Cancer is really a harsh problem, and it kills many people every day.I'm a researcher, and I'm trying to find a remedy to cure cancer. I'm researching on some natural can help me with your oppinions or information.
well what field are you anyway. Or are you just starting. Contact me if you need help or just collaboration
do research on peach pits.. the drug companies dont want a cure for cancer. a cure would end all the funds for exploratory drugs and gene therapies in their opinion causing a decline in profits
I supply wheat grass and it cures cancer. iam in india and noone believes me. the factory is bombay.
Cancer is a general term.. Since there are many forms of cancer, each behaves and acts diferently. Thus one cancer may react to radiation in one way that is benifical but it has no effect on another. Each cancer must be fought a separate battle. there is not any single miracle cure. continue your research , If nature created it.. then nature has a cure for it.
I believe that beta carotene and ascorbic acid are like a silver bullet to many detrimental conditions...this and wheat germ oil can bring positive changes to the human condition as these are all primary antioxidants in their most powerful form...yet when alcohol is introduced into physiology there's a chemical reaction that takes place that's quite unique...this might have a direct opposite effect of the combativeness of free radicals that induce cellular addition...there are herbological treatments already known that were designed to aid in healing the sick...books on the subject include the herb book, back to Eden, and many other texts...I have studied herbs up close and find that a threefold treatment could have a positive impact...the first would be an antibiotic treatment...the second would deal w/ the nature of the tissue in question...i.e. beneficial throat herbological extracts...the third attacks the illness itself...antibiotic herbs include don quai, garlic, chaparral, and juniper berries...some of these seem to be of moderate toxicity so great caution is advised...nonetheless...other herbs are not...clover...which is a good base for an herbal remedy is quite pleasant actually...there are many herbs...sage, butchers broom, liquorice, snake root, and lobelia are among some.much more can be learned through the above mentioned literature...These types of remedies in the right concourse with good nutrition and vitamin supplements along w/ refrain could be just the thing the doctor ordered...
I am a translator.The question you asked is beyong me.anyhow,I support your heroic behavior .and I hope you can achive your goal to find a proper medicine for cancer.God bless those who help themselves!.God also help those who help others in need.Good Luck!Since science to me is what Japanese and Chinese to,the only thing I can do is to say,thank you,dedicacted Doctor,becasue of you,many life have been saved from the hands of Satan and Demons .wish you luck
Because it's hard. You should know better than anyone. But I don't get the whole natural plants thing? How can some random plant come up with the precise chemical compound to fight something in human beings? I mean, you got Asprin, and what else? Figuring out a way for the human body to constantly fight cancer would be better. With nanobots or something like that?
Your view of medicine and cancer is very general.You have to look at medicine and cancer at a much deeper perspective and understand each.Cancer is like AIDS. While AIDS is caused by HIV. Cancer on the other hand is caused by cercenogenic chemicals that enduce cancer cells to speed development.Everyday, the hundreds of cells develops into cancer cells inside our body. Although we suffer from this, we can alleviate its development by leading a healthy lifestyle.Cancer can be genetic. Some people don't have a choice because they inherited it from their parents.Some cancers are caused by the environment risks. Like working in radioactive places. People exposed to radioactive contents.Knowledge therefore is the BEST cure for preventing cancer.By teaching people how to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid risks on their home and workplace.
This is becasue there are many types of cancer and each type of cancer is different. For example a small cell lung cancer cannot be treated by the same chemotherapy as a non-small cell lung cancer. Even for breast cancer, there are different types of cancers with different treatments. Some can be treated using an oestrogen blocker such as tamoxifen. However research has advanced and has with the advent of monoclonal antibodies, these can target particular receptors that are overexpressed in cancer, or particular proteins that are overexpressed. These includes herceptin( for breast cancer), Gleevac( for chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma) and Geftinib( aEGRF) receptor.
Medicine is BIG money. If all (most) of the canser patients were to be cured by a one time medicine how much money will be lost by the big corperations ???
there is so much money in not finding a cure,The big pharmaceutical,Dr, play a big roll in this.
look at phytoeotrogens...!? good luck...! i'm a researcher too - people aren't sitting on their backsides about cancer - please read the literature... anyway good to see your heartfelt enthusiasm...good luck again!
well, what you are doing is nice, but tell us about what lines you are working on, the reason why it is difficult to cure cancer, is because first of all it's a genetic abnormality, it is not some infection that you acquire and a broad spectrum antibiotic would cure it, secondly cancer cells are very similar to the normal cells any drug that kills cancer cells would also kill normal cells, like for example take Methotrexate, it has serious side effects, that is why radiation etc are used to kill targeted cancer cells, and metastasis that is also an important complication, in come cases it is even difficult to diagnose the cancer , because of paraneoplastic syndromes, which might mimic other diseases, so tell me about what lines you re working on, we would like to hear
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