into schoolwork, they can now barely pass when they used to be a straight A student without much effort. They constantly lose things and are very disorganized.
A (woefully incomplete) list of possible problems would include:metabolic/endocrine: hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia
psychiatric: depression, attention deficit, psychosis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
infectious: Epstein-Barr, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Reye's Syndrome, Syphilis
congenital: Kearns-Sayre Syndrome, Werner syndrome
toxins: drugs, alcohol, medications
autoimmune: Rasmussen's Encephalitis
trauma: Traumatic Brain InjuryAs you can see, based on this small sampling of potential problems, expert advice should be sought (i.e. see a physician/pediatrician). It is not a wise idea to try to figure this out on your'll read dozens of diseases that "fit you symptoms to a T"
This could be stress, depression, a learning disability or maybe just a lack of sleep. Try discussing specific changes with a doctor or guidance counselor.
You don't say how old this 'child' is. If he/she is a teen - there's a lot of hormonal stuff going on.. and it's all part of the growing process. All of a sudden, things become more important than school.. social life becomes number one...Of course, there can be real physiological problems - but if it's a teen - I'd give it some time.
maybe the skull growth has squashed the brain, as it slightly does to the eyes, making nerds appear everywhere, muahaha...jkProper sleep is needed in a quiet environment and keep the mind stimulated with thoughts and challenging things. Sleep enables us to repeat thoughts and remember them. We remember things by repeating them over and over again. I guess the young person has lost the enthusiasm as they once had as when they were a child. Stress must be handled as "good stress" ie. motivating stress, and "bad stress" ie. too much.
could be due to a number of reasons, such as decreased levels of thyroid hormone, lead poisoning, genetic abnormalities (ie. having turner syndrome), changes in diet (not getting proper nutrients), or just form being tired and burnt out!
Practice makes perfect. Practice memorizing, reciting, etc. You can retrain the brain even with the effects of aging-- unless there is some underlying medical issue.
the most common cause would be mental illness. schizophrenia or major depression. there's lots of other things that can cause those symptoms in a young person- drugs would have to be the top reason, but if you were to exclude that, then i'd have to say mental illness.

Why would a patient with a high fever weigh lighter?

Possibly because of dehydtration, and increased temperature consuming more calories than the person would otherwise
Water loss - dehydration from sweating out the fever. Water weighs a lot per gram.
High temp usually causes dehydration and loss of body water is probably the cause.

Why would a drug test b positive for Barbituates after taking antibiotics?

Is there any reason a drug test would be positive for barbituates after taking antibiotics? Could the combination of antibiotics and a local antistetic cause this??
As far as a screening test, many things can register as a false positive. Screening tests aren't designed to be a confirmation of barbiturates. Some folks are to cheap to follow it up with a confirmatory test. If you're certain you didn't take barbiturates, insist on a confirmatory test. Confirmatory tests are much more expensive, but rarely have false positives. Neither should register positive for Barbiturates in a confirmatory test.Local anesthetics contain no barbiturates. Certainly antibiotics don't.
no - but next time eat a poppy seed muffin for breakfast and you will pop hot as poppies are the source for ------.
The anesthetic might be a barbituate of some kind. The antibiotics have nothing to do with it.
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